Warhammer Quest 2: The End Times

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by RodeoBenjamin, Mar 22, 2017.

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  1. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Well you follow through with the attack so why not that

    "Your hero follows through"...... wait........

  2. Deadpan

    Deadpan Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2010
    #382 Deadpan, Sep 22, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2017
    Lightning strike/blow
    Rapid hit/strike/blow
    Nimble hit/strike/blow
    Quick hit/strike/blow
    Rapid hit/strike/blow
    Snap attack
    Agile attack/blow
    Flashing steel

    I'll add more if I think of any.
  3. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    Yeah to be honest I'm gutted, I'm at work on nights and on Friday night there's only about an hours work to do lol so I could of "tested" for 7 hours at work #
  4. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
    Oh my. This silence here is maddening.
  5. Papicus65

    Papicus65 Active Member

    May 8, 2013
    No dwarf? No buy.
  6. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    Me....wHAaantaH....beH...BEhhTAH! Mewantbeta.
  7. Jinxtah

    Jinxtah Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    #387 Jinxtah, Sep 26, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
    Never even heard of the first game, but the amount of very pricey DLC for it scares me. I really don't like the whole system where you pay for base game and be subjected to a freemium model afterwards, where you have to pay 50-150% or whatever to for a little more content ala Train Simulator (http://store.steampowered.com/app/24010/Train_Simulator/)
  8. robert1025

    robert1025 New Member

    Oct 23, 2014

    No, dlc is additional characters and maybe new dungeons. You do not need to finish the game.
  9. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Actually the first game is premium.
    There is the base game plus two massive DLC with new regions and main story quests (base game + 2 regions is the whole game, but each region has its own ending, they were published as expansions in the course of years).
    Additionally (highly recommended but not necessary) you can buy vampire/skeleton/undead tilesets to have new monsters and tilesets that add variety to white quests (these were also published long after the base game).
    You can ignore everything else unless you want to play a specific class not included in the base game (think like...buying a new miniature for the original board game).
    Feel free to ignore extra weapons (you will find much better ones in the game) and gold, those are there just to help inexperienced people willing to pay.

    Actually just the base game without any dlc is 20 hours alone...I always recommend to play it before deciding what to buy. At that moment it will be pretty clear what does what.

    It’s certainly not a f2p game.
  10. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    The wait for this one is killing me now #
  11. Jinxtah

    Jinxtah Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    Yes, but the prices are crazy comparably. Having to pay 100-200% more (I was low balling for the first example) for an extra character or little more dungeon is crazy. That tells me they're greedy, and don't leave me hope for what you get from the game without becoming a so-called whale.

    As far as I can see, there are 10 pieces of dlc.

    8 of them are new classes, each costing 100% of what the game costs, and 2 of them are new dungeons (I assume), each costing double the game price. That's... I mean damn, that's crazy.
  12. cyllwynn

    cyllwynn Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2011
    Are there any actual prices that we are talking about? I must have missed it.

    Regardless... if it compares at all to the first one then it would be an easy buy and great value at 10-30$ for the game and DLC. I just hope that this time there is an ability to keep rolling out new quests and gain higher levels and get more gear. My only “complaint” was that I want to keep playing and playing and playing. I’d have paid a lot for more character levels and skills and random procedural dungeon options. But it kept nearly 100% to the original board game... so can’t blame them for that.
  13. Jinxtah

    Jinxtah Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    Well yes.. those prices weren't just something I've pulled out of my.. well let's say mind. It's on the storefront page as in-app purchases. If you've played it, you must have known they were a thing...

    Furthermore, it sounds like you're a super fan of the game and franchise. Doesn't sound like you're too impartial. If you really think it's acceptable to charge the game's full price for 1 new character. Or double the price of the game for a new dungeon, then there's not much to discuss.

    Anyway, it worries me. It's a sign of extreme greed. I'm all for paying for content, and freemium can go screw itself, but this model is.. well almost freemium.
  14. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #394 Nullzone, Sep 26, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
    @Jinxtah: You forget/ignore that the WHQ1 base game is dirt cheap for what you get, so naturally the additional content looks expensive in comparison.
    In my book, a reasonable price would be 20-30€ for the base game, 10-15 for each expansion, and 5 or so for a new model.

