I’m having the same problem. It’s like the wave is cycling, but very slowly. I’ll try to report it to the dev — clearly there’s an issue there.
Never happened to me until this morning. Sounds like all three of us are having the same problem. For me I’d get past a wave and then there’d be nothing on screen, even when flying all the way to the top to try and speed it up. Eventually things started appearing but it didn’t seem quite right.
I reached out to them through their Wix Space — let’s see what they say. I also invited them to this thread .
Ya this is exactly what happens to me. Take a long time sometimes. Hoping we get a fix soon!! Thanks @squarezero
You can get in touch with them on Discord as well (invite in the credits within the game). Having the same issues as you guys. No enemies spawn after wave 25, enemies running on the side of the screen only where I can’t reach them, my progress not syncing between devices etc. Also the iPhone’s notch is not taken into consideration because there are menus on the left behind it, round corners are also cut. Unfortunately I’m exhausted from work during the whole weekend so I really can’t deal with it atm. If there are no fixes in the next couple of days I’ll reach out to the devs on discord as it seems to be the quickest way. All the issues aside, I’m having a blast with this game. It has these Geometry Wars 3 vibes mixed with Beat Hazzard, which is a great combination. I’m looking forward to sink some serious time in to it. EDIT: it’s kinda close up there
So I got passed round 25 earlier. Didn’t have a good score but there was a boss at the end of 25 I beat him and went on to around wave 28
So I love this game but the glitch is really bothering me. It happens randomly. I just went to play again and It happened to me on wave 18 and I had to quit. Then I was having a great game with over 900k and it happened on wave 29. Anyways leaderboards are more fun now lol. But I really hope we get a fix soon. Would love to see wha we can do without the glitch. It makes me lose my specials and takes forever for enemies to come. Not to mention to can’t really get many more points once it happens or of course advance any further. We really need a fix ASAP!!
I love this game but I hate that I still have yet to really finish a round lol ahhhh! I hope we get a fix before I don’t want to play anymore. Which can happen anytime fast or not on iOS. You never know… Anyways for now you guys got a some work to do. It’s only a little bit. Could have been worse lol. @macplash @Anotherkellydown @squarezero
Any response? I’d hate to see the game stay in its current state, unfixed. That wave cycling glitch happens randomly and it just ruins all the possible fun. I’m currently at this point that I just keep thinking when the glitch happens during the gameplay knowing it eventually will happen anyway. I just want a carefree gameplay chasing those high scores. And I’d love to have it sooner rather than later. Or at least a promise of incoming fix to keep me calm. Just to know the devs are aware of it and actually care.
Hello, I am the developer for Wavecade. My name is Andrew, a game developer based in Melbourne, Australia. Thanks to Jose for letting me know I have a fanbase I didn't even know about! I am happy to answer your questions, if I don't reply here, you can go to the discord server we have for Wavecade, I am more responsive there: https://discord.gg/3Bw5cpksP5
We have received reports on all platforms of one particular bug where the next wave doesn't start, it is being investigated and will be fixed in the next update (v1.3.1) as a high priority along with other bug fixes.
GOOD NEWS! I have identified the source of the main bug where waves aren't starting and a fix will definitely be in the next update.
While you’re at it, could you make some adjustments to UI (customize menu specifically) with iPhone’s notch in mind? Currently the only way to solve the obstruction is to turn the phone upside down, which is supported luckily but doesn’t feel right. Also with iPhone 12 and above, there are some cuts and overlaps in the corners since on these models they’re much more rounded. These are nothing groundbreaking, more of QoL improvement requests. It’d be highly appreciated. Just so you know, everything’s perfect on my iPad. Visually and UI-wise. So, yeah.