Insta-buy for me!! As soon as I got the notification from Touch Arcade that Wayward Souls has been released!
Man. These controls are just not doing what I want. Anyone got tips on the swipe controls? It seems like when I swipe it just does a random move to be honest
Games absolutely amazing! It's hard, and I love it. So can you equip the hats from a page? Or does buying the game 1st week just allow you to earn them ingame. Like I just got one after defeating a large room of enemies, found it in a chest. I assume I was suppose to get the early adopter hats rights away. Seems to be a bug
You equip the hats from a pause menu. There's no 'buying' of hats. Looking into the early buyer bonus stuff. We did a little tweak to how the check works, maybe that will help? Not sure what you mean darnoc. It's a flick down versus a flick up versus tapping/holding.
I didn't mean buying them lol I meant buying the game first week. Ah okay I see the hats menu, only have the one I found. & controls are spot on! Not sure why the person above is having trouble.
I'm having trouble with the swipe controls on my iPad 2, can't figure out if I'm swiping too slow or too little, I can't get the powers to work consistently. On my iPhone 5S they're ok.
Just small notions guys, don't forget certain powers are limited. As per your standard powers. It's just up or down. Very simple. Don't crazy swipes just nice clean ups or downs or taps. & how will we obtain our early adopter hats since there's a bug?
We need to tweak this I think. On iPad you have to flick instead of swipe. We should support both, so no one gets confused.
I haven't been able to get the early buyer hats either, have tried airplane mode and reconnecting/wifi vs lte, closing app etc, no hats available. I've tried on both my iPad mini 32gb wifi and iPhone 5 64gb AT&T, if any of those details help you out, oh and also they're jailbroken, one on iOS7.whatever and one on iOS6.something Also a small issue that was fixed by closing the app, clicked the share button after the intro section and closed the window that came up, but when it took me to character select it was all stretched out into portrait mode, not a problem since it was fixed by a simple app close and restart, but figured it's worth mentioning.
Oh I see, now I can consistently use my powers on the iPad I was confused because any soft swipe would make me use them on the phone but now I can play normally on my iPad too.
The controls are definitely a sticky issue. I would have preferred an option for virtual buttons to activate the powers and one attack button, three buttons aren't that many. The movement controls also need a sensitivity slider, require too much movement on iPads.
Also, just wanted to mention this game is so much harder and more fun than I was expecting, even after reading the whole upcoming games thread on it all the way through and watching all the gameplay. I really didn't expect to get such a rush from it, and the fact it happens is so awesome, it really reminds me of getting leaderboard scores on super quickhook or topping the scoreboard after a match on CoD vs all max prestiges, like if you mess up even slightly you are so screwed, but when you mess up and COME BACK from it you feel just clutch as all hell. Really happy with this and after the massive amounts of hype that've been building in me for years now it really exceeds my expectations and that is so so great. Awesome job Kepa and Rocketcat, I hope it makes you rich beyond your wildest dreams
In the pause menu, it would be cool if there was a caption telling you what the skills/attributes are when you press on it.
are the hats for people that buy it the first week? if we don't have them is there a way to get them?
So upset. I have $5.21 on the App Store, and it says "insufficient credits remaining" when I try to buy Wayward Souls. Saddest day ever.
Does anyone know how many floors there are per dungeon? Also who's everyone's favorite character? Thanks!
Found a slight bug. If you flip your screen under options, then go to Game Center the window is upside down.
Didn't help for me. I deleted and reinstalled to see if that worked. Still nada. Also, great game. It's a perfect fit for what I was looking for in a game right now.