Universal WazHack (by Warwick Allison)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by strivemind, May 7, 2013.

  1. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    While the talents available are similar, I disagree that hunters are an equally good choice for a melee fighter. There are significant differences, and there are even significant differences between the Warrior and Valkyrie.

    Str 12-18, Dex 8-13, Con 11-13, Int 5-9, Wis 7-11, Cha 16-18

    Str 13-17, Dex 10-16, Con 7-15, Int 8-10, Wis 8-10, Cha 8-14

    Str 8-14, Dex 14-18, Con 9-15, Int 6-9, Wis 8-12, Cha 11-14

    While the hunters have good Dex and Con to provide survivability, they lack the Str needed for high melee damage and the ability to carry very heavy weapons and armor. I'm not sure why hunters have higher Con potential than warriors. That doesn't seem to make sense. The Valkyrie seems to be a sort of jack of all trades with slightly less max Str than the warrior but Dex and Con potential closer to the hunters.

    As for talents, all 4 classes share Gastronomy, First Aid, Weapon Knowledge, Weapon Precision, and Nightmare mode. The differences are as follows:

    Warrior: Dual Weild, Shield Parry, Commerce, Courage.

    Valkyrie: Dual Weild, Shield Parry, Dweomery, Fury.

    Hunter: Beast Mastery, Dweomery, Courage, Mycology.

    Huntress: Beast Mastery, Dweomery, Commerce, Mycology.

    So the Hunters also lack two of the most significant melee talents, dual wielding and shield parry. In addition the weapon precision talent works best with ranged, two handed or dual wielded weapons. Hunters don't have the talent for dual, and don't have the Str for many two handed weapons (unless you don't want to carry much else or don't mind being encumbered), so that skill is wasted if you make them melee focused.

    In addition, as you said, though I think this is the least significant difference, they have different starting skills:
    Warrior - Sword 1
    Valkyrie - Axe 1 and Club 1
    Huntsman/Huntress - Bow 1
  2. WazWaz

    WazWaz Active Member

    May 8, 2013
    #202 WazWaz, May 18, 2013
    Last edited: May 18, 2013
    Feel free to comment on whether I'm exaggerating the lack of convergence when you have played enough times ;). The convergence problem is caused by having too deep a dungeon (as you say, long) for the number of item types, such that after a certain depth you will have found everything. After a few ascensions, I stopped playing past the castle in nethack, because after getting the WoW, the game was identical - indeed, the WoW is 3 big coffin nails in that.

    WazHack is not as long as nethack or angband (are they 'modern roguelikes'?) and it will certainly still benefit from more item types, and more skills will also reinforce early-game choices, but that's the big advantage of actively developed games: version 1.2 will stir up the possibilities again in a few months. I started going over my ever-growing list of ideas and pulling together a cohesive set just today, and I'm getting excited about it already - do keep the 1.1 bug reports coming in though, I won't be fully on 1.2 for another few weeks.

    Mostly for the practical reason that it can boost their carrying capacity, but the game logic of it is that he is a rugged woodsman surviving on rabbit stew, while the knight has spent far too many years poncing around his king's castle looking pretty and eating fine foods.
  3. pheriannath

    pheriannath Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2012
    #203 pheriannath, May 18, 2013
    Last edited: May 18, 2013
    Now I think I know what you're talking about! I literally laughed out long and hard when it happened to my mighty, nigh-invincible (so I thought) sorcerer!

    Does 'Always observe the right of way' describe it better? ;)

    (P.S. when I said 'nigh-invincible' I probably meant it. He was wielding a +3 fiery greatsword, had about eight spells in his repertoire, and was leading an entire adventuring party - a black cat, a large boxer, a large labrador and a white witch. I'm pretty sure I had a good chance of going much deeper than 1000 ft, especially if I managed to get an offensive spell other than Lightning. I don't really feel that bitter about his death though - it was great, great fun :D)
  4. DaviddesJ

    DaviddesJ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 19, 2010
    Burlingame CA
    Well, of course it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy because only the people who are pleased enough with the variety play the game enough times to have that informed opinion. But we'll see. I don't think you need an inordinate variety of items to make replaying interesting (I did play hundreds and hundreds of games of Rogue 5.2, winning many, many times). But you do need to feel that decisions and events make a difference, that you aren't just going to end up in a similar place at the end. The endgame of Angband, for example, is pretty much always the same. I'm not sure that's a function of length as much as a decision to have a specific conclusion that always plays out pretty much the same.
  5. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    Summon undead is a really powerful spell. They attack the vendors, but it doesnt turn them hostile against you.

