Warhammer Quest 2: The End Times

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by RodeoBenjamin, Mar 22, 2017.

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  1. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
    Just apply for it anyway. They have an open advertisement on Touch Arcade for recruiting testers.

  2. Winko

    Winko Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2011
    Cheers for the heads up birth1118
    Applied through email so once again fingers crossed ## and back to checking email every 5 minutes ##
  3. Biggavelli

    Biggavelli Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2011
    Who do I need to email to beta test?
  4. jr51

    jr51 Member

    Nov 8, 2013
    Hi guys I would like to beta test your new app I have an iPad Air running 10.1.3 version I have purchased and played the first warhammer game which I enjoyed immensely my email is [email protected] and I use TestFlight for my beta testing look forward to hearing from you kind regards John
  5. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    Hi mate you need to email them using the email on a previous post.
  6. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Hey Ben did you decide on what way characters would progress? With fixed stat increases or randomly generated on level up?
  7. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
    I believe he said that the heroes would be leveling wide, meaning more weapon / ability / artifact slots to deal with different situations. And the stats increase would be fixed.
  8. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    So hyped for this. Is anyone else constantly refreshing their emails looking for a beta invite or is it just me?
  9. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    Hey everyone!

    First off, a huge thank you to everyone who applied for the Beta. We've had sooooooo many applications, I actually had to turn my email alerts off the other day! Quick update on progress. We're working through the last few tasks we need to get done before sending out the Beta. Might be as early as Friday. If not, then next week for sure. I'll say on here when we do send the emails.

    @ste86uk, currently the game gives you a random stat increase, additional HP, an AP increase, or extra gameplay slot. However, we're changing very soon so that the Warrior gets shown two random increase options, and the player gets to pick which one they want.

    @Winko, we'll probably do a couple of beta tests. The first "winners" will be notified at the same time.

    @Deadpan, deathblow isn't in there just yet. We wanted all the stats in the game to relate to core gameplay. Strength is primarily for damaging thing. Dexterity for hit chance, etc. Are currently toying with a deathblow-like idea that utilises the Speed stat.

    Ok, got to run. Am testing out the dlc characters today...
  10. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    @Benjamin: Nice to hear that you got so many beta applications (including yours truly, of course ;)) .

    Regarding level-up increases:
    First of all, I am *immensely* pleased that you want to get rid of the random advancement from WHQ1.
    Now, here's a thought: Why not make it completely deterministic?
    From your post, I take it that there are currently 4 options for levelup: HP, AP, Stat, Slot.
    Why not show all options to the player, and let them pick what they want from a full list?
    Even HP gains don't need to be random, give a fixed value based on class for example (e.g. Fighter gets 10HP, the squishy mage only 3).

    Stat increases can be handled in a similar manner: E.g. a Fighter-type can choose between Strength and Endurance/Constitution every odd level, Strength and Dexterity every even level, and free choice of stat every 3 or 5 (whatever is suitable for your intended max level) levels.

    Said "you get certain picks to choose from at certain levels" system can be applied to everything:
    E.g. you want a fast slice-n-dice Class to get lots of AP, but little actual Strength behind each of his numerous attacks: AP are an option every level, Strength only every third, say.
    The very tanky but slow Ogre instead gets the AP option only every third level, for example. And Str/Con every level.

    The advantage is that you have fixed gains, preventing a lot of player frustration from bad RNG rolls. Plus, a deterministic/fixed approach completely removes the incentive for save-scumming to get optimal results (I disliked that with a passion in WHQ1 :p).
    While, thanks to the different "paths" you can choose, you still get a lot of variety for possible builds - and not only one "optimal build", ideally. If you can offer 3 different "optimal" builds per class, things would be super peachy.
  11. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Hhmm... Deathblow:
    Could be a skill/mechanic for every class, tied to specific equipment:
    E.g. an Ogre can choose between a huge but slow "deathblow" club, or a faster but less deadly mace.
    A Mage could get a staff that fires a magic missile barrage - same deathblow in the end, but different flavor than the Ogre.
    An Assassin-style hero gets poisoned daggers, etc.
  12. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    #372 Pitta, Sep 20, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2017
    I don't know.

