Add me Plus+ ID: pavvo I have many shops open including a candlestick maker, magic emporium, watchtower and soon a gryphon and dragon aviary I never leave a shop unattended
My Plus+ ID is: EnderWiggins Over 40 shops most are open atm, & i check frequently so your orders will get filled asap feel free to add me my Plus+ ID is: EnderWiggins "Fear is the mind killer, I will face my fear, I will let it pass through me, only I will remain"
ID: perdidodf Just started, but I got like 5 tailors, a mining and a pond, all empty... Will use mojo (Though I´m kinda low on it right now) on customers that return the favor (kerochan and nonforma have earned VIP customer status already).. Never missed a delivery, and will only not use the mojo to speed it up if I´m out..
Lots of shops - hope the bug stays away! Add DavidNYC! Lots of shops open (although from the dropoff in orders over the last few days I think that bug that makes your stores appear closed might be hitting me). Have at least one of every shop except the Dragon and pretty much all are open now. If you try and find nothing open - let me know so I can figure out if I do have this bug. +Plus: DavidNYC
Actively playing Sort of gotten addicted to this. Trying not to Taylor spam, so building out some other stuff now too. I usually have a couple of shops open. Plus +: pelted
My Plus+ ID is: EnderWiggins Would someone mind checking my kingdom and telling me whether or not i'm temporarily bugged I have several high end shops available like the candlestick shop, stables, etc. thank you in advance