My ipod "talks" out every icon i click. So if i click on "Edge" it says "Edge". To activate an application, i need to double tap it. And no app ever works after activating. I can't even scroll across screens by swiping at it. And I can't seem to get my ipod to work normally. I hard booted it, but didnt help. Anyone ever face this? and how do i get the ipod normal again?
never heard of it. there might be another way, but restoring your ipod should work. I'd save that for plan.. y. right in front plan z: getting a new one.
na... not a new one... not before itouch 5... and that's going to compete with psp... though i am more in favour of iTouch. But heck this problem's weird... i will probably start googling in some time.
Sounds to me like you have probably turned on some visual impaired settings somewhere I'd have a look through settings or do a google search on it.
Yes I did! a spectacularly non-intuitive feature. I did try double finger swiping... but it turns out that you need three fingers to swipe.