    Deathblow is, in my mind at least, just the Games Workshop Old World trusty deathblow...something only Nordic Barbarians and little else can do.

    A sword swing so powerful that cut in two your opponent, then the swing continues to hopefully kill the next enemy.

    It's my favorite skill, and being the Darkoath Chieftain my main character in all things Games Workshop, I've used it countless times in last years.
    I'm a bit sad it's not part of the cast of this new WHQ, but hopefully they will add Bretonnian Knights (my second favorite character :p).
    Unless you can dress the Empire Captain with less fancy/baroque armors and plumes :D

    Picture of my beloved character Crom, painted by myself (actually, my first attempt at painting).
    He used deathblow hundreds of times in the Silver Tower or during skirmishes.
    Almost as many times as Rodeo Warhammer Quest Crom, the Marauder.

  13. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    Happy Friday you lot! Loads of Deathblow talk here, soooo here's what we're doing with that.

    Because of the way combat works now (action points, number of attacks, etc), the original Deathblow from Quest 1 and the boardgame wouldn't have worked so well. We also want to tie all of the core mechanics of the game into the stats that the Warriors have. This means that when you come to level up, there's never a "dud" stat.

    Strength is pretty obvious. Does more damage.
    Dexterity increases your chance to hit enemies.
    Intelligence makes spells, scrolls and other items more powerful.
    Speed. Now this was the tricky one, and we've finally nailed it...

    Every time you attack an enemy. You get the chance to "follow on", which means you do the same attack again... for free. If your enemy dies, then the "follow on", moves to the adjacent enemy (just like deathblow). The chance of "follow on" triggering is driven by your Speed stat.

    So, as you can see, it's an evolution of Deathblow to fit with the new rules. We haven't come up with a name for it yet, so all ideas are welcome ;)

    @Nullzone, thanks for the ruleset suggestions. Unfortunately we're a little too close to the end of dev to do great big changes. As I mentioned, there are no "dud" results when levelling up now, so getting a bad rng roll shouldn't happen. Also, the way we've designed levelling is to encourage different playstyles and team structure. Loads of items in the game have the potential to totally change how your Warriors play. Figuring out how best to do that is part of the fun. Therefore, slightly more random (but not totally) level ups allow you to think differently and come up with cool team builds.

    @Pitta, loving Crom!
  14. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    Great idea and implementation of a 'death blow' this to me sounds a better way to deal with it.

    It's Friday and no mention of the beta in your post so I take it it'll be next week?
  15. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Absolutely loving this ‘deathblow’ like mechanic linked to the speed stat.

    Not only makes sense, it’s thematically suited and blends very well with the mechanics.

    I know which stat I’ll look forward to upgrading my Empire captain.
  16. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    @Benjamin: No worries about the rules suggestions ;) if things go well - and you feel like it, of course - you could always make an "extra ruleset" DLC later.

    And really like the deathblow/"go on" mechanic too, sounds quite interesting.
  17. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
    Good eyes mate. You see right through it.
  18. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Deathblow is certain a more evocative term...but the way you described the new mechanic...could be called 'Opportunity blow or strike' ?
    Not sure if it's something only melee weapons trigger, a more generic way could be...'Speed attack' or 'Tempest fury'

    Just throwing in some names.
  19. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
    How about Morale. I'd expect a warrior with high morale move further, strike harder or act more frequently.
  20. dalbertson

    dalbertson Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    #380 dalbertson, Sep 22, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2017
    I'm totally loving all the new changes and enhancements. The ONLY issue I had with WHQ 1 was that once you've leveled up your party and beat the story it became just a loot grind. This sounds like there is a lot more replayability and variety.

    My vote for the extra speed attack is frenzy or finesse.

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