    Compare that to the insane pricing Games Workshop has for their tabletop models; that's greed - pardon me, maximising profits - for you.

    Anyways, I would very much appreciate it if we put any price discussion on hold until we know actual prices for WHQ2.
    Just to annoy the usual suspects, Perchang should add energy, timers, and at least 3 currencies :D
  15. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
    Don't even bothered, guys. There are people who know their desires in life, consider the affordability, make informed decisions and then act upon them. Annnnnd there are those who lack the capabilities or the willingness of going through all that trouble. The latter just go around and complain a lot that life isn't fair.

    The thing is, that sort of souls don't give a sh*t about fairness or the true values of stuffs. They just wanna make their voice heard and feel self-important along the way. Well, truth be told, individual customers are price-takers rather than price-makers. One's opinions ain't worth a penny at all, let alone someone yet to become a paid customer.

    I apologize for the tone though. There have been a few great premium games with IAPs recently and I'm just tired of those non-sense on the prices. I love race cars and you don't see me bragging about Lamborghinis being overpriced.
  16. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    I think your also forgetting that the game is lower on price now than when released so the cost of the IAP seems high in relation to the base game because of this. Rodeo are not greedy unlike most developers, a lot of the price gets divided between apples commission and games workshops license fees which in history are extremely high so I wouldn't be surprised if rodeo are only making small change from everything sold. Not only that but the amount of work they put into the game more than justifies the price.

    The games build quality is on par with AAA titles out there and lasts longer than them games.
  17. Jinxtah

    Jinxtah Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    Well, no. I don't forget the price. They've priced the game at x money. That's then what it's worth, and what you think it's worth is irrelevant. The fact is they've charged 100% for a new character and 200% for a new dungeon (is it fair calling it an expansion?). Even by your own standard, they should have charged up to 6 times less for a new character comparably, not the same cost as the game is worth.

    I don't know the franchise, but excusing extreme greed with even more extreme greed is silly. One thing doesn't lessen the other.

    I'm not sure why you'd think they would change their model for the sequel. And if they did, the only time we have time to voice concerns, is before it happens. Otherwise the train has left the station.

    You seem to be an apologist for the dev. I'm not sure why that's necessary. I am not speaking ill of the game, nor the franchise, I'm just worried about the pricing structure. I don't mind paying 10 or 20 euro up front for a great game. In fact, I'd rather do that. But having to pay through the nose to experience the content after you've already bought the product is not great for the consumer.

    Anyway, I'm just one unbiased dude on the internet. I'm sure they won't lose sleep over it. They for sure don't need people to leap to their defense over raising a concern.
  18. Jinxtah

    Jinxtah Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    #398 Jinxtah, Sep 26, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
    You're going a little overboard don't you think. Your personality is fairly vile. There's not reason to attack me just because I raised a concern about the price structure. You can apologize all you want, but it matters not at all since it's not an actual apology. At least have the balls to stand by you vile behavior.

    Instead of replying in kind, and saying my opinion of you, I've gone ahead and reported you.
  19. Deadpan

    Deadpan Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2010
    Please go away Jinxtah, the first line in your first post on this topic say's you'd never heard of Warhammer Quest. I really don't know why you expect us to listen to your ill informed opinions about the pricing structure of a game you've never played. If you have any sensible questions about WHQ2 feel free to ask them, otherwise go troll elsewhere.
  20. Winko

    Winko Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2011
    Honestly , I always believed the cost of the warhammer 1 was low and the extensions and add ons helped Rodeo get some money back. The game is AAA product and one of only a hand full of games that never left my iPad (the others being hunters 2 and deathwatch)

    If they had released more content for it I would have purchased it. As I've spent more hours on this game than games on my console that cost more than double .

    Anyway , that's my little input. Now I'm off to check my emails again ###

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