    Of course, having an army of pets is only A+ if you have a way to get the kills, otherwise you dont get the XP AFAIK.
  6. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    One thing I noticed that is odd, is that the Light staff actually lowered my chance to cast Light spells (I'm evil). Not related to bonus level. I get that the light staff might not help me cast light spells, but it seems a little weird that it actually lowers my casting ability for them.
  7. Mfox76

    Mfox76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2010
    This game is awesome, and I'll go out on a limb and say it, best game on iOS ever..Waz you are an evil genius , with the emphasis on evil...on a sadistic scale of 1-10, this game Is a a conservative 12! Honestly, I've never had so much fun having my ass handed to me in so many unique and creative ways....thank you for brining it over to iPhone and I wish you mad success!
  8. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    #208 Vovin, May 19, 2013
    Last edited: May 19, 2013

    Very nice dev, enthusiastic folks, a new rogue-like... but I don't get into the game. Tried 5-6 times now, but I just can't get into it. It doesn't click.
    A pity, since most people love it. I have no explanation, 'cause normally I love rogue-likes.
    Maybe there isn't an explanation. Oh well. *sigh*
  9. bigred447uk

    bigred447uk Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    #209 bigred447uk, May 19, 2013
    Last edited: May 19, 2013
    Did you try playing Wizard ? I wasn't so gripped with the Knight but once I started playing Wizard I could not stop. Once you get past 300' and get some decent spells and wands I find myself really getting attached to my character.


    I've put some game tips for Wizard below that some may consider spoilers. I'm not saying they are the best tips in the world but some may say they are spoilers. ..........

    My tactics are to load a point in literacy first then 3 in Deutronomy so you can find out if your loot is cursed or not. I use scrolls and potions as I find them in the early part of the game to build up my knowledge base. Don't equip any item until you know if its cursed or not. Also don't go dipping unidentified weapons in the fountains you find in case they are cursed and end up stuck in your hand. As soon as Deutronomy is maxed increase your mana regen next. If you find a nice useful offensive spell like magic missile early on it can be game changing. Rest often and try to eat regularly before your food starts rotting. Also with Wizard you get a wand of magic missile to start the game to get you out of sticky situations until your character gets beefed up a bit.

    I'm consistently playing a lawful good wizard with int / wis / con / health at the max for the class. I wasn't aware when I first got the game that you can tap your points in the character select screen and redistribute at will within certain class defined limits. Eg. The Wizard can have max 8 Str, and I always make sure I max this because 6 Str means you can hardly carry anything.

    Also don't pick up any weapons or gear that you're not going use. For wizard leave all weapons apart from wands / staffs / daggers. Leave all heavy armour / melee weapons / bows & arrows etc. If you take everything you churn through food more quickly and end up badly over-encumbered. Let your cat finish off battles if you are low on health. Cat is useful as she hisses at cursed items before you pick them up. Collect class specific cursed items like robes or wands though as you may get the spell or scrolls of remove curse or find the merchant who will id and bless your items for gold.

    Edit : pls take these tips with a pinch of salt because I've never actually got deeper than 773' or got my Wizard beyond lvl 9 ! There may be / probably are more valid approaches that I am not aware of.

    I've played well over 50 games with Wizard so far and I can't see myself stopping and trying another class anytime soon. I'm having much fun with this. I learn something new about the game every time I play.

    I hope you try Wizard and that it hits the mark with you if haven't already. If you have and it hasn't clicked with you like it has me then oh well. We can't all like the same stuff or the forums would be a lot duller than they are now !

    Best wishes :D
  10. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    #210 Bytebrain, May 19, 2013
    Last edited: May 19, 2013
    Also Spoiler Alert:

    Don't use points on Deuteronomy early on, as you can give items to your pet instead. It will drop items that are cursed, leaving you free to spend points elsewhere.
    Later on Deuteronomy will become usefull, as your pet will almost certainly die at some point.
  11. pheriannath

    pheriannath Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2012
    #211 pheriannath, May 19, 2013
    Last edited: May 19, 2013
    I totally understand how you feel, though my commitment is to the Sorcerer rather than the Wizard. ;)

    I love sorcerers and the many, many potions they begin the game with. With enough creativity, potions have the potential to change your approach to the game and reverse entire battles.

