We got a Bakery! We got a Windmill! We got a Pond, a School, a Lumber Mill, a Guild Hall and a Mine! We even have a Tailor's Shop! That's right folks! We even got a single, solitary Tailor Shop! How do we do it? Probably the same way you are! Come on down and see our crazy selection and insane prices! Free nothing with purchase! Kids under 12 eat free! Plus+ thesupercoolfoo
Got a pond, 2 mining camps, and all 3 of my tailor shops open! Plus+ is twogcasereviews Feel free to add me!
Just Finished 2 Mines and 2 tailer shops. I always deliver, and I'll be adding more as fast as I can. Plus+ = Onlyflame
I've got some high gold/XP shops open... and I always make sure I deliver. 1 Pond 1 Tavern 1 Windmill 1 Butcher Shop 1 Mining Camp 1 School House 1 Stable 1 Candlestick Shop 1 Tailor SHop
My shops are plentiful but empty. Help me toucharcade.com- you're my only hope! Don't worry, I always deliver. plus+: s0mah ^^^^^^^^^ That's a zero.
Please add me torontoballers Hi all. Great game. I have shops open for business and no one is ordering. Please add me. I'm on all the time and I have mojo saved up for leveling so you may get paid right away. Thanks Torontoballers
Looks like ordering is back up. I just got about 20 or 30 orders at once. Come fill up the rest of my, god knows how many, shops with orders. EDIT: LOL, wth. I guess I'm still having problems placing orders at other kingdoms.