So much open! I have just one person who regularly patronizes my businesses. Currently open... 1 Dragon Lair 1 griffin nest 1 magic emporium 1 candlestick shop 3 guard towers 2 bakeries 2 taverns 1 blacksmith 1 butcher shop 2 stables 1 wizard tower 1 mine 1 school house 2 tailor shop 1 lumber yard 1 pond Add me "mandata".
Shops (In two kingdoms I have shops available in my We Rule Red kingdom (Level 19) named: ParanDirk 3 tailors 1 windmill 1 mine 1 watch tower 1 butcher 2 blacksmith 1 magic emporium 1 tavern 1 candlestick shop 1 Griffin's nest 1 bakery 1 school 1 pond I will be adding more in a few days ahead. I also have just started another kingdom (Level 8) for We Rule named: Courtableau Off-topic: I've noticed I've been getting Push Notifications for everything since the "Red" update: purchases from customers, products that are ready for delivery, AND crops ready for harvesting! I hope this trend continues to work. On-topic: So please stop by and place an order and scratch your back too! Thank you.
I don't have too many people visiting my kingdom, not that there's much in there anyway, but if anyone's interested in adding me, I'm using the same username for my plus account in WR
I get new followers every day, but just hit 20 and added 3 new top end shops, so figured I'd put my name on the list again. I am just putting down griffon's to use the mojo, but I am pretty much only putting down taverns until 25. Taverns have one of the highest XP/Gold payout per minute and are a nice balance of length. I have 12 taverns so far. Plus+ Texrob
Hi can you guys do me a favour and order some stuff from my wife? Thanks her plus username is: Purplesoapsuds Cheers!
ayachan94 HEY i have so many open stores right now visit me i wont delay in delivering >.< my plus id is ayachan94
Hi, I'm active/reliable and only like active/reliable friends ^^ Have 13 Dragon Lairs, 6 Griffin nests, and one of everything else, with more coming! :O Plus+: Stephanie808
+id StriderJames level 25, 10 open Dragon Lairs Plus id is StriderJames I have 2 full rows the length on my kingdom filled with dragon lairs and have started a third. I have 4 griffins nests, 3 rows of tailor shops and about 15 mining camps, along with 1 of everything else. I always have open tailor shops and mining camps at about 50% open on everything else. I accept and deliver orders promptly since I dont have a real life to keep me occupied. Add me as a friend and see for yourself.
Add me:Rub1X - level 22 35 shops, I'm hardly ever completely full, multiples of nearly every different type of shop...
Always connected and checking shops I just started a kingdom so please add me: Plus+: Calvito I play via my iPhone so: 1) I always have the game with me 2) I always have my iPhone turned on to know when an order arrives or is ready for delivery 3) I am always connected to a network (3G) so I can fill and deliver orders lickity split! Plus+: Calvito
UberRopium Add me please, I'm a obsessed freak that will not stop until level 30 so I will take all orders and deliver on time. Recent Updates: My town, has 8 Tailor Shops, 2 Mining Camps and 1 Lumber Mill. Added 24 Straw Cottages. Added a School House and 8 Orange Groves. Added a Pond. Added a Barn and a Butcher Shop... no coincidence there then! Plans: Place a Windmill near the Barn. Put a Stables and a Guild Hall Near the Barn along with possibly a Blacksmith Shop. Place a Tavern near Houses. Level: 17 Last update: 7th of May 2010 Plus+: UberRopium
chvchv Add me: chvchv Lot's of open shops. I never fail to deliver. And I have the biggest looking castle of all times. Who can beat it?
add me im level 29 almost 30 with 16 dragon roosts and 5 griffins and when i hit level 30 im gonna expand greatly! i check app whenever there is an order. plenty of shops open! i am building 2 prisons and 6 more dragon roosts. almost level 30 then will build a lot more! add me u wont regret it! plus name - shidokan57
Add me: kustum only level 19 but got plenty of shops and an upcoming prison I'm on regularly to add any orders thanx