Warhammer Quest 2: The End Times

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by RodeoBenjamin, Mar 22, 2017.

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  1. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Everyone: manners.
    Almost 2 pages of this is 2 too many. Can it.
  2. Jinxtah

    Jinxtah Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    This is amazing. How about you go away. I'm not trolling, so why don't you be a little less of a douchebag. I dont need to have played something to raise concern over a pricing structure. Try not being such a fanboy that you feel the need to be so aggressive towards someone in the community over raising a goddamn point. What's the matter with you.

    Is this really how this community is? Bunch of toxic assholes who jump at anyone who dare raise a question or concern over something?

    Surely that can't be right.
  3. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Again: manners. This means you, Jinxtah.
  4. cyllwynn

    cyllwynn Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2011
    It launched at $4.99 I think.

    And I thought you wanted a fair opinion. Lol. Impartial? My point was that the quality justified the price. And I thought you were referring to the pricing of the upcoming game, not the old one. With 14,000 reviews of 4.5 it’s fair to say that a lot of people thought it was worth the price. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. Jinxtah

    Jinxtah Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    And only me, am I right?

    I take it you're a moderator. Why not address the issue as a whole, instead of jumping onboard with the two who were rude as hell to someone for no reason. Reporting seems to do nothing. Are we all just yes-men here? Not allowed to have an opinion, or it's open season?

    Really disappointing.
  6. Jinxtah

    Jinxtah Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    Ah no I was talking about the old game as a point of reference. I thought I had made that clear from the initial post. The price for the original game I'm sure is fine. Like I said I have no problems paying a premium up-front. In fact, I vastly prefer it. I can't speak to the number of reviews, but that's kinda useless. Known franchise. How many people didn't buy it because of the dlc. How many gamers didn't bother reporting. How many gamers are there in total.

    Anyway, I'm sure it is a fine game, that was never my concern.
  7. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    No, I'm not a moderator.
    I already called for manners once.
    Your next post directly after that has several direct personal insults, which is why I called you out specifically.

    *sigh* seriously, everyone:
    A call for manners should not be necessary at all.
    In more clear and less polite words: stuff the hostile attitude, everyone.

    Opinions, I don't care what you say, have at it all you want. But keep it civilised. No insults.

    P.S: Reporting *does* something. I've never had it happen that moderators don't react at all.
  8. Jinxtah

    Jinxtah Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    For not being a moderator, you do a decent job of trying to act like one. Sorry, but I've been jumped since I entered this thread. And the post you're referring to had me insulting someone in return for being insulted. That came after my original reply.

    I really didn't ask for arguments rude with several people, nor so I want it continued, but I can only take so much. And since I mistook you for a moderator due to your backseat moderating (not meant as an insult, just a term), I figured you weren't doing anything about it.

    I honestly thought the community was more friendly as a whole. I'm not going to derail the thread more than some people has forced it to be already with their hostilities, but I am also not willing to sit here and take too much shit for asking a question, and being concerned over a price structure. It took me by surprise.

    But hey, I can certainly take a step back, and forget this happened, if we can get back to normal (assuming normal isn't what we've seen). I'm sure there's room for differences of opinion and discussion without vilifying one another. Or I hope so, anyway.
  9. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #409 stubbieoz, Sep 26, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
    I also did not like the pricing model of the first game. Paying for a game and then having to fork out more money for iap's just seemed greedy to me.

    But the basic game was one that I thought I would probably like and the general feedback was that it was a complete game and the iap's were totally optional.
    So I bought the game and really enjoyed it. I then, over a few weeks, bought a lot of the iap's simply to enhance my second run through the game. I spent about $50 all up and have no regrets at all.

    The quality of the iap's justified the purchase in my mind. However I can certainly understand that some people would be totally bummed out about the relatively high cost of them, especially when compared to the original game. I think the developers got the pricing wrong there and I have no doubt that they lost many potential sales due to the high cost.

    However my point is that if the game was originally $50 I would never have bought it.

    So I no longer instantly reject an iOS game that costs money and has iap's as optional purchases.
    I just read what others have to say about them and then make my decision.

    Thats just my take on the subject. I would not condemn someone simply because they disagree.
  10. Jinxtah

    Jinxtah Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    I see where you're coming from, stubbieoz. I wouldn't pay 50 dollars for an iOS game either. Not currently anyway.

