WARNING X Explicit Language X See what this awful dev wrote me

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Lavender, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Lavender

    Lavender Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2013
    United States
    #1 Lavender, Oct 17, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
    I hope I posted this in the correct section!

    hi all. Not too sure what to do about this. Thank you for reading.

    Something occurred that shook me up a bit. And; admittedly, surprised me some as well. It always surprises me when someone has so much anger or something so trivial.

    I was over in one of the reddit app forums.
    The app section I posted in is only for price drops ( sales), promo codes, and apps gone free. It is not a place for freemium or apps that have iap's to make them free. (ie: unlock or ad removal) sometimes a dev or other user will post an app with these type of iap's. And; no one really minds it so much as long as it's mentioned or disclosed in the post. A lot of times the moderators will delete the post anyway.

    Here goes: User name: MyShakiness posted info about the following game:
    Color Blind: the Game. Developer: Matthew Raftery

    He listed it as "Now Free." (Note: the iap for ad removal is for only .99 cents. More then reasonable. Most of you know I have no problem with an iap for ad removal. But that's not the point here)

    Those of you that know me, know that I am honest and that I always try to be kind and respectful.

    To let others know, including the poster; I posted in the thread: "iad removal - .99 cents." (And who cares. Other people post this kind of thing all the time. ) Someone else posted afterwards. Then I posted again. look at first pic to see the posts. Including one from user name: 'Snatcoapps'.
    After looking at the app info & dev website, I found that the dev's company is 'Snatco.'

    Close to the same time..
    Following is what the original poster; myshakiness sent to me, by PM.


    WOW..... right? I did report the messages to Reddit. All they did was delete the messages.

    This user (myshakiness) has posted other apps made by Matthew Raftery of Snatco. And; some of the posts state "I made this." So I know that both user names are the same person/developer.
    I think I should let the mods know that the user is both names. I found another complaint from someone else where he has sent hateful stuff to as well. I am not the first. But... Is there anything else I should do? Should I be worried at all?
    Thank you for listening/reading.
  2. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    Ignore him. It's easy to say I know, but it's the best thing you do, whatever you do, do not engage with him. I don't use reddit but if possible, block or ban him. I'm assuming by the use of his lovely mysoginistic language he knows you're female? I know men and women get shit online, but often when it's a woman, it's rape threats (I've had one if those before) and being called sluts and slags etc, all for disagreeing with a man on the internet.

    Honestly, if he can't handle a woman (or anyone) saying there's a 99p Iap purchase in his game without calling them a slut then he shouldn't be anywhere near a keyboard and I've noted the name because there is no way in hell I will give someone who thinks messages like that are ok.

    If there's any chance he has you're personal info give you're local police station a call, not sure how it works in the US but here they would log it. I've had rape threats from some idiot who didn't like me telling him something he was saying was scientifically incorrect. I know how scary it can be, but ignoring and reporting are the best options ime, but I doubt that he will actually act on anything he says. He's a coward who acts brave behind a screen. Try not to give him too much headspace.
  3. DeNappa

    DeNappa Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    That's a giveaway, seeing the reddit username Lavender seems to be using is Lavender-Girl ;). Also, I don't see any rape threats in those screenies. They're still beyond reason, tho.

    Anyway, it appears to be 'internet tough guy'-talk, so unless he keeps stalking you i think your best bet is to ignore him. You could of course talk back, but it would be pointless. The only way of 'winning' against folks like these is just not to play their game.
  4. TheOutlander

    TheOutlander Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    Yeah, it's sure just a buff, I honestly doubt that he'll go any further, thanks in part due to the fact that Lavander didn't replied (really smart move TBH), however I suggest to keep it like that, don't reply, usually this guys just attack by random and rarely attack twice.
  5. RHess00

    RHess00 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 28, 2012
    I completely agree with this. Probably wouldn't have the guts to even look you in the eye if you saw him on the street, much less speak to you like that. I don't know how reddit works but I would let someone know about the guy having two user names and block him if it's possible. Then try to forget he ever existed.
  6. Lavender

    Lavender Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2013
    United States
    Thank you all for your responses and advice. I truly appreciate it.

    No worries... I have not and will not respond to this person. I was a little surprised by it, I believe.

    I had reported the messages through the handy dandy 'report' button.
    I also wrote a message to one of the moderators, letting them know that the two usernames were the same person. (Thanks RHess00)

    Consider it let go. If he chooses to harass me in any way, I will then write to admin and possibly also Apple.

    One good thing came out of it. I was able to come here and ask questions and received support. Thank you.
    Also, you all know this person's name and what type of person they are.