    Feature request: I'd like to see alchemy play a larger role in the game. We already have the ability to:
    - Quaff potions
    - Feed our pets with potions
    - Throw potions at friends and foes alike
    - Pour potions on any item in our inventory

    Imagine if we could do the following:
    - Poison weapons by pouring the appropriate potions onto them
    - Transform potions with Mycology (potion + a certain combination of mushrooms = different potion)
    - Reverse potion effects with Mycology (examples in mind: potion of gravity (anti-levitation) to prevent jumping and climb ladders slower or not at all, potion of sanity (anti-hallucination), potion of clarity (anti-confusion), potion of satiation & hunger, potion of rust (anti-oil, an obvious usage is for locks though there are many other offensive uses), potion of lose ability (fun!)...the list goes on)
    - Give potions to non-pet NPCs (a specific case in mind is offering booze to dwarves as a peace offering, though possibly we could bribe other NPCs with sufficient charm)

    Alchemy would have a bright future with this game :)
  12. deejayjaw

    deejayjaw Member

    May 14, 2013
    I think you got it now. I felt pretty invincible myself. My white witch had an amazing staff, great spells (identify, teleport, magic missile). I haven't had the guts to delve too much into monster wrangling myself just yet. It was just so random. It was fun though.

    I definitely think the magic classes are the way to go, more things to do to get out of a jam.
  13. bigred447uk

    bigred447uk Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    Awesome tip thx ! Feel daft for not thinking of this !
  14. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Yes opt for Leviticus instead :p

    In all seriousness though, I still take Dweomery early sometimes because
    it can tell you the degree of enchantment and blessedness of items, which your pet can't do, and it also seems to reveal food quality when it runs out of items to assess.
  15. Mookmonster

    Mookmonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    Congrats to the dev, this an excellent rogue-like.

    Took awhile to grow on me, but man its got me now.

    So question:

    I use the White Witch, the one who starts off with lightning. Once I upgrade lightning to the next level, it start to hit multiple enemies at once, which usually includes my cat. Any way to aim the lightning so that it doesnt hit my cat? I feel bad zapping her all the time :(

    Also, how do i charge my staff with a spell? It seems the game takes my mana, but it always says I have to hold the staff longer. Been holding it forever and no charge seems to hold :(
  16. bigred447uk

    bigred447uk Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    Update is out with fixed multiplayer.

    Trouble is it says I need to upgrade my characters (free) to play m/player. When I try to update it doesn't seem to work.

    Anybody got any clue on how to get Multiplayer working ? If anybody can work out how to add me I'm 'Parvizal' in game !
  17. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    I haven't tried it myself, but according to the help page, you need to register in a Guild before you can use the multiplayer feature.
  18. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    I think you just need to only use lightning from a distance and with your pet behind you,
    and hope you find a lot of offensive spellbooks...

    I can't workout how to charge staffs either.
  19. bigred447uk

    bigred447uk Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    Yes but it goes on to say that registering a guild is done by buying the game which I have done (all 4 class pairs).

    In the app it says I have to upgrade my purchases (free) to play multiplayer. I press upgrade and put in my iTunes password and it looks like its updating for a few seconds. Then if I press multiplayer again it just tells me I need to upgrade my purchases again ....

    Can anybody shed any light on this issue ?

    I really want to play some coop or competitive play. Once I work out how to get going with it my only problem will be the seeming lack of interest for the multiplayer aspect as no-one else appears to be interested in this feature !

    Oh well ! Lol

    Edit : Parvizal is my in game name if anyone wants to try add me to a multiplayer game.
  20. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    #220 Royce, May 20, 2013
    Last edited: May 20, 2013
    I think the last necessary step is adding friends. I'll try adding Parvizal.

    Yeah that seemed to work. I know have the New Game option under multiplayer.

    I just registered my name (Royce), upgraded for free by entering my iTunes password (once for each IAP I believe) and added another player to my list.

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