This is finally coming out and for 3.99! This will probably be the best warhammer game to date on iOS. Offline single player campaign. Live multiplayer and async mode. The kill cams are glorious as well. Super pumped for this one.
Had no idea what this was (except for the W40k bit of course), so did some googling, and wow this was "coming soon" in 2014. Hope it's as good as it looks, I'll be ready to go at that price I think.
Yeah seems like all the good games are always "coming soon" hah. Been waiting for death road for like 2 years. Crashlands was a brutal wait too. But they tend to be worth it in the end. Anyway yeah I own this on steam and surprisingly that has come to be my favorite 40k title. Some people are going to be thrown off by the chess mechanic but it's so much more than that. All the factions have unique abilitys and their own play style. The maps will have terrain in lays so it's pretty tactical. And I think there will be like 50 solo missions when the iOS versions hits. Pretty good deal for 4 bucks.
That just sold me if I wasn't already (I was). Though, I really do wish for just a straight up Warhammer 40k carbon copy of the tabletop old school version brought to us on our phones. Really wish a decent dev would pick that up and run with it. All the exact rules, all the art done just like it was a tabletop in front of you. Paint your own miniatures....all of that. Dare I encourage such behaviour but they could even try pricing all the units at exact same or maybe 50% of the price as though it were the real thing, as iap's. People would bite I bet. Maybe even iap's for buying the paint and paint brushes. Imagine the debt for people.....but oh imagine how good having that with you on your phone would be. That's what I've always wanted with all these Warhammer titles (snotling what?) Anyway, happy to take a chess variant any day though. Bring on 19th
So to anyone excited for this its iPhone 5 and up Pretty low and I was expecting way higher. Thursday is going to be epic.
It's pretty much various factions of space Marines and orcs. So you could do Raven guard vs snake bites for instance. Or white scars vs dark Angels. Really hoping for more variety in the future like Tyranids or something
Yep, that's right. Had a little back and forth on Twitter with them after you did and we're looking at a release 11 and a half hours from now basically (unless my adorable evil kitty picture changes their minds).
How could it fail ? That picture made me feel warm and fuzzy and that's hard to do. Well I'll be at work (playing Titan quest ) so I won't be able to download until way later tomorrow.
Ok good to hear. Though am wondering; isn't this already on steam? So waht does the steam release cycle matter?
Good question but I'm guessing since its cross platform with the multiplayer they wanted people to be able to jump into games right away