    Take care.
    And thank you again!
  7. Jakeopp

    Jakeopp Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2012
    Yeah totally uncalled for there, but that's the Internet for ya unfortunately...People say some lousy stuff when un-moderated. Just ignore them/report them if possible and move on.
  8. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    Ignore him.
    Ignoring those trolls hurts them usually most, because then want to be heard and upset or annoy people.
    If you don't react, they will go on.
  9. Teknikal

    Teknikal Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Belfast N Ireland
    What I'd do personally is hit him where it hurts with an iTunes review to cost him downloads, granted this will probably escalate it if you mention the reddit post.

    I'm actually surprised the mods on reddit did nothing they are pretty fond of shadow banning people for the slightest thing lately I tend to double check my account anytime I say anything even slightly controversial and stay away from certain discussions altogether.
  10. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    I didn't say there was rape threats in the messages to Lavender, (I also couldn't see her username properly as it's tiny on my screen) i was referring to my own experiences online, which sadly is more common than it should be, I said women often get them or other gendered insults like slut directed at them when holding an opinion or disagreeing with people online, I've had them myself over pointing out someone's mistake, and I know many women who've had similar over the trivial of issues, it's fine to disagree with someone, and like I said, I know men recieved nasty messages too, I've just never seen the amount of sexual partners a man may or may not have had used as an insult in such a way. (Not saying it doesn't happen btw) I was just kind of wondering why people think it's ok to call a woman a slut,I can't think of any circumstances where it's appropriate, because even if a woman chooses to sleep with as many people as she chooses, it's no one else's concern but hers. Someone using such language loses any respect from me.

    This guy is a moron, with casual use of mysoginist language thrown in too. I agree with you it's a tough guy act, most people who send this kind of stuff would never ever dream of saying such things to a persons face.
  11. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    I don't know about moron, but he's clearly a bully. In fact, he's been using our reporting system to threaten legal action against TA, claiming that we are aiding and abetting slander by not deleting this thread. Oh, and he also claims to be a lawyer, which is priceless.

    Can't speak to what Eli or the other admininstrators are going to do about it. But I have no intention of deleting this thread. As far as I'm concerned, it's not slander if you embarrass yourself.
  12. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    #12 Vovin, Oct 18, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2015

    Ok, then this is the time for us to give him some honest (!) iTunesreviews for his apps? ;)
    There's a difference between us ignoring him and going on and him actually starting to bully touchArcade or its community.
  13. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout

    LOL at him claiming to be a lawyer. Lawyers usually know what slander is, this guy clearly doesn't :)

    I'd not be suprised if this thread goes poof as it happened on another site, but the people shouldn't be suprised that if he speaks to customers like that on an ios gaming thread, that people will warn members on other ios gaming sites. The more I think on it the more I see how silly it is, if youre trying to make it on the AppStore, being vile to (potential) customers isn't wise really.
  14. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    He seems to have gotten the images deleted I assume, as they're marked as either having been moved or deleted.

    I'm not into crucifying anyone, but the way this guy wrote was above and beyond deserving some fallout.
  15. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    This dude is going on a holy war to get all traces of this removed, including contacting our hosting provider.
  16. slamraman

    slamraman Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Aug 27, 2011
    man - i see that the images have gone from the original post, but I do always wonder what goes through people's heads when they type and then send stuff like that. Proper sad stuff. I do hope he has some humility and apologises to Lavender properly.
  17. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    That's the thing, I'd have no problem nuking this thread if there was some kind of amicable conclusion here where the dude apologized to Lavender and it wasn't an issue anymore...But this whole going totally nuclear thing really only makes this whole thing more damning. I just totally can't get behind the "I ####ed up now must cover it up" mentality versus "I ####ed up, I'm going to own up to it, and apologize" right thing to do.
  18. Nekko

    Nekko Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2014
    Even if this stuff does get covered up, there is still a decent chance at least 1 person took screenshots of the pictures or something.
  19. qdiddy

    qdiddy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2014
    Ooh, I always love a little drama in my TA. Lurking for resolution.
  20. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    Exactly, I genuinely can't get my around it either, I've messed up plenty, I've offended people without realising, (never spoken to anyone like this dev has though), and the first thing I do when it's pointed out is apologise and mean it. This guys livelihood could depend on his reputation (going on his " need to eat" comment), he's messed all that up by being a jerk, and rather than fix it like a mature adult, he's thrown his toys out of the pram, by trying to have the thread removed he's saying he's not sorry, he just doesn't want people to see what he's really like. He embarrassed himself further in my opinion.

    He sounds like the type who will blame Lavender for sharing his messages, or TA for not removing the thread for any negative impact this all has on him, rather than look at his own behaviour.

    Thankfully he's the in the minority, he's massively outnumbered by brilliant kind devs.

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