Warhammer Quest 2: The End Times

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by RodeoBenjamin, Mar 22, 2017.

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  1. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    #241 Sloany, Aug 3, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
    I think small towns / villages would be good where you enter homes and they spawn like rooms in a dungeon etc. Or forests like you said where areas that open up are clearings which could contain things like camp fires or even wild animals (even possibly beast men or lizard men) which takes me into another "want" - lizard men. I really wanted to see them in WQ1 but alas they never made it in.

    Other mission types - solo hunting runs etc. Or wall defense for towns. What about abduction missions against other humans where you have to knock a target out and then guard them or carry them out whilst being attacked so one hero is carrying them and can't attack

    I'll think of others I'm sure.
  2. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    The burned remains of a small village, some of the still smoldering timbers already twisting from the Warpstone fallout the Skaven attack left behind.
  3. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    Good morning you lovely lot. Welcome to Friday!

    @stelph, love the ideas. We've been banding around the idea of larger monsters in the game for post-launch content. Tying them in with certain BIG weapons would be cool too. How would people feel about a "pack-donkey" Warrior class. Doesn't really fight, but more of a support character who can bring additional items along?

    Protect the base would be cool too. I'm imagining ranged weapons and spells would be pretty handy in that situation.

    @Nullzone, Nehekhara would be awesome! Totally different architecture to get your teeth into. Could have pyramids that are devoid of enemies, but laden with traps! Northern Wastes would be interesting too. Ice dungeons, Khorne enemies? What's not to love!

    Not sure if you lot have been to Warhammer World in Nottingham, but the last time I was there they had a huge diorama with Skaven breaching a Dwarven stronghold. Not only did the Dwarf environment look cool, I also loved the mix of styles there going from rickety rat planks to the sturdy geometric features of the Dwarves. Having dungeons that change purpose halfway through would be cool.

    @Sloany, I used to have a Slann army back in the day, so definitely expect some Lizardmen later in the year. We already have designs for a Saurus Oldblood tank style class! Solo hunting runs are cool too. Maybe that could be a gambling den in Altdorf.... "Send your greatest Warrior to fight the foulest of enemies...and win gold!"

    Have an awesomeo Friday everyone!
  4. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #244 Nullzone, Aug 4, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2017
    @Benjamin: Pack-donkey sounds like a fun idea, seconding that. I remember you posted a while ago about your Captain carrying a torch. So, Torchbearer class? Lightbringer? Sounds a big more dignified than packmule ;)

    Hhmm... thinking about that a bit more:
    To avoid class feature creep, maybe not make it a separate class.
    Instead have a few items that everyone can wear and give you extra slots: carrying harness, backpack, sled, etc.
    To balance them out (else everyone would just use them to get extra slots ;)), they reduce your combat abilities, e.g.: no big swords, no ranged weapons, basically nothing that needs two hands. Reduced combat stats. And one-handed weapons limited to simple stuff: a dagger or cudgel, or a shield for protection. And the torch, of course.

    Oh, by the way:
    Did you think about pike weapons? While they are clunky to use in a confined environment like a dungeon (reduced combat stats), they could be used for area denial: Enemies can't enter the squares directly in front of the pike-bearer without taking damage. And if he takes a guard stance, they cannot go there at all on that turn.
  5. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    The pack donkey 'class' is a great idea in my book too.
    Someone you have to defend, slow to move, but with the added feature that can carry items.

    Btw....can you swap items between characters?
  6. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Swap items ... oh boy ;)
    I just got that mental image of a caddy with a golfbag following a knight around, only with weapons instead of golfclubs:
    "Oh look, Sir Percival, it's those pesky vampires again. Considering the slightly damp climate here and the rather tight corridors, might I suggest the short-hilt 5 Silver?" "Why thank you, Johnson, my good chap. The 5 Silver it is, I feel like unrooting some fangs today."
    And he looks like this:
  7. Deadpan

    Deadpan Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2010
    Yes to lizardmen!
    Shame about the flail, but if it comes in extra content that's cool (obligatory Pit Fighter request).

    A mission to clear a plague infested dwavern stronghold that leads into a Skaven burrow would be very cool!
  8. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I don't know about a pack mule charachter depends what they can actually do and bring to the party? I do love support classes and like mixing my teams.

