Universal Warhammer Quest 2 (By Perchang)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by BigDich, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #81 Nullzone, Oct 19, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
    Yeah, I did some fun stuff with random stat gains too ;) like having a low-slot high-HP&AP&STR Captain: had just enough space to fit a great combo to turn him into a melee monster - Hatemail, Helsturm Mace, Griffon Shield, Weaponmaster (-1AP/attack), Aggression (+2STR when moved before attack). Making him ranged wouldn’t have worked nearly as well.

    But I’d still prefer if I can choose what I give my guys: e.g. I *really* want another slot, and get +1INT instead. Or, I have/want a Speed-focused melee hero, and he keeps getting DEX upgrades on levelup.

    However, as you write, you can do a lot of different stuff with the Heroes you can hire in Inns, once you can afford them.

    Also, huh? Potion effectiveness depends on INT? I never noticed, as I didn’t need healing that much with my overkill party :p
  2. guttaperk

    guttaperk Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    How does this game compare to Tyranid’s Invasion?
  3. trystero

    trystero Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    So are the warriors “gender-locked”? Meaning I can’t get a female Empire Captain or a male Glade Guard? Seems to be but I am not that far in.

    As far as random stats, do warriors get one random stat up when they level? Or sometimes more than one? Or? Can’t recall from the original if it’s even similar.
  4. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Sex-locked? Yes.
    Gender-locked? If you want your Bloodknight to be a rainbow-farting special snowflake glittery unicorn, or your Gladeguard to be an Attack Helicopter, noone’s keeping you from thinking that :D

    Also yes, one random stat gain per levelup.

    Never played Tyranid Invasion, so no idea.
  5. Xcxc

    Xcxc Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2017
    Can someone list the IAP's? Im interested in knowing the total payout for the whole content.

    Btw the screenshots are quite similar to deathwatch. :D
  6. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I identify as a t-Rex.

    I don't like the idea of replacing my heroes I like getting attached to them now throwing them away as soon as I see something else shiny. Hopefully they are as powerful as anyone you can buy? Someone mentioned better stats but I assume it's the same amount just distributed different through level ups?
  7. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    I personally think this game is better that both DW and the original WHQ, it shows it has been built on those experiences.
    WHQ1and DW are still great games anyway.
  8. DTK

    DTK Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2014
    Berlin Germany
    Yes, I'm with you.
    I don't stop using TA and AppZapp app!
    The screenshots from the new iOS 11 appstore are terrible (the old is not good, but the new is even worse).
  9. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Yes they are gender locked.

    As for leveling up...this can happen:

    1) get a stat increase
    2) get a HP increse
    3) get an extra slot
    4) get an extra AP

    In any case, when you level up you also cure any grivious wound you might have gotten.

    So guys, pro tip....don’t fret on leveling up immediately.
    Save it for when you are wounded if you can.
    Being wounded right after having levelled up is nasty...and WILL happen.
  10. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Im EXACTELY like you.
    Once I start, I get attached to my heroes and never change.
    But in this game....I had the luxury (for testing purposes) to test many party configurations and I must say that I liked some a lot, making all sort of stories in my mind in why they are there....
    So I’m pretty sure that when I’ll start a new playthrough I’ll try different parties as well.

    I’m now rolling with a wonderful party of Galde elves, all explorers (meaning they have the explorer skill and high SPD).
    Their are like ninjas.

    Heroes you find in the taverns are different...some have really good stats and are already levelled up, some have also great items.
    Of course they cost money.

    Do know that some great heroes drops from dungeons too.
  11. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Following up the random stat gain (actually in the game you don’t only get random stat, I think sometimes extra AP or HP or slot are even more useful) I haven’t coded in years but I think in that regard the game is feature locked, so I’m not sure asking for a total level up overhaul is something feasible.

    But....I have a viable proposal that could be implemented in the future.
    There are already items that grant a stat increase at the expense of another one.

    In one of the next expansions....they could have in a region 4 temples....Azyr, Hysh, whatever....
    At a temple, for a heafty price, or XP, or both, you could be able to lower a stat and increse another (relevant to the said divinity).
    It would make sense thematically and could be feasible, coding wise.

    So, people that don’t like a particular stat increase...could respec their hero (like they allowed in Hunters 2).
  12. vogelmann

    vogelmann Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    Cologne, Germany
    Hm, I’m not sure if I understand, how the party-management works. You can find heroes in taverns or in dungeons? Will they join your party? The whole time or just for one mission? How many heroes can be in your party? And can they die?
  13. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    They will join your ranks permanently, forever.
    As far as I know you can have an ‘infinite’ number of heroes in your warband, all together against Chaos.
    (Actually I’ve asked Perchang to be able to delete a char, which might be impossible for other reasons...but at least being able to order them or move them).

