No plans for a bundle, sorry. Note that there are no new characters in 1.3 - all the new features apply to all the characters. Currently the first 8 characters cover all the available belief systems, so you'll get to experience nearly all the new stuff even if you only have the original characters from v1.1. Re: roguelike - the game is not intended for everyone; games targeted at "everyone" are actually targeted at some "low middle" (on some dimension) to try to appeal to the most people. WazHack isn't even intended to appeal to most people, but to people who like roguelikes of the NetHack tradition. It's not for everyone, but neither is Candy Crush Saga.
I tried to buy the new characters and got an error message saying that feature is currently unavailable
I have bought the evil wizard, hunter, fighter, and rogue packs. I love this game it's super frustrating but so fun I keep coming back. Great update I was so happy when I hatched three little baby kobolds out of the violet eggs I found
I've bought the first ipa fighter, but I still can not pass 300 feet, it ask me to unlock the char. I also tried to recover purchase and buy it again, but both of them didn't work.
That's weird I have never had problems with purchases or restoring them. What device and iOS are you using?
Occasionally people report a problem like this, but I've never worked out any pattern to it (and it works for many people every day, so it's not widespread). When you go to Options/Store, does it show the prices correctly (that confirms it's correctly connecting to the App Store)? Does your purchase show up correctly there (class pairs you've purchased should have a big green tick rather than a buy/price button)? Things that have worked for other people: * Press the "Recover..." button. * Make sure you're logged into the same AppleID account that you bought the character. * Uninstall, reinstall (and "Recover..." button). You lose game progress doing this though. I've particularly noticed it happening for people when they upgrade an iOS version, but not consistently. Note that it's impossible for you to accidentally buy the same class twice with the same AppleID - that is prevented at the App Store (the purchases are associated with your account, not your device), so trying to buy the class again (after confirming you're logged in with the same account) should give an error message from the App Store before any confirmation to buy. What happened for you when you tried to buy it again?
When I go to the store in option it still shows the price after I purchased. I tried to buy it again, it told me I've already bought it and I could got it for free. Then I confirmed and it shows purchase successful, but I still can't pass 300 feet and store still show the price not the green tick. I also tried log out and log in, uninstall and reinstall, then recover, but none of them worked. I also noticed there are 2 other reviews complained about this bug in AppStore, and it all happened in 2014 after v1.2.
@WazWaz: I also tried re-purchase the ipa for knight when he reached the end of free dungeon. Then the AppStore told me purchase was successful, but the game still asked me to unlock the fighters when I tried to go deep. I also found when I try to recover it would take 3 to 5 mins, but it still doesn't work after that. After I recover or purchase the ipa, all buttons in the store in option become grey: They still show the price of ipa, but all of them are not responding, include the recover button. After I quit app and re-enter it, they are responding, but they still show the price, not the green tick.
I found the problem: I must use American IP (by using vpn) to purchase or recover, otherwise I can not get the ipa even appstore shows purchase was successful.
Thanks for posting the solution - that's good to know, it may help others; certainly Apple cares about which country Store you buy from (yet another annoying thing about these walled gardens, oh well) when it comes to store items - the logic of the transaction is stored with Apple, not with the game. -- Waz
Some environment textures on the roof of cave are lost in my iPad air 2, ios 9.3.1: they become hexagonal black tiles. But it didn't happen on my iPhone 5, ios 7.0.1. It's weird.
Absolutely one of the best on iOS! Admittedly this game is cut from the same unforgiving cloth of the classic ASCII dungeon crawls but thats part of the charm. I think the visuals of WazHack make the game much more immersive and inviting on iOS compared to the top down dungeon crawls that Ive played.
New Update! 10th Anniversary Remaster This new version adds a new side-quest near to the top of the dungeon, so even new players get to play it or at least walk in and get eaten by a grue! It also uses a completely new engine version, improving visuals and support for the latest hardware.
Good fun, I only wish it supported some sort of local scoring. As far as I can tell, your score from each run can get posted to the main Wazhack site, but nothing is stored locally.
Was very excited to jump in and check out the new update! I've been steadily playing this game over the years, loving it more and more. I have to say, the visual are muddier now? Seems more pixelated and at a lower resolution. Also, WHY did you take it upon yourself to hide half the UI elements? Used to be able to go right to books, right to potions, right to food, etc. Now there is an additional step to get to each of those, and from what i can tell, no options to change that whatsoever. Dev: Explain how adding a step to something the user will be doing over and over is an "improvement."