    I'm worried about casters and how they will be though given that it sounded like abilities for charachters will come from the weapons they use? I remember seeing no skill trees ect? How will it work with abilities to differentiate the classes other than weapons they use?
  9. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    The pack mule would be really cool if it was the mule from WQ1 with a whole backstory of how she escaped the dungeon and went on her own adventures etc. Old bertha or Betty or something I think she was called.
  10. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    As much as I love this idea, I think my party ate it long ago during a party.
  11. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    Supposedly mine did too but what if the cake was a lie......

    Just saying I'm sure Ben could come up with a tale that explains how you ended up eating SOMETHING else whilst thinking it was the poor mule.....
  12. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    #252 Pitta, Aug 5, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2017
    Would be awesome.
    I always felt like shit when I did that quest.
    Poor Old Bertha :p

    EDIT: Nell!!!! It was Nell!!! How could I forget it!!!!
  13. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    Oh yes, poor old Nell. Rescued from a dungeon only to be popped on the fire! She probably had plenty of brother and sister donkeys though...

    Hello everyone. Hope you all had good weekend's. Question time then...

    @ste86uk, all characters have access to skills that they can place in their gameplay slots. Skills (which includes abilities, spells, attributes, etc) come in two forms, General and Specialist. "General" are skills that anyone can use. For example, Monster Hunter, which gives a Warrior bonuses to attacking large creatures. "Specialist" are class specific skills that only a Warrior from that class can use. For example, Chillwind which is a Dark Elf spell that freezes enemies to the spot for two turns. Does that help answer your question at all?

    @Deadpan, we'll see what we can do for the Pit Fighter! Maybe later in the year...

    @Pitta, there is currently no option to swap items once you're in a dungeon.

    @Nullzone, haha, poor peasant just running around with a load of torches! Nice idea about the extra slots. Perhaps a backpack that takes up a slot, but gives you 3 extra or something. I like the pike idea too. We currently have spears and halberds that have a two tile attack range, but a pike that actually blocks a tile is a cool idea.

    Right, now where's Johnson with my short-hilt 5 Silver! ;)
  14. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #254 Nullzone, Aug 7, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2017
    @Benjamin: Oh, halberds and spears will work just fine for blocking enemies. As long as you don't go down the D&D route and add every obscure polearm ever in existence. Difference between Glaive-Guisarme and Voulge-Guisarme, anyone? :p

    Quote from TV Tropes, about spears:
    "Till, bruised and bitten to the bone
    And taught by pain and fear,
    He learned to deal the far-off stone,
    And poke the long, safe spear."
    — Rudyard Kipling, "The Benefactors"
  15. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    @Benjamin talking about skills further, you mentioned there are general and specialist skills, are the specialist skills earned through levelling or are they bought/trained? Do heroes need to be a certain level to use certain skills? Or can I say plié through and level up a hero that eventually dies but then when I get a new hero equip it with the skills from the previous hero? Wouldn't this then make early level heros using op skills?

    Or are they worked in a different way say a skill does x% or hero damage or x/level etc...
  16. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 21, 2014
    IT / Finance Manager
    Toronto, Canada
    This game looks epic. Can't wait for it.

    You mentioned something about setting the ground on fire. How does that work? Do you have the fire spread each turn or randomly die out? Can it be extinguished somehow? Will the enemy intelligently avoid it when possible or do they just jump in regardless?
  17. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    Gooood morning you lovely lot. On the final straight now in Perchang towers, so let's answer some questions...

    @WaveLightGames, Fire affects a tile for a number of turns. It can be caused by firebombs, torches and a very special bow at the moment. It doesn't spread, however, it can be extinguished with water or ice. Enemies do avoid it. However, if they're aggressive enough, they will sometimes charge through it to get to you!

    @Sloany, all skills can be bought in shops, or looted as treasure from dungeons. There are no level caps for skills or weapons. You can give a level 1 Warrior any skill or weapon (as long as it belongs to their class). Try not to think about individual Warriors getting stronger. Rather, it's your party as a whole. When you do come across a "powerful" skill or weapon, you'll have to decide who to give it to and how that will combine with the rest of your Warriors in the party...
  18. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    Awesome, I like that idea as sometimes in games it can be a grind to get a hero to a certain level for a skill that you use all the time when a previous hero dies, can't wait now!! Any word in the first newsletter yet? Or even beta if your on the final straight?.....

    Honestly this will be my GOTY, just for the thread and the gameplay in my imagination ##
  19. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Sounds like it will be good with personalising your team to suit how you want to play. As said above any clues about how far away beta or anything may be. I don't even remember if you are doing a beta here.
  20. Maelwolf

    Maelwolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2016
    So is there anything unique about different heroes? Are certain skills and weapons limited to certain heroes?

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