This is getting completely out of hands. No more OT discussion in this thread. We have a dedicated thread for that.
Thank you SuperMan, I really hope you realize that if personal information of myself keeps getting posted on this thread I will close the thread and head off of TouchArcade to another forum. (That means Bat and Canadian stop with the junk posts). Another post will be coming tonight.
I'm seriously just flat out banning anyone who continues to shit post in this thread. I know you guys think that you're hilarious but the fact of the matter is people like free games and QuantumDuck, as silly as he is, is doing a hell of a lot more for the TA forum community than most people. Continually crapping up this thread is just causing a massive headache for the mods.
Thanks Hodapp! You are the man! Do you mind "stickying" this post, I've been trying to get it stuck to the top of the forums since post #1...Im now working on post #46.
Post #47 is up! Please leave comments on the apps! P.S. I didnt mean to spell doodle screw wrong but I was tired when I compiled this post.
Hey everyone! Post 49 is out! You should check it out...comments are the only thing that is going to keep motivated and posting more. If you want me to stay I need comments!
The 50th post is up!!! I didn't realize it until I posted but the second app has gone back to being paid. Sorry guys, anyways Pulse makes up for it! Enjoy the app and please please please leave comments, its the 50th post, shouldn't this thread be stickied by now?
Agreed, it definitely deserves to be stickied after this much work. And Pulse is a great app; if you need a replacement for Synth Racing, Super Laser is still free, and I can vouch for it being an impressive shoot-em-up.
Alright haha Ill take your word. I have repeatedly asked for this thread to be stickied and unfortunately Hodapp either hasnt seen it or is just ignoring it.
Post #51 is up!! I would love some comments! HODAPP IF YOU READ THIS PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE STICKY THE FREEAPPMAN POST! Ive been at it for over 50 posts I think I deserve a sticky Thanks!