Open for business! Open businesses awaiting clients! Mojo used quickly when available. Plus+ = se99jmk
All the cool people have my permission to add me Never had any friends with this kind of thing before so hopefully I get some connections. Plus + = BuryBrutal
Mein Name is GourmetZocker, but you can call me GourmetZocker. Add me, or I'll kill a cute little baby Kitten!
Add me: kostyan5 Always business open. I have all fancy businesses (including 3 dragon layers and griffin's nest) as well as many tailor shops.
I have an absolute ton of shops that need ordering from, including wizards towers and windmills etc. - add me and order guys! ID: Ciaran88
My ID is mytza77 and i have a few shops opened for business so far so feel free to add me to your kingdom