    Random events generally apply to your most used characters, but sometimes you can choose (among all) who will try a specific action.

    If you are knocked out you will get a random grivious wound that gives you a permanent stat decrease until cured.
    You can cure you Heroes levelling them up (hence the cross symbol).
    You can be lucky and getting no penalties, expecially if you manage to complete the dungeon with other heroes (completing a dungeon with just one hero standing is a quest you’ll remember for long).
    Knocked out heroes don’t get any XP of course.

    Later in the game (not sure about the beginning, maybe they tuned down the ratio for balancing pourposes) when you suffer a total party kill you are pretty much guaranteed some or all your heroes will get nasty penalties.
    An Empire Captain with a broken arm is not that cool.
    (Been there, done that).

    So my advice is....be sure to always have some healing at hand.
    Giving away a slot is a huge decision, but it really can save you a lot of work later.
    Even just bandages.
    When you will be rich enough....you’ll find interesting rings and armours that help you healing-wise.

    But it will take time :)
  14. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    Wouldn’t even consider an iOS update for any other new release. For Quest, though...

    It is now working on my phone :thumbs:

    Stop me if I’m wrong, but didn’t some dead enemies used to drop gold / gear? That feels like a bit of a loss. Maybe it’s unlocked in levels to come, tho!
  15. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    Question for those who've spent time with this new iteration and also the previous game - how do they differ? It almost looks like the game is developed by a different team? Does it still have randomly generated dungeons? DOes it require online connection? THanks :)
  16. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    You get the gold (only) at the end of the dungeon.
  17. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    The IAP doesn't work for me at the moment so I have the basic party so far, unlocked two more but they were the same even stat wise as mine.

    Are there legendary items in this game or items of other rarities?

    Stuck in hospital until at least tomorrow now apparently so hopefully my battery pack holds out lol I do have a plug with me though.
  18. Bullwinkle

    Bullwinkle Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Just bought the game and all the DLC. I am one of the biggest fans of WHQ1--second, probably, only to Pitta--and there was no question this would be a day 1 purchase. So understand I say this with all the love in the world:

    Who on EARTH designed this inventory system? It is appalling. Are you telling me I have no real way, except by scrolling painfully in a marketplace, of seeing what my party has? That to even check if I have an item, I have to click on the party, scroll to the right character (scroll! Not even tap on a list!), hit Inspect, then tap on a slot? Just to SEE if I have something useful? WTF? Layers upon layers of tap, scroll, tap; no way to see an overview. Who thought this was a good idea? I am flabbergasted at this.

    Also, the line of sight rules are incomprehensible. I cannot figure out what blocks anything. Is it simply a straight line through something? Because I place a character behind a pillar and I'd think it would block anything beyond a diagonal, but it doesn't. Moving a ranged character, I may as well be rolling dice to figure out where's the right tile to place them.

    Where is the journal? A box popped up with information on some rule. By accident, I tapped on close before I could read it. Now I have no idea what it said--something about poison from zombies? Strength decrease for three turns? Do I have that right, or am I doomed to play the game forever without knowing? What if I forget something I was told once, days ago? Is that my tough luck?

    And don't get me started on the three-second "YOUR TURN" screen, delaying my actually playing the game. Of course it's my turn. It's a single-player game. Who else's turn would it be? Think about it: every twenty turns, and you've made me sit for a whole minute, doing nothing at all, for no apparent purpose. Why?

    The game is very pretty. I'm sure the gameplay is awesome. But I came here to fight monsters, not the UI.
  19. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    This is the spiritual sequel of Rodeo Warhammer Quest.
    As far as I know Ben Murch was co-founder of Rodeo (makers of original WHQ) and is co-founder of Perchang (makers of this one).
    It doesn't require an online connection (you need it if you want to sync progresses between devices of course) and yes, it has still random generated dungeons...it wouldn't be a Warhammer Quest if not ;)
    Actually randomization here is much better, ranging from 2 rooms dungeons to massive multiple branching dungeons.
    When you complete the second campaign it gets even better, with the maximum mix and match of enemies and lots of armor different resistances.

    Then you will sweat :)
  20. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Items ranges from trivial to legendary and very rare, yes.
    You have to explore the whole regions tough to find them...I'm finding new ones after hours and hours.

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