Still about 20 shops open and just constructed a new Bakery. Please visit my kingdom and order. Delivery fast and furious Plus+ ID: kerochan
I have 2 windmills, mining camp, guild hall, school,lumber mill, butcher and pond open right now. plus+ is cthibault
3 shops open now, just bought 75 mojo for incoming orders. Checking often. Plus+: nonforma EDIT: 3-4 shops open on average, still have 55 mojo, got my iPad sitting here while I work, order turnaround pretty fast. Going to lunch in about 30 mins.
Got a lot of adds from this thanks guys! Still have 5-6 shops opened at all times on average. Also please add Tempestbeauty She has 10 opened shops right now Plus ID: Tempestbeauty
Open for business! Hi All I have LOADS of shops all open for business. Just add me as a neighbour, click on my kingdom, then order some stuff!! plus id: timkal
10 Plus Shoppes Open That would be the Old English for Shops. I have some Mojo to spend too. Id is Zofran See you there!
Plus ID- Gottimafia always have shops open, at the worst tailors, and I've never failed to deliver an order