    However, I'm not opposed to paying for actual expansions if priced right, if I enjoy the game. I saw a review of the game, and the IAP I spoke about weren't the only ones, but there is also buying gold to boost your characters. And the campaign can take your gold away at random (the review mentioned it was totally up to RNG which could just take half the gold supply), which seems like something that is eyebrow raising. Considering you're paying for the game upfront, paying for the in game currency, and paying expensively for new characters and such.

    But anyway, I've said my piece. I don't mind skipping a game due to too agressive microtransaction policies. I just thought the game looked interesting. Not a big loss for either party :)
  11. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    I also have the Steam version of the game (gosh I must like it more than I thought # ) and I just realised that I also have the Deluxe Pack. That pack, has all the extras that the iOS version has and is only $18.
    So all up you can get the game and everything for $30 on Steam whereas the same on iOS will set you back over $50.

    Now that is really where they got the pricing all wrong! #
  12. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    Not as familiar with fantasy warhammer as I am the (futuristic counterpart) Warhammer 40,000 community, but at least on steam...they are pretty toxic lol. I mean, not everyone of course, but it's a known thing. People get very defensive concerning the Warhammer franchise bc they love it so much, and people grew up with the tabletop etc and painting the figures etc. part of that toxic mentality stems from when devs "get it wrong" in there eyes....but its a difficult world/IP to emmulate well and there is an ABSOLUTELY dizzying array of different races, rules sets, changes to such, etc etc. Warhammer and 40k was the original starcraft and warcraft...literally...had a deal with blizzard that didn't work out, then soon after SC and WC popped up. Kinda funny even, the recent SC2 had a thank you to games workshop for not suing them etc, but it just goes to show Warhammer's age and how it has survived all this time (since at least 1983).
  13. adamlax

    adamlax Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
    I love the TouchArcade community and everyone is usually awesome and kind. I'm not sure why people had to be so rude while you were discussing the game but hopefully you find more love in another thread. Btw I played the first game and it's great fun but I do highly agree with you that the prices of the dlc's where somewhat pushy and high. Hopefully this game gets knocked out of the park so the dlcs will feel worth it.
  14. Jinxtah

    Jinxtah Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    Yikes. Well that just proves my point. Plus the whole gold for money that can be taken away from you at random. Very aggressive policy.

    That's super weird, but I don't doubt you. I never got into warhammer growing up, and thought the painting of figures was dumb. I was always more into football and computers. It wasn't until earlier this year that I took a chance on the Total War: Warhammer game that I tried anything in the franchise. I loved the heck out of it, and so I bought Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide and played it in coop with a friend, which was also fun, and when I saw this thread, I began looking into the previous one. It's an amazing universe, and i wish I had been apart of it for longer, but that's life. However, it's odd how some people are overzealous about such things. People forget there are human beings behind the keyboard. No reason to be super toxic over literally nothing. Anyway, thanks for explaining :)

    Hey, thanks! I hope this board will become a friendly home on the internet. There aren't very many places with a good community for iOS gaming that I know of, so here's to hoping :)
  15. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    #415 Tychaeus, Sep 27, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
    @Jinxtah: yep, agreed. And from my viewpoint you didn't seem to be toxic or trolling etc just fyi; but like you said, people tend to defend things they have emotional attachments to, which I kinda get because nostalgia can really hit me hard sometimes lol, but I do try to remember the whole "human behind a keyboard" notion and not get carried away.

    Oh also, I would say that the TA community in general is one of the MOST friendly non-toxic forums I've come across and have been a participant for years now. Even to the point that I help support the site monetarily, which I have never done elsewhere. If you get a bad taste in your mouth in a certain games community here I wouldn't let it derail you from at least exploring others. Not to mention the pretty fantastic daily/weekly commentary and review articles that can be found here.
  16. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    Oh Benjamin, where art thou Benjamin?

    Seriously though this silence is killing me lol. Must of refreashed my emails a million times by now #
  17. robert1025

    robert1025 New Member

    Oct 23, 2014

    I also check mail every moment :D
  18. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    So much spam there was me thinking all of these posts were about the game or about beta starting. Although on the plus side I didn't miss out on beta yet anyway.
  19. Kevd

    Kevd Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Sure would be awesome to get some news about the beta.... like an e-mail invite, for instance ;o) Gearing up for the weekend and would LOVE to have something new to play.... Keep up the great work, guys!
  20. trystero

    trystero Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    I’m less worried about getting into the beta at this point and more worried about whether they will need to push the actual release date out. I believe the beta was actually scheduled for a week ago, so wondering if now everything is pushed by a week.

    Alternately, maybe beta already went out, but it wasn’t publicly mentioned and all the lucky testers who aren’t us are keeping very mum :)

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