Warhammer Quest 2: The End Times

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by RodeoBenjamin, Mar 22, 2017.

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  1. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Co-op would be a cool feature for later, as mentioned having to select a single team member from your band would be the best way to do it

    Thinking long term it might be cool to also eventually allow players to take on the Chaos role a bit like in D&D, either just as a one off dungeon (so the player has a finite number of enemies to place throughout the dungeon) for the AI or other players to try and defeat, maybe even with a dungeon editor to generate your own dungeons
  2. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    In a hypotetic future DLC (Perchang has already A TON in their hands so I'm glad they want to focus on awesome single player experience first and foremost), assuming multiplayer is async...playing co op a whole campaign seems unlikely...even only because it would be super long and would take ages.

    BUT....the idea of taking one of my heroes and hop in with 1-2 friends on a raid or a special mp co op dungeon, a boss fight or something like that (maybe with a minor but consistent little story thrown in) is great imho.

    Actually it's something I always dreamed about the original WHQ and then Deathwatch (where versus made more sense)...inspired by the daily/weekly quests of Hunters 2.

    I would love (and pay for) something like 'monthly quests'....where I could use one of my heroes together with some friends' ones to do some dungeon crawling.
    Reward could be a particular item, or a cool weapon..anything not too powerful not to break balance (items would carry over in the single player).

    Dungeons wouldn't have to be too long not to take real life months to play through via async, a small story tidbits to connect them to the main campaign or the world in general....and go!

    Heck...it could be a game on its own.

    Co op dungeon crawling in the world of Warhammer.

    Actually, while we are at it....I would LOVE something in the vein of hunters 2 daily contracts in WHQ even for single player.
    I would pay even a yearly fee to access all of this.
  3. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    re multiplayer:
    I assume the same 4-man party setup as in WHQ1.
    If everyone plays at most 2 chars, async doesn't look feasible: the turns are just too short. So, for that variant, it pretty much has to be realtime. Hard to cover all eventualities, like players having to quit or losing connection; but doable, I'd say.

    For async, a dungeon race is worth a thought:
    Goal in the middle, with two or more mirrored branches. Each team enters on one side. And whoever reaches the goal first, gets the main prize. Minor ones for the others, in order of arrival.

    Also, if the power distribution is roughly the same as in 1, deathmatch doesn't look good: whoever goes first, pretty much wins. Could be somewhat sidestepped by a larger arena, where you need a turn or two to maneuver into range. But still *really* to get right, I say.
  4. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    As an avid async gamer (in all genres) I don't think it's not feasible.
    On the contrary short turns are a god send.

    The huge difference here is that you would probably play with people you 'know' so you can coordinate and plan sessions.
    It's not a typical async digital boardgame where you can take 2-3 turns per day...won't work here as you said.
    So it would be almost 'realtime' in that sense...but with the convenience of async that covers a ton of cases....from loss of connectivity to kids screaming etc...etc....
    Whoever played Talisman with friends knows what I mean.

    I played a similar concept long ago....can't remember the name of the game (was extensively covered here on Toucharcade).
    Execution left a lot to be desired unfortunately...but I had a ton of fun with 3 friends nonetheless.
    We played the whole campaign several times, all async, despite the bugs which in the end killed the game future.

    Also, I was lucky enough to play the multiplayer Deathwatch beta.
    It was versus but was AWESOME and we almost played every dungeon realtime (dungeons were small arenas).
    It was compact but really awesome (sorry Ben, I don't want to put salt in bruises here).
    The game actually automatically switched from async to realtime seamlessly if both where online(I think it was a Gamecenter feature)...I can see the same here.
    Turn sequence is the same.
    It really works....and you play with your friends for a big chunk of time till someone has to go or is interrupted.

    Goes without saying that this game won't work with random people taking a turn per day.

    Still...it could be EPIC.
    Like playing a real dungeon crawler like Silver Tower or Shadow over Hammeral, but on iPad and with your friends scattered all over the world.

    It's so meaty I see this more like a potential sequel/spin off more than a DLC.

    The idea of the dungeon race is really awesome too.
    I'm not a competitive guy but the idea seems a lot of fun.
  5. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    New FREAKING AWESOME screenshots are out!!!!
  6. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    Hello all, apologies for my absence over the last week. We've been putting together a playable demo for this weekend's Warhammer Fest in Coventry (England). Dark Elf Sorceress and Empire Captain fighting side by side in a Beastmen infested dungeon... it's pretty cool!

    Allow me to make it up to you with some screenshots... ;)






  7. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    #167 Pitta, May 25, 2017
    Last edited: May 25, 2017
    Absolutely GLORIOUS.

    Now of course....questions!!!!

    But first....FOR THE LOVE OF SIGMAR....please take a video of the demo and upload it asap!!!
    I know GW is very picky approving stuff etc...at the very least have someone passing by take a video of you playing!!!! :p

    1) First, I realize my mind has been programmed in 'Warhammer Quest' mode.
    As soon as I saw the screenshots I started to count the steps everywhere, noticing very cool obstacles and such.
    So mentally calculating line of sight and AP needed, especially near those narrow passages.
    Drooling already about the strategic possibilities.

