Universal Warhammer Quest 2 (By Perchang)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by BigDich, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. aconfusedkender

    aconfusedkender Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Oil & Gas
    Kendermore, Ansalon
    Just getting deeper into this. I’m on lvl 5 of the first area.

    What page can I find the specs on which way I am looking for statewise? AP vs Stats vs Inventory slots

    I haven’t bought any of the DLC dudes yet but am about to get one. Which should I get first?

    Currently I have EC, DES, Glade, BK

    My BK is pretty awesome 2H and my Sorc has some cool shit.

    Also saw you’ll talking about upgrading your guys? Can you do that later on or something cause all I’ve seen is level up and it does a random thing. Maybe I misread it.

  2. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #882 Nullzone, Sep 12, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2018
    @aconfusedkender :
    Heh, your questions appear simple and straightforward, but require a lengthy essay to answer properly and indepth ;)

    Last one first, upgrading: I sent you a PM.

    Then, stats:
    Really, pretty much every result on levelup is fine. With Intelligence being the exception: that one is useless on almost everyone. You'll know when it's not ;) (hint: certain armours and weapons use Int for damage).
    More AP is always great. More Slots too, especially if you have nice stuff to fill them.
    HP? You get more tanky - or less squishy in case of the Mages :D. Dex? You hit better. Etc...
    By now, I just roll with what I get and see what I can do with it.

    Which Hero to get?
    Really depends on what you like:
    Greatsword & Slayer: Personally, I rate those two the least interesting: You can turn everyone into a melee fighter - yes, even the squishy Mages :p. And they are just more of the same. But they do have some fun stuff too, it's just not guaranteed that you get it anytime soon.

    : Highly mobile tank and damage monster, all rolled into one hunky package. If you want to play it safe, you can't go wrong with this guy.

    Wardancer: Elf prissy ;) But packs a serious punch almost on par with the Ogre, and is highly mobile too. Just a good chunk less tanky.

    Highelf Mage: Ranged damage mostly. Has some *very* interesting and useful support capabilities, like healing with Apotheosis and the Hand of Glory skill to boost your other guys' stats. If you are up for a real challenge, play 4 Mages with Melee only.

    Warpriest: Similar to the Captain, with some nifty special skills. Specialises in Hammers. Can also turn out quite tanky, and has 2 okay ranged damage skills. Plus some pretty good support skills. Best choice if you want to bring a buff-battery along, e.g. to killfeed another Hero - provided you get enough of her support skills.

    Witchhunter: Great mix of ranged and melee damage. If you get enough Pistols, preference is for going ranged. Some tankiness and some fun support skills to round him out. Having lots of fun with that guy. Personal favorite: Go all-out on the fire stuff with him and anyone who comes along. Burn The Witch and all that jazz... :p

    Bretonnian Knight: Another melee tank with fun skills. Not too different from the other melee guys, but fun to play nevertheless.

    If you want to keep stuff more interesting and varied, I'd go with the Warpriest, Witchhunter or Mage.
    Knight if you want another melee guy similar to the Captain.
    For a theme-party, Witchhunters & Warpriests only are pretty fun: Feel the burning hammer of Sigmar's Wrath, filthy Chaos-spawn!
    Likewise, e.g. Empire Captain (obvious squad leader), Greatsword, Warpriest, Witchhunter make a great Empire-themed group.
    Or you could take a trip to pansy-town and roll with Elves only.
    Ogre and/or Wardancer if you want to go all-out carnage & murder rampage. Be warned though that these two - especially in combination - make the game way too easy. My killer party is 2 Ogres and 2 Wardancers for a reason...
    Lots of possibilities with varying challenge levels, and all of them are fun as I can personally testify.

    Yeah, think that pretty much sums it up.
    Let me know which one(s) you went for and how you like them, I'm always curious to hear from other folks about their playing experiences.
  3. aconfusedkender

    aconfusedkender Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Oil & Gas
    Kendermore, Ansalon

    Thanks for the insight Null. I got your pm and appreciate that as well. I think I might go WarDancer or Ogre. But since I kinda like my BK Tank I’m swinging for WarDancer probably.

    Was at a turning point on which ones to sell since I started getting more of the same characters and didn’t know which I should keep
  4. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    My pleasure ;)
    I didn't expect you to read it so soon, I added some more stuff about parties at the end of the post just now.

    About which Heroes to keep if you have several of the same class:
    Take a look at my guide (link's in my sig), I have pretty much everyone listed with their stat totals. Every class has (at least) one that comes out on top, statwise.
    Bretonnian Knight and Witchhunter I'll post tomorrow.
  5. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Play Report - Just Roll With It

    *Really* not going to super-optimise this time around. No tricks like repeatedly checking Altdorf in all 3 regions to get better equipment, etc. As you can see below, this makes for some pretty interesting party combinations sometimes.

    Starting out, with all Heroes incl. DLCs:
    My picks for starting party: Gladeguard, Mage, Sorceress, Ogre. Ogre can be swapped for any other Hero.
    Reasoning: 3x ranged damage makes stuff a lot easier early on. Pretty good starting party, except against masses of Spiders: those have really high Pierce Resistance - bring some Crushing and/or Slashing damage.

