Quick update: I just got an email from Perchang's Pete. They are rather quiet as they are currently working full steam on the Android release, and also on the next update for iOS (I assume/guess this will be a functional one, i.e. bugfixes). So, looks like we can welcome them back once the dust has settled after they released the Android version.
Hopefully with the iOS patch we will see some of the suggestions and improvements suggested by people here implemented. #
Not that soon, I'd say. I know how stressful and how much work a release can be. Surprises me that they still have enough free cycles left to take care of an iOS update as well.
creating party Hi. Since I loved WHQ1 I instantly bought this and also High Elf Mage. I would like to know who do you suggest to replace, Wood Elf Guard or Dark Elf Sorceress? And how would a Dwarf fit in, maybe instead of Bloodknight?
This is not an RPG With respect, you do a grave disservice to this game by calling it an RPG. Those who know what an RPG is and come to this game expecting to find those qualities, will be sorely disappointed. And they will probably leave a bad review in the App Store. This game is a hack-and-slash dungeon crawler. There is nothing in this game that is not directly or indirectly related to combat. At no time does the player pretend to be one of the characters and try to figure out how to deal with a situation in a non-combat manner. This may well be a good hack and slash dungeon crawler. It might even be the best one available for iOS at this time. But it is not an RPG. EDIT: This comment was meant to be addressed to the developers of the game, not the forum members here that might just be players.
Where is the wiki? Walkthrough? So, as a hack-and-slash dungeon crawler that has been out for several months now, where is the wiki? Where is the "tips and tricks" page? Where are the walkthroughs? There's a lot of stuff I would expect to see for a good game that just doesn't seem to be here, neither from the developers themselves, nor from the community. So, what am I missing?
So, @Nullzone -- I notice that you have posted in other forums as recently as 03-30-2018, 01:12 PM, but you haven't posted in this forum since 02-26-2018, 06:27 AM. As one of the more active participants on this sub-forum, and one of the more active players of this game, is there a reason why we haven't seen anything here from you lately?
Oh yes there is. I am playing Rogue Hearts almost exclusively since it launched In February And I was pretty much done for the time being with trying different party combinations in WHQ2, and - I don't know - 300 hours on the clock maybe?. Still got a huge bunch of notes I want to turn into a guide at some point. But need to tear myself away from Rogue Hearts for some time to do that. And not sure when that's going to happen In the meantime, I'll faithfully wait for the next content update to WHQ2. The above also explains why there is no guide or somesuch: Most people simply don't bother to write about games they play. I do, when I am interested. But writing a good guide takes a lot of time and effort, and I don't always feel inclined to do so. Lastly, I am a perfectionist, and prefer my writing to be of great quality. I have so many pages of notes for WHQ2, it'll take me weeks at least to turn them into a proper guide. However, if you are interested, I can drop them as is, should still be an interesting infodump.
Thanks for your quick response! Ahh, makes sense! That would be much appreciated! I'm still trying to find a way to enjoy playing this game, and any notes you can provide may help fill in gaps in my understanding of why certain things were done the way they were, or help me get into a more appropriate mindset.
Infodump available So, with some motivation provided by Bradknowles (thanks for that!), I finally got around to post all my notes as one big infodump. You can find them here: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=318255 @Brad: Also, I am curious what you mean by "I'm still trying to find a way to enjoy playing this game". Is it just not your thing in general? Are you struggling with specific enemies, stages, or heroes? Etcetc.?
I bought this game when it first came out, and put it aside because I saw there were some bugs and fixes that were coming down the pipeline. I deleted my old game to get a fresh start, and in my second battle I got ambushed every 2-4 rounds, 3 spiders, 3 rats, 3 spiders again. I had the forethought to get some bandages but that did little when I am constantly getting surrounded. wtf? I played WHQ1 and I am down for ambushes *occasionally*, maybe like a 5% chance...but 25+% chance of ambush doesn't seem right at allwas I just having a very weird perfect storm or does this match other player's experience?
That looks a lot like you had a streak of unlucky rolls. Usually ambushes have a far lower frequency. I sometimes make it through a whole dungeon without a single ambush. From gut feeling - I don't have any hard numbers to back it up - ambush chance is way below 10%. @Ben & Pete: Could you two good folks chime in please, and shed some light on what the actual chance for an ambush is?
You may or may not want to watch this video till the last second.... Can’t wait to start a new playthrough with that guy!!!!
Can someone clue me in to using the Explosive Pistol with Empire Captain? I have him carrying both the pistol and Fire Bomb, but the game won't let him target any square other than his own or one adjacent to him. The pistol says it has a range of 6, but it only ever gives me the red target reticles in the squares immediately adjacent to the EC. I've tried un-equipping his sword and shield, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. Is this a bug or something I'm doing wrong/not aware of?
Now my Glade Guard is having the same problem. I bought her an Asrai bow that has a 3x3 area effect and the only square she can aim at is the one she is standing on. Is this an area effect weapons bug?
@javelin98 : Hello and welcome to TA! For those area effect weapons, you need to hold down within the red area and drag your finger to where you want to shoot. Afair there is a tutorial the first time you use one. But it's easy to tap away and miss. Let me know if the above works for you. If not, it's a bug and you should contact Perchang about it.
Yeah, that worked, thanks! I'm not sure how I missed that in the tutorial. It would be nice if there was a player's manual or wiki or something...
Hey guys, so I bought this game waaay back when it came out, I even bought the second campaign and the greatsword just because I loved WHQ1 and I also love the warhammer universe in general. I remember back then the game was full of bugs and problems, There were really frustrating things that kept me from enjoying the game. For example, I remember when fighting monster like the plague zombies, they can poison you with their attacks, problem was that they would ALWAYS apply poison, didnt matter if my heroes dodged or the enemy missed. It made no sense. Things like that made me not want to keep playing and I said I would definitley come back if this things were fixed/improved. So right now I have a big trip coming soon and I am itching for a good warhammer/dungeoncrawler/strategy game that I can play for short bursts or longer sessions. Sorry if I dragged this too long but I guess my main question is: is this game worth trying out again atm and if not, does anybody have another similar recommendation for me?
This games has some tricks that makes it become easy. I buy orge pack and with the build orge endless, you can kill all enemy in the room only one turn even still full ap when finish. After that, when i buy more another orge in the Tavern, with 2 orge i can destroy all room in 1 turn, include big boss.