    2) No shortage of beastman I see :)

    3) First screenshot....does the empire captain hold a torch???
    If yes, AWESOME.
    Does it have any special pourpose?

    4) Second screenshot.
    Is it my imagination or fog is coming out from the river, Deathwatch style? Pure awesomeness.
    I guess the tentacles are static...but you never know.

    5) the runes in the caves....I'm a sucker for these details,...I bet lighting is different moving the camera, WHQ 1 style. (Spent hours moving the camera just to see the golden runes being illuminated).

    6) 4 screenshot.
    Magic effect....SUPER COOL.
    Also....in the left room....is there a magical effect going on? Like ice or something?

    7) 5 screenshot.
    Nice room layout....forced narrow places and many spots for ambushes.
    What are those 4 crosses on the ground? Area effect target pointer?

    8) 6 screenshot.
    Looks more like a diorama from Warhammer World than a videogame screenshot.

    Absolutely loving what you shared today...many thanks.
    The wait just got even more painful tough.


    (Thanks!!! :)
  8. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Looks amazing! Add my request for seeing it in action!

    Thinking about the animations, will there be more than in the original Warhammer quest? They were very well done, but essentially the same, it would be neat to see a few more variations to the animations (hacks/slashes/parries?) than there were before
  9. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    A whole dungeon is playable at Warhammer Fest in Coventry and apparently one guy made it through it (Perchang posted a pic on twitter).

    So envious....I wish I was able to attend.

    Going to local Games Workshop to feel less lonely :p
  10. AlphaTodd

    AlphaTodd Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2017
  11. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    Hi all, back and recovered from working the weekend up in Coventry. Lots of attempts at the demo dungeon. Only three managed it in the end!! One of which was the lead writer on Total Warhammer!

    To answer your questions then...

    @stelph, there are lots more animations this time, because of the nature of the weapons. Each weapon does crushing piercing or slashing damage. They also do between one and three strikes. So a three strike crushing anim (one handed hammer), looks quite different to a one strike piercing anim (spear). The system also allows us to create more "reliable" weapons, and not just swing once and hope like the original Quest.

    @Pitta, yep, it's all pretty tactical. Lots of people at the weekend making appropriate use of cover and line of sight mechanics. Also fire. They loved setting fire to things. Which brings us to...

    So, yes, the Empire Captain has a torch. He can use it to hit enemies.... which will set them on fire.... and the ground they are standing on. The ground will continue to burn, setting fire to anything moving through it. This means you can create funnels and block areas off. Of course, some enemies may just hate you enough to run through the fire!

    There's fog, yes. We also have a bunch of other particle effects. Unity is pretty amazing for that.

    Not a magic effect in that room (well, not player made anyway), it's actually a call back to one of the original WQ rooms. Bonus points for anyone who can name which one!

    Those markers on the ground are the exit point for the dungeon.

    Thanks for all the kind words you lot. We'll hopefully have a video to share with you all soon!
  12. Kevd

    Kevd Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Most anticipated game of the year! Super stoked for some more WHQ!
  13. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Holy Sigmar this is glorious.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to update us, every update is better than the previous one.

    I do remember the tile (I may be wrong but something similar was in the Rodeo WHQ too, maybe less 'icy')..but I can't connect it to a particular target room (in your WHQ, maybe it was in one of the final dungeons?).

    I found on youtube every possibile Warhammer Fest video...sometimes they briefly walked in the video games area where the booth was I guess (I saw the End of Times logo several times)....unfotunately no one took the time to properly stop by.
    Only one I saw stopping by, but only in the Dawn of War booth, was the very own GW Duncan.

    Can't wait to see/know more....the strategic component sounds strong and fun.
  14. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Sounding good, I love extra strategic options it's never a bad thing. I'm surprised only 3 people could beat it though, usually I just wing it with everything and change my strategy on the fly and it works nearly all of the time.
  15. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    This. This is my number 1 strategy in all strategy games.

    Any more rid bits of information you want to share Ben.....
  16. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I always do it in chess too and I've never lost a game yet because people have no idea what play I'm going for and can't predict what I'll do.
  17. dalbertson

    dalbertson Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011

    Came here to find out more about this! One of my favorite games on any console, I'm trying to get in one last play through before ios 11 hits but if it gets updated that would be awesome.

    Really looking forward to The End Times.
  18. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Earlier in the thread it was mentioned Rodeo are looking to update it.

    Agree am very excited about The End Times - games like this are making it harder to hold onto my Switch when iOS has many more games that I am excited about like this one
  19. nkx

    nkx Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2015
    Not sure if answered but will the original game be updated for 64 bit???
  20. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    .... I literally just answered this question in the previous post :p

    But to quote -

    @MacrosTheBlack, Rodeo Games are looking into updating WQ1 for 64-bit support.

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