Warhammer Quest 2: The End Times

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by RodeoBenjamin, Mar 22, 2017.

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  1. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    Goood morning all, nearly the end of the week! Sooo, questions and answers then...

    @pitta, zooming in more. Check!

    @fr33z33, ok, we'll look into Apple TV support. Won't be at launch, but we'll see if we can make it work further down the line.

    @ramzarules, Rodeo Games are looking at upgrading original Warhammer Quest to support the 64-bit thing.

    @Nullzone, we may have a plan for Khorne dlc in the future ;)

    ...and Skaven are always cool!!

    Right then you lovely lot, I'm being whisked away for my Stag Do this weekend. So, will be back for more on Monday... if I survive!

    Have cracking weekends!
  2. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Wait what? I guess either congratulations or condolences are in order. You pick, Benjamin :D
    Have a blast, and enjoy your weekend and the last days of freedom (if this means what I think it does)! :p

    Oh, there was something about the game too: All that stuff sounds great, just don't put too much on your plate / todo list. But I see from your answers that you folks are on the right track with that.
  3. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Benjamin!! Have a great weekend
  4. Deadpan

    Deadpan Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2010
    Congratulations Ben! Have an awesome weekend, please endeavour to stay alive though. Quite a few people not least your fiancé are counting on it ;)

    I'd quite like to punch Lord Skrolk in the face, but if it meant they made it into the game I'd happily punch Gor-rok or Kroq-gar :cool:
  5. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Ooo only just seen this post, WHQ is my favourite iOS game of all time I loved it and always just wished there was more of it or an extra online component to extend gameplay or something. Looking forward to another WHQ game.
  6. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    I MADE IT!!! .....just!

    That was quite the heavy weekend. Thanks to everyone for the congratulations. Means a lot!

    So, game talk then.

    @ste86uk, Thanks! Hopefully this should sate your appetite for Warhammer Questyness. You can always sign up to our newsletter at http://perchang.com/index.html for all the latest developments. Actually, I think our first one will be arriving in the next couple of weeks with some pretty cool first look character images!

    Development wise, we're on events right now. These are situations that get sprung on your Warriors in dungeons and while travelling the World Map.

    If you lot have any ideas you want to share, then post them up here and maybe, just maybe they'll make it into the game ;)

    Catch you all tomorrow
  7. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Congratulations again, Benjamin! But hey, shouldn't you be on honeymoon by now, or something like that? Shooshoo, off with you ;)

    Events: hard to come up with anything interesting without knowing more details about the worldmap and dungeons.
    Worldmap I can only think of the usual stuff right off the bat: merchant caravan (could be fun to be hired for guard duty, would make some nice sidequests), a theater troupe or travelling carneval (Slaaneshi in disguise ;)), a forgotten entrance tunnel to a Skaven warren, a nobleman's hunting party, things like that.
  8. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Events.....the more the better.

    Considering that many of us will play the game for hundreds of hours....the less (inevitable) repetitions, the better.

    I loved that events in WHQ (and in the boardgame in general, but this is always valid for Old World) were 'normal' events...like heavy rain and such...not something like 'All of a sudden a Daemon lands on your side and harm you....'

    Would be cool to have 'branching events' if possibile too.
    Like...while traveling something happen and you can go on on your way (suffering the inevitable plus-cons) or decide, let's say, to investigate something....ONLY then a new 'white dungeon' (so to speak) appears in the map.

    The events could bring some sort of 'meta adventures'....like events are random but 2-3 ones could be linked and once done, they bring something new (I know this means new things to track and such...but hey, you told us go wild :p).
    Like...if you avoid hurting nature 3 times (not cutting a tree to pass a river, avoid foliage and take more time traveling...etc....) wood elves could aid you next time you travel in a forest (or the opposite) etc...

    Or you can have 3 events that leads you to some clues about doing a ritual in a specific place with 3 armor pieces....that tranfrom them in a powerful set once the ritual is done (of course you have to find the pieces and eventually a book for the ritual...and maybe they are scattered random in the world).

