More Dragon's Lairs and taverns than tailors! Level 24, always online, check out the shops: ID: nanpin
Stop on by! We have lots of open shops and we'd like to visit your kingdom too ID : Bartley111 ID: fouxdufafames
A variety of shops, not just tailor shops We place lots of orders to anyone who adds us. Candlestick shop, magic emporium, griffin's nest, and dragon's lair - not just a kingdom of tailor shops. Level 22 and 19. laoocean electronaut59
Lots of open shops, come order something Please! Level 22 ATM wanna get to level 25! username: tadunne Thanks in advance!
Hey, just got We Rule recently and I don't har many shops yet but hopefully on the future, add Andeh6, thanks
Hey all, 2 new magic emporiums open, as well as numerous other shops - taverns, etc. Stop by! ID: Boondoggler
No one is buying from my shops anymore, I think most of the ones that used to left this game. I'm lvl 19, I'm usually logged in once a day, lvl 19. ID: fallqvist
tons of tailor shops open 1 guild hall 1 wizards tower 1 griffin's nest 4 magic emporiums The tailor shops are being slowly replaced by magic emporiums so check back often id - mrWizRd
Geez people, check your shops! I have two shops open at the moment, and wanting to use some mojo, first NINE in get instant money. I know they are just tailor shops, but I will turn your slot around instantly, so act now! TexRob
Lots of Open Shops (Plus+ name: vaeric) ADD ME: vaeric I don't have too many visitors to my shops. I have at least one of every store allowed for users up to level 19. Add me as a Plus+ friend and I'll add you and visit your shops too!
I still have 9 mojo, just waiting to turn around these tailors back to back to back. If someone wants all 9, just have to be quick. Texrob
Over 140 shops! (and growing) I have over 140 shops, so plenty good chance of an open shop. My latest editions are loads of Windmills (gives you about 2x the total cash and xp of a tailor shop) and loads of Watch Towers (gives you about 3x the total cash and xp of a tailor shop). If you hold my kingdom real close to your face you can actually feel the breeze from all the windmills. Soothing on a hot day. Plus+: BaldOne
I didn't realize the 30 limit was for incoming and outgoing combined? I have a few slots open now if anyone wants instant XP/gold, ready to burn some mojo here. Texrob
Add me - Lots of open shops I have lots of open shops ready to take orders! Plus+ username: wearyofitall