Sorry for the delay everyone. My courses just started giving a lot of homework today so I had to rigorously work on that most of the morning and then I had to go back and do two more courses this afternoon. However, since I am the FreeAppMan I will still post apps for today and Im caught up now so tomorrow you will have free apps when you expect them to be. Thanks for your patience, except for you Burton
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily free apps, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from apps that are paid.
I like the little play on the Lord's Prayer but I really don't like to be thought of as God theres only one who may hold that position! Anyways, Hodapp if you read this can you please change my display name to FreeAppMan and sticky this post perhaps? Many thanks!
Were going to go about this in a different way with me having so much homework lately. I will list the apps so you can look them up but you will have to wait for a description and review. Over the weekend I will be back on regular schedule. Free apps (the best): CrazyTest Destroy9
Hey everyone I hope you like my new quick reviews! Strait and to the point just how most of you like it. Anyways the best free apps today are Cooking academy and Blastination. They will be up later today!
Hey QuantumDuck, Have you ever thought about making a blog? It might be easier to maintain, and you could link to it in your forum signature.
hey quantum duck could u just list the free apps for and on the top of your post everyday? That way I just check here, get the free apps from the websites and your other free apps
I have actually thought about it a lot Im just not sure I would get enough views for the site to really be worth it. I would want my own domain and I cant ask for any party favors to help cover the cost here so if you think I should get my own blog and domain leave a comment below!!!! Also, Im resuming my normal time at least for tonight and on Saturday night at about 12AM (Sat and Sun early morning) so I wont be doing a formal update for today. However I will recommend Flakboy, a fun destruction game for anyone who likes major mayhem. So whether you watch me tonight or wake up to the post in the morning check back to get some awesome free apps! PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU THINK IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA TO GET A DOMAIN NAME WITH A BLOG AND POST ALL OF THIS THERE! Thanks!
If you want a blog, just use a free gmail account. Personally, I think your present method is fine. You could also abandon this thread and start a new one every time you have some new apps to recommend.
Free App Man my love, Part of the forum rules is not self promoting different sites, so while it may seem like a good idea to register a .tk domain... posting it here is technically against the rules even though it just links back here. Thanks, The Management
Sorry about that hodapp, I didn't really think it was considered a different site since it was this very forum thread but either way no more promoting that will come from me. Stay tuned around 12AM or in the morning for another great selection of free apps!
The new apps are up, maybe more coming soon so leave a comment and check back to this post later. Also, I hit senior member status (100 posts) woo hoo!