I thought I had the same problem--tapped the Purchase button and nothing happened. Then I worked out the tap box on the Purchase button is really, really small. (At least on my system: iPad Air 2, iOS 10.3.3.) Try tapping the very bottom of the button, on the line, even. Tap all around and see if it works for you.
Thanks man, it sounds great to me. Seems the UI needs a bit of work but as long as the game is stable and fun, I'll support it for now and hope it improves.
Could not agree more on line of sight comments. Super frustrating to not see line of sight clearly delineated in the ui. Otherwise awesome game so far.
Something a lot of TBS games do that would help is allowing you to select an enemy and see which spaces they can attack on their turn.
Line of Sight is something I reported during Beta, and I’m sure others did too: I asked for a LoS display for enemies and heroes, would make life a lot easier. But given the very tight deadline and the bugfixes they had to focus on, I can understand that it’s not in at launch and hopefully comes with one of the first updates. Why nobody thought showing LoS is a good idea during design is a mystery to me, though same as some of the UI issues folks mentioned already, like f-long lists of equipment and heroes you have to scroll - different system would’ve been a lot better. But oddly enough, it never bothered me enough to make improvement suggestions during Beta - and I usually am a real bitch about crap UI Note that you can jump to categories with the slidebar at the bottom, that makes things a little easier at least. Oh, and just in case you didn’t notice yet: you can rename your Heroes by tapping on their name on their Inventory screen. I put NO USE as prefix on every hero I never intended to use, and BENCH/BACKUP on my second tier. I even gave them prefixes according to their role, e.g. “Flamehammer” for the guy with the Helsturm Mace, or “Gunny” for my Pistol Captains.
Man I instabought but may have to wait for some QoL changes before actually playing much. Sounds painful!
From what people wrote here so far, yes. Seems to be an issue with 10.3.x on some (not all) devices. If you arent affected, its perfectly playable though. Also, Ben wrote upthread that they already submitted the first patch to Apple.
Lol!!!! BROTHER!!! That really didn't bother me much, but I know out of memory who has what (you haven't that much items anyway. But the equipped items, you can fast see what you have (not equipped) just pressing the sell button in the shop. Again, it didn't bother me at all in over I think 50 hours now, not ideal maybe, but not as 'turn your iPad upside down for inventory' bad. I may be wrong, and I reported some odd situations to Perchang (I'm pretty sure we all had the same odd experience in the very same room) but I think the game really traces a line of sight between character 3D heads. So ideally (not sure tough) it works like Age of Sigmar miniatures work. You can shoot an arrow over a barrel, but not behind a big character (like the Vampire). You can shoot between the space of two 'small' characters diagonally. If you equip you ranged weapons you will see which enemies are hittable. That's what I thought while playing at least. Not ideal but hey....sometimes in the heat of the battle you can't really see Hopefully they will come up with better implementation but I don't want to see where I will be able to shoot BEFORE moving. TBH I would prefer as it is now, even if a bit obscure (some unreachable spots that you think should be reachable could be just a bug anyway, maybe taking a screenshot and sending it to Perchang will be the best way to have a clarification or a better system). No in game journal (would be cool for sure). Yes you got it right, STR decrease for 3 turns when stepping on poisoned Nurgle air. Beware that if you step on it again it resets. If you press the little 'i' on near you char name (bottom left) you will see all effects on your stats and what is modifying what, including armor resistance.
Are people having problems jailbroken by any chance? Because it could be memory related and JB doesn't help for sure.
If by areas you mean quests, yes, those are infinite. White quests are always different, red ones are the story ones so some parts will be the same, but you can replay them as well.
as others have said, ditch the ‘your turn’ screen. looks awful and distracts from gameplay. Also any option for fastforward on ui turn like first game? Other than that great looking and fun game that can only get better
Another suggestion.. Assuming enemies in other rooms can't enter your room on their own, perhaps when no enemies are in sight turn mode goes away so you can move as much as you like, once an enemy is in-sight it switches back to turn based?
More UI fun: It appears that different towns have different locations. Not all towns have a trainer, for example. But when I tap on a town, all I get is flavour text, no list of town locations. So am I expected to memorize what's in each town? Really? As strange an idea as that was, it is worlds better than this. At least I had a way of seeing items. Saying I can see them in the shop is only useful in the shop. Which I'm almost never in. And even there, I can't equip items. Saying you don't carry that many items doesn't help, either. Look, here's an example. I just picked up the Amulet of Sea Gold. It says it's equippable by "EC, GS, SL, GG". That's all very nice, but I don't know what those stand for; I'm not familiar with the class names. So I have to memorize all four letter combinations, go into the party screen, look at each character and match it to the abbreviation. Now what happens if you couldn't remember which abbreviations were on the card? Too bad for you! Now you'll have to Inspect each character one by one, then tap on a slot, then hope you got one that matched the original abbreviation. Ridiculous. What if I'd like to change who has an item? Here's the process: Tap on the party icon. Scroll through the cards to find the character who has the item. (Don't remember who it is? Have fun finding them!) Tap on Inspect. Tap on the slot with the item. Tap Unequip. Tap Back. Scroll through the cards to find the character you want to give the item. Tap Inspect. Tap on the slot where you want to place the item. Scroll to the correct item. Tap Equip. Tap Back. Tap Back. You have got to be ******* kidding me. This is genuinely the worst UI I've seen in any modern game in recent memory. I've been waiting for this game since 2013 and it's fighting me so much right now that I honestly don't want to play it. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression. I'll stick with the game because of my experiences with WHQ1. If I came to this game sight unseen? Deleted.
I agree the UI could of course be better but for me it doesn't spoil the game at all I can still happily play. It's just really some quality of life improvements it could use....especially since I like to micromanage.
hey Pitta, how many DLCs are there and how long is the base campaign (without any additional dlc purchase, i mean only the initial $4.99)?
What a shame, I had very much look forward to purchasing this game. I guess I will wait now until the bugs have been fixed and perhaps the UI has been improved, it does not sound intuitive at all. Without wishing to upset anyone I did question the wisdom of choosing beta testers who seemed to only praise the game, but what's done is done and I am sure the Perchang team has lit the candle at two ends to fix things. When I am looking at this game in the app store I cannot see what IAP is included and the price? Is it just me? Could someone please be kind enough to tell me what they are and cost?
Well Im really sorry all this ruined all the fun for you. It doesnt mimic my personal experience (over 50 hours now) AT ALL, hopefully you cope with that tough. Anyway about the bomb, its explained in the help screen when you first find/equip it, cant rember. You have to DRAG the red squares around. Be warned it has a range too (other AoE items do...didnt use the bomb so I may be wrong) that you see outlined in red on the floor, so you cant move it everywhere.