We rule-- Shops open Hi all, I have a few open shops as of 12:07pm PST butcher, magic emporium, guild hall and northern bakery. My school is also open. And lumber mill. Please come and buy! plus id: pearl78
Many Shops Open Come and visit --- use some of my many artisans who await your arrival!! lumber mill, Griffin eggs, candle shop, watch towers (2), butcher, magic emporium, guild hall (2) and bakery, wizard, school, tailor (2). plus id: tuta
Level 22, tons of shops. There is rarely a tavern without a space! Come for the beer, stay for the fun! ID: Nanpin
Add me: OOquanta just accidantly sold a watch tower due to lag, but will be reconstructing it again later so my set of 4 watch towers will be complete. Please come by, I have bunches of high end shops, will be building a dragon's cave soon, once I acquire the funds. Currently have a guild hall, windmill, tailor, and stables open. edit: and watch tower too
i have always open some shops + have 5 griffins (3 are open right now) also spend some mojo sometimes plus+: t0panka
i have a bunch of shops open also. im level 25 have 16 dragon lairs and 4 gryphons and building more each day. add me shidokan57 on plus+
hello guys! what do i have to do when it asks me to dd a friend who is open for business etc? i don't know the game yet! help me!!!!
actually i just placed an order for 2000 gowns on a friend. What did i just do by doing that? can someone explain please? thanks
Over 60 shops!! (and growing) I have over 60 shops, most are always open. I don't build roads, trees, or big frogs, I just build shops. Right now I am focusing on Tailor Shops, once i get a better income via more buyers then I will diversify to other shop types. So if you are looking for OPEN SHOPS, I guarantee I have some. Plus+ name: BaldOne
Over 80 Shops! (and growing) Yesterday I posted i had 60+ shops (see post above). Well, today I have 80+ shops. Come visit, most are always open. Plus+: BaldOne