    Assuming we have everyone, give your Captain the Shortsword, Hammer, Longbow, Griffon Shield (should get it from first quest).

    Only buy cheap stuff, 300g or less. Save up as much Gold as you can. Try to get equipment and Heroes from sidequests whenever possible.
    I even recommend against buying the top-tier Hero of each class early on:
    They'll seriously drain your coffers (e.g. Rohha Fellscar is 2900g), leaving you dry when something else nice comes around. Then, you might always get one as reward. Plus, even the starting Heroes with their low stat totals are good enough. Getting all the top-tier ones is for super-optimised play, really. Last, overall even specific Heroes are a lot easier to get than specific equipment - especially if the piece you want is rare.

    Squad Swap for Middenland Act III Puppet Master:
    From the Ranged Squad - Greatsword, Witchhunter, Mage, Sorceress - to Melee-only Squad GS, Captain, Ogre, Knight for Slashing damage vs Puppet Villagers.

    Beastmen Gor in the next sidequests - swap back to Ranged Squad, with GS swapped for Ogre, in case of Minotaurs.

    With 4000 Gold in the bank and two Heroes to sell, I have a big enough buffer to buy a Hero. The best Witchhunter - Lambert Gyrowetz - is available, so I take him. Slight improvement over Liebhard Seiler: Bit better stats, 1 more slot, and comes with Purge (AoE attack) which is a good choice for the new slot. I have some other options in equipment and none in skills, but I'll stay with Purge for now. So, Witchhunter is all ranged attack. The only downside is that I need to waste a slot on bringing a second Duelling Pistol for 2 shots per turn. But he's doing well enough, so no biggie.

    Got Walk Between Worlds from a Sidequest, stored for later use.

    Finally swapped my other two top-tier guys in - both Greatswords which I got as quest rewards, and doing surprisingly well so far. So, currently I'm rolling with 2 GS, 1 Witchhunter, 1 Sorceress.

    Sidenote: Regret not getting Rohha Fellscar earlier, shame wasting all those XP on a subpar Hero. On the other hand, I won't be able to afford that much leveling, even with the more focused style I play now compared to my last "Just Roll With It" game (which I didn't complete: went into "super-optimise" mode way too early, and that got boring pretty quick), so it doesn't matter that much in the long run.

    Another Sidequest had the "Greatsword of Carroburg" (massive single strike damage - 20-40 Slashing at Range 2) - replacing "The Fabled Greatsword of Nuln" one my regular GS Horst Kittel.
    And I bought Helborg's Greatsword (use Spd not Str for damage) for my Speedbuild GS Ludwig Weis.
    With Speed 3's very low Deathblow chance, reducing it further doesn't matter much. So Horst Kittel gets the honor of being the first Hero ever I equip with the Sigil of Skill: -3 Speed, +4 Dex, GS only. That brings him up to Dex 7.
    But I had to swap them out for Middeland Act IV Monsterhunt: I need more crushing damage against the Minotaurs.
    Witchhunter stays, the Crushing department is formed by Warpriest, Knight, Ogre. I never tried Knight & Warpriest & Witchhunter together, so the Ogre with his proven strength and durability is a great life insurance. Completing the stage went really easy, Minotaurs weren't a threat at all. And I only used the Ogre for cleanup, let the others do most of the heavy lifting.

    Middenland Act V Castle Gardens is mainly Puppet Villagers, so more Slashing damage.

    Bought Rohha Fellscar this time, putting me down to 2k Gold.
    Decided to cough up another 800g for a second Chillwind, as I always forget to use the Charged Shot I gave her earlier. The *third* Chillwind on offer I didn't buy: One, two Chillwinds should be enough. Two, I'll be down to below 1000g if I do; and I prefer to have a cushion just in case something rare and expensive shows up in a Shop.
    And I bought "Blessing of the Lady" for my Knight (stored for later), 300 Gold left me with 1600g.

    Somewhere on the way I got a bunch of Knuckledusters, spreading the love across my folks ;)

    Onwards to Middenland Act VI Reflections of Nurgle:
    Giant Pox Rats, Nurglings, Pestigor, Beastmen, Plaguebearer. Crushing damage with a bit of Slashing and/or Piercing as Backup.

    Planning ahead a bit, I bought "Dance:Storm of Blades" for 300g, Ogre Gauntlets 300g, Vampire Bite 100g. Elven Quiver from Sidequest. Skipped buying Thundermace - Ogre does so much single-target damage, I don't need another single-strike AoE.

    Middenland Act VII The Amber Hammer: Minotaurs, Beastmen.
    Middenland Act VIII Ulric's Folly: Spiders, Beastmen, Putrid Blight Kings.

    Second Purge from a "very hard" Minotaur sidequest, and Gladeguard Hecce from an easier one.
    Caved in and spent a good chunk of Gold on buying a Blunted Greatsword, Quickblood, second Weaponsmaster, another Speedring, and a Count's Gift armour for one of my Greatswords.

