I have a few tailor shops open will most likely get accepted/delivered between 3pm and 10 pm and around 7-7:20 am. So far no missed deliveries. Plus+: wttwoa
Just starting off but will be expanding quickly with your patronage. Business + Socks + ... = Profit Me: Dukat111
I've got a fair bit of shops open too: - 2 x watch towers - 1 x tavern - 1 x windmill - 1 x tailor shop - 1 x magic emporium - 1 x wizards tower - 1 x lumber mill - 1 x guild hall - 1 x school house - 1 x butcher shop - 1 x bakery All are welcome!
13+ shops open, and counting. Definatly willing to use my Mojo =) add me, so i can request things from your shops as well. Im on 24/7. Plus+ id: Mtnman (orange block smiley as picture) Add my friend as well:Wrobelll
9x DRAGON NEST, 4x DRAGON LAIR tailor,tavern, school, 2x guild, 2 windmills, 2 butchers, stables, Magic Epo.... are opens I use Mojo most of the time ^^ . Order whole day! Find me at: volcaniclove
Hi everyone, you can add my wife too. She has mining, tailor and a school open with more on the way. I have a mining, school, tailor, lumber, and pond open. Her plus+: kthibault mine is : cthibault
Open tailor shops ready to accept business. I have about 8 open right now with more coming with time. Plus id is in my Sig. Pleasure doing business