    Story wise, one of the best and surprising thing about the original WHQ imho was that in the end of the campaign the 'game' recognized many of the apparently insignificant deeds you did waaaaaay before, even at the very start.
    It was very cool and helped to immerse me in the Old World as well.

    I love these things, besides the main campaign that sooner or later will end it keeps you focused on the world with always something to do.
    I admit that the white quests with the various random items you can get were one of the main (several) reasons why I played hours and hours after completing the campaign.
    The world always felt alive (this worked very well in Hunters 2 too).

    Another cool thing would be adding bunch of new events during the time, as I understand if everything goes as planned, long term support is in order.
    So even without new quests DLCs....people will have to loo forward 'minor' upgrades as well in the form of new events every now and then (assuming a bunch of new events requires less work than new main story quests).

    Always updated games keep the people talking about the game, hopefully bringing more people to know and buy the game.
  9. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    @Nullzone, the Slannesh carnival is definitely going into the game somehow! Maybe as a fully fledged Quest in some dlc. Really love that idea! Travelling shops are always good too.

    @Pitta, more is always better! This is true! Also, thanks for the billions of suggestions! My issue with stories that span multiple events would be very hard to keep track of as a player. In addition to the main quests, you'd be all "Ummm, what was I doing?". It's a tricky balance to get right. I play a lot of Skyrim, and I'm always losing track of what I'm doing.

    Spawning new dungeons via events is a great idea!

    The fun thing about the End Times is that the events can be more outlandish and ghoulish than previous games. The aforementioned Slannesh carnival for example.

    Very much hoping that there's enough interest in the game that we can keep updating with new events and quest for...ever? :)
  10. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    @Benjamin: be my guest with the Slaaneshi Carneval ;) If I find time, I'll see if I can dig up some reference material. I vaguely remember a few movies that should fit the theme.

    About keeping track of things:
    Easy. 1) A questlog/diary of som kind that automatically records stuff: "Today, we met a sorcerer, Bernhard the Flatulent. He said he'll pay good money for the Book of Indecipherable Slann Proverbs. He's travelling with Friedhelm the Greedy's caravan en route to Middenheim where they camp for winter."
    2) An ingame way for players to make their own notes. As I always point out here, Stonekeep had freely annotable maps in 1990-freaking-something. So noone can claim it's a novel idea and "how should we have thought of this, ever?" :p
  11. Deadpan

    Deadpan Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2010
    I like the idea of connected events or events that change depending on circumstances a lot, keep the repetition down as much as possible. For instance you could have a twisted roots event where the characters travel through a particularly rough patch of forest, losing health, gold or if you're feeling particularly cruel a random item. If you have a wood elf with you at the time though they just skip through the roots leading your party through safely. Another character might wonder why the roots are growing that way and discover something, giving the player a choice in how to deal with events dependant on party make up.

    One way to keep track of quests might be to have an icon of some kind (for some reason I'm imagining a skull) over locations with open quests on the world map, tapping it gives you a pop up box with the option to travel there or view open quests associated with it.
  12. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I have to ask as I was surprised and haven't seen news otherwise but I thought the studio called it quits after how warhamner deathwatch did? I really liked the game, not as much as WHQ though so I am super excited still.

    Plus I hope it does well so you can make content for a while like heroes vs monsters did with the battleheart formula adding a lot of playtime to the game.
  13. Renrock

    Renrock New Member

    May 12, 2017
    Graphic Engineer
    Indian reservation
    Is there a beta test list we can get on this? Looks great. I use an iPad mini, iPhone, and iPad Pro .
  14. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    Hey all. Man, it's been one of those busy weeks. Let's do some questions then...

