The #52 post is up as promised! As for those of you commenting on the Free App Hero post (an app from the app store) that is NOT my app. Just clearing things up
With Bat and Canadian gone this thread has no comments. Face it or not, that guy was the best thing that happened to your thread.
I don't care much for this photoshopped large obnoxious images to tell me what the best new free games are to download. Is there another thread which displays the same filtered information in a neat fast clean textbased layout? I used to check this everyday.. not anymore...
There has been mixed reviews about the new setup but they have all mostly been good. Thanks for your feedback but I really don't see how its much harder to just scroll a tiny bit and click a link...
A Free App Landslide Day is at hand.. FYI: There are a bunch of impressive free games coming up today, including Driver, Cops & Robbers and Mega Bloks, among others. Considering the relative drought of good ones of late, this would be a great time to do a new update, lol.
Yeah, I'm on level 62 and the aliens haven't even reached my fence yet. I've cleared the last 10 without looking at the screen. So easy it's barely a game at all.
has this thread died? Two pretty decent freebies today on FAAD, and Openfeint. The FAAD one -Anger of stick-Friend, is well worth a try for something different- kind of Beat 'em up as a stickman. Openfeint one- Whack 'N Roll. Has bags of polish, and quality:
SUBRATS HD is LIVE on the App Store for FREE! Hi Everyone, The White Shoe Media Team proudly announces that Subrats HD, a completely revised version with HD graphics for iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPad 2, and 4th Gen iPod, was released today. It's available for FREE! We are especially proud of the iPad version that provides a whole new gaming experience. Your reviews, ratings, and suggestions will be highly appreciated. Best, The White Shoe Media Team