    Sidequests: Power of Darkness, Moondancer, Questing Blade (from Ambush), Sword of Unholy Power, Rodion Nadelmann, Ring Of Intellect, Sword of Waldenhof, Speed Ring & Gludd Darksplitter as special bonus ;).

    Changed my party to Ogre Gludd Darksplitter, Greatsword Horst Kittel, Sorceress Rohha Fellscar, and Witchhunter Lambert Gyrowetz is still on duty.
    Got another Warpriest Arda Happe from a sidequest, second Ogre Gauntlets from another.
    And with that, I *finally* ran out of worthy sidequests and went for the last Act of Middenheim - All Is Unclean.
    After that, I need to restructure my squad to bring a better mix of Crushing and Slashing damage - and maybe even a bit of Piercing - against the Skaven in Reikland.
  6. Psac42

    Psac42 Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    Hey folks,

    I really liked the first one, but stayed away for a while because of soms bugs and such people were reporting. I have a trip coming up with no internet access. Is this a good one to pick up for that? Anything else (DLC, etc) I’d want to load in advance before I go dark?

  7. skoptic

    skoptic Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2015
    @RodeoBenjamin hmm, latest update has wiped my save game :(. Also looks like my IAP gold has gone too? Same iPad, same account, same install, same same (but have upgraded to ios 12)... any other reports? Investigating some more..
  8. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    @Psac42 : Unless you go backpacking in Antarctica or something like that, the base game should keep you busy enough for any trip of reasonable length ;)

    Well, yours truly highly recommends it, else I wouldn't have put all that effort into writing my little guide :p
    If you need something for longer than a week with lots of playtime, get the second campaign - Reikland - as well. With extra heroes I'd wait until you have some impressions and know if you'll like it.
    Bugs are almost completely squished by now, by the way. Rodeo did a pretty good job with that.
    Psac42 likes this.
  9. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    @skoptic : Update from 16th September? If yes, no problems here.

    I *did* have a similar problem with an earlier update: Savegames still there, but all DLC gone. Even restore purchases didn't work. Switched Wifi on (iPad without mobile) to write a bug report email. And lo behold, all my stuff was back.

    But I guess that won't work with wiped saves.
    Best to write an email to them via the ingame "Feedback" button; it also includes device and install information automatically, very neat.
    Psac42 likes this.
  10. Psac42

    Psac42 Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    Thanks! I’ll pick it up.
  11. skoptic

    skoptic Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2015
    Thanks @Nullzone - sadly save game lost, but support were nice :)
  12. Engrimm

    Engrimm New Member

    Oct 5, 2018
    Need a little information about the dlc. I see that some classes have "New weapons and items" or "Clubs, Cleavers & Maces" as well as "new skills" in the Added to the game part. Are these items/skills that are added only useable by those classes themselves? The reason I'm asking is I'm not interested in all of them right now, but if they add items for other classes to be used in the game then I'd buy them :)

    Same for the Reikland and Talabecland dlcs, is the stuff they add only useable when playing that campaign? or are there things that will be used even if im playing the 1st campaign?

    I might be over-thinking about this so I apologize if the questions sound dumb :D

    PS - @Nullzone read your guide on another post, helped a lot!
  13. Scarletti

    Scarletti Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2014
    Nice to see another update. And free gold.
  14. Psac42

    Psac42 Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    Hiya, I did get the game for my trip and enjoyed it. :) I’m through the first 9 quests and a bunch of side quests, so my party is all 8th level, and has the experience for higher. I haven’t bought the other two areas yet. Do they continue the story, or is it better to buy them and they start again from the beginning and go back and forth between the worlds?

  15. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    @Psac42 : Good to see you are having fun ;)
    The other areas give you 2 new storylines. They don't directly continue the first one. More like different books in a series than 2 new chapters in the same book.
    Going back and forth can have some advantages, e.g. the first 1-3 missions in the 2nd area are easier than the last few in the first area. But that's entirely up to personal preference - e.g. I prefer to complete one campaign first before starting the next one.
    However, there is one great trick with moving between the different areas. Hint: While the 3 Altdorfs share the same name, they are not the same cities... :p
    Psac42 likes this.
  16. Psac42

    Psac42 Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
  17. TicTac

    TicTac Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Coming from WHQ1 this game is handing my a** to me. I did not realise that moving takes up action points and walked right in front of enemies so many times. Walking into fires isn’t fun either. It’s going to be a long while before I get any decent at this game lol.
  18. shabudua

    shabudua New Member

    Dec 24, 2016
    I have this question too...I’m into the 1st campaign, and fighting thru the same tiles repeatedly is getting a little old. Will buying one of the expansion campaigns with their new tilesets add variety even to dungeons in the first campaign?
  19. Roger the Alien

    Roger the Alien Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2017
    If you like this game you should have a look at Shieldwall Chronicles.
  20. sakara214ever

    sakara214ever Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
    Totaly agree. Amazing stuff on both these games. And although they look similar they are two totaly different games each one having it's own charm.

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