    @nullzone, That's a pretty cool idea about writing on maps. I mean, we're totally not doing that in this game as we're a bit too far into development. However, for the future. I do love how lots of old school games just say "go to the third rock near the waterfall and pick the red flower"... and then just leave you to get on with it. No hints or breadcrumb trails.

    @Deadpan, multi-path events is something we're gunning for. Hasn't been implemented in-game yet though. Hopefully our eyes aren't too big for our stomachs. They certainly do help with the repetition though.

    @ste86uk, without getting into the whole thing over again, Rodeo Games aren't producing any new content for the foreseeable future. Reasons for that were personal between the directors, and not because of under-performing games. So, Perchang is my new company where we're continuing the tbs legacy of Rodeo. Hope that makes some sense.

    @Renrock, yes we'll be Beta testing later in the year. If you sign up to our newsletter at www.perchang.com, then we'll email you when it's time.

    Right then. Keep asking your questions you lovely lot. As I mentioned, it's a little busy at Perchang right now, so I may be a little slow in answering. However, the plus side is that we'll have something cool to show you in a few weeks time!

    Enjoy your weekends! :)
  15. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    @Benjamin: Map annotation shouldn't be that hard to implement at a later date, if WHQ2 does well.
    Stonekeep allowed you to drop markers on the map and add notes to those. With touch controls I'd think something like: longtap a spot on the map to drop a marker. Longtap the marker to open a menu (for delete, move, write). Write opens a note window where you can do just that.

    And now for something completely different, continuing the idea with the Slaaneshi carnival somewhat:
    I was just listening to some Scandinavian music, great inspiration for the Norsemen.
    Would be fun to encounter some Norse/Chaos Skalds. The regular ones I imagine would sound like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4u5gHYoPWI, this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17Y3cLAOyMQ or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__qcJsumM3g (cool pic for an icetroll, too). While this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhrQRiU9eAQ would be their Noise Marines ;)

    Oh, and Dwarven Skalds too of course, for contrast.
  16. Renrock

    Renrock New Member

    May 12, 2017
    Graphic Engineer
    Indian reservation
    ABsolutely GREAT to see!

    Thanks again!!!
  17. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Another thought (although I'm not 100% sure how it would work)

    There's been some mention of multiplayer before, I think a cool feature would be if there was an option for player vs player but also players working together against the AI.

    What I was thinking was continuing the idea that it I the end times where it's basically all good vs evil, and I was thinking perhaps there could be a connected aspect where the map is dynamically updated when you connect to the internet so that you get glimpses that you're not alone (ie come across corpses of other players fallen heroes), players can request other players join them in harder dungeons for support, and maybe even have world events where players can collect to do mass battles as they did in the end of times?

    I'd suggest making it non-mandatory to have the internet connection tho as I'm with all those who hate apps that won't let you play unless you have internet (grrrrr)
  18. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Thanks for replying and I understand about the studio business.

    Really can't wait for this game I can't count the hours I spent on the first. This and Battleheart 2 are the games I'm looking forward to most right now.
  19. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    @Nullzone, haha, we might have to save that for future expansions!

    @Stelph, multiplayer definitely won't be in the game at launch. We're really concentrating on getting a super cool single-player experience. As I've said before, we'd love to support this one for a while after, and multiplayer is one of the things we'd like to look at post-launch. Co-op would be the best. Team up with a friend and take two warriors into a dungeon each. Perhaps, team up with a load of people and take one Warrior each into an epic boss fight? Other suggestions are of course welcome! What kind of multiplayer situations would you lot like to see?

    As you say, a mandatory internet connection only really works for online-heavy games like Clash Royale. For something like this it would be a little crazy!
  20. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    That's great that you want to support this one for a while and I hope it does well enough for you to do that.

    As for online if it were going to be co-op although versus would be nice too I like the sound of raid bosses where each takes a hero to the team to fight a boss. I wouldn't bother playing a normal dungeon online unless it had better rewards or had different gameplay I found fun. Possibly have both online and asynchronous versions of play depending what mode you went for.

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