Add me: savbuss Shops available: Dragons Nests: 8 Griffins Nests: 4 Prisons: 2 Broomstick Shops: 2 Candlestick Shops: 1 Watchtowers: 1 Wizards Towers: 4 Brewery: 4 Bakery: 3 Tailor Shops: 7 Guild Halls: 3 Stables: 3 Sword Shops:1 Barns: 2 School House: 1
Please add me capecodpi, plenty of open businesses, level 15 and I check game throughout the day. Also I will add you and buy from anyone who buys from me. Thanks.
2 accounts for sale Name: Cevie61. Level: 28. Shops: 30 dragon lairs and 10 other shops. over 450000 credits and 23 mojo. every shop is always full with an order. you can send your bid to atalar_1991 @yahoo. com. the highest bid at 15/06/2010 will get the account. ( current highest bid is 100$) 2nd account from my dad. Name: Turan6161. Level:30. Full with dragon lairs. more than 22 000 mojo's. Send your bid to atalar_1991@ ( this bid will end on 20/06/2010) Turan6161 is in TOP 10
Hi! Please add RS200 and my girlfriend Anso Both level 30 with lots of Dragon's Lairs, Griffin Nests and Prisons. We play a heck of a lot and really would only want people that take the game quite serious and check several times a day. Orders are *always* followed by us adding you as friends and a visit / order in your realm. Loyalty is always rewarded Doesn't matter what level you are, just so long as you love We Rule thanks :-D
how do I open my shops? I have a few shops but I don't know how to open them. Can anyone help me. id+ mrsgerbs 2 mines 1 logging 1 butcher 1 bakery 1 tailor 1 windmil 1 school 1 lake
Aj67184 Several shops open. Going to expand at lvl 25 and add Dragon Lairs and Griffin's Nests. Everyone is welcome. Plus+: AJ67184 PS: I'll be lvl 25 soon. Always on every hour.
Help! I messed up big time by deleting my new Jewerly store by accident. I feel so dumb; could you all come to my aid and buy from my stores so I can afford a new Jewery store? Thanks User Id : chaskelly
Check out my kingdom Please visit my kingdom, and I will most certainly visit yours . I have 5 shops open and I shall build lots more with your help! My id is isparkle55 Many thanks