Tons of shops open! BossRevenge Add me and we shall rule together I have plenty of shops open all the time I check every afternoon on week days and all the time on weekends! plus+ BossRevenge
I believe there is a combined hard cap of 30 shops from which you can buy from someone and sell to someone. After you hit the cap, even if you have open shops or someone else has open shops you will not be able to buy from them. Similarly, if someone else has open shops and have hit the cap then you will not be able to buy from them - even though it may say their shops are open. Add me: excalibre I'm level 21 and have a fair few shops vacant.
Hey all, I downloaded this game not too long ago, so I don't have many shops open yet. But, I'd appreciate you stopping by! I'll also visit your shops when I can (more often during the day on weekdays). ID: Boondoggler
Am I bugged? Can someone help me out? I am an active level 21 player with a whole bunch of shops (not ridiculous amounts... I like to make my kingdom look aesthetically pleasing as well). However, in the earlier days when I was a lower level, I had a lot of people getting orders from me. However, for the past few levels, I have had no customers and am forced to sell the wares by themselves. So what I am asking means for people to add me (name is paintchipkid) and kindly post if I am bugged or something. Thank you all!
Lots if shops and no customers... Geocampbell and Shanac looking for shoppers please come by and order some hot dogs or drinks or what have you. Thank you in advance.
shops open no customers I got 6 tailors a schoolhouse, lumber mill, windmill and mining camp. Plus+ ID: XeroBlaze
Open shops. mill, schoolhouses, windmill, mining camp, stable, wizard tower, butcher, guild hall, bakery. Hurry up before werule down again..