Many thanks for this idea But how do you force quit the game ? do you disable your GameCenter on one device ?
My game always crashes unless i exit gamecenter. A bit annoying since im not sure how can i save my progress.
Hello, Yes i use the same game center id on both devices. If you are right, i don't love this. Honestly if they're blacklisting players just for being jailbroken i don't understand why ? i'm a bit confused. And my new device is not jailbroken. Regards
Ok it is me ... Again I have created a new gamecenter id, install again the games freeblade, on a new device ipad air bought yesterday and again and again : Error Code nfca-2 : i can't make the event quest ... I don t understand nothning ... why this account is also blacklisted ? If pixeltoys dev see this post , could you make an answer on it ? regards
Updated some findings over the weekend. Almost all Legendaries I have have found are now better than other any Epics (I have found). Also finding a good mix of Legendary Drops and SALAVAGES of both Armor and Weapons! If I can actually fully upgrade the WarGear, I post the stats, keep finding better stuff at level 45: WarGear Findings Log
Useful tips - thanks! I still can't do it though. Looks like the forge limitation is the problem. I don't have purples or legendaries low enough. That seems to max out the forge and result in a blue instead. Oh well. I'm trying a legendary plus a couple of purples at the moment which gives around a level 200 with a slim chance of a legendary.
Please change the salvage drop table. Too many mounted weapons. I'm not going to salvage or spend coins until it's balanced.
I have always been interested in this game from when I first saw it, however I saw a lot of comments about it being pay to win which put me off. Is this still the case? I don't mind dropping a but if cash but not consistently.
IMO, if you are okay with playing a game for 20 min to half an hour, and then doing something else for a while, then you are fine. If you want to play something continuously, then it's going to be a deal breaker.
Does anyone know how to get say top 100 daily event score? I shoot as many destuctables as I can but not braking top 1000.
I've managed to get to the top100 twice. Try shooting the destructible every 2 seconds when there is no enemy. The key I think is not to destroy them all as quick as possible but to string them out so that the multiplier doesn't drop. Also, try to leave the big mecha last and shoot destructibles until you can engage in melee. I usually destroy streetlights, pillars and barracades first before going for the easier ones like statues, pipes and tin cans. On your first go, try to remember which enemies are those that flee and take note to kill them first on the second attempt.
I really like this game but just a couple of questions. Is the starter pack worth it? How do you get 3 stars on a level? Sometimes I do the level flawlessly and get 2? How do I salvage rubbish items? I missed that part of the tutorial.
Not sure about starter pack didn't buy it. Don't buy anything unless on sale. Score equal medals. More you destroy - including environment - higher the score. Hold down on an item in forge on the left. You'll see little saw teeth squish it and get ore. Sometimes it's worth keeping low items to forge to complete quests.
I'm not terribly gifted at the events, but I do know that if you can max out the multiplier at x8 it overruns and keeps track of the stuff past x8. So you can keep it going for a fair bit longer that way.
Trying to get three medals on the chapter 9 missions is tough. Especially the first Mission for some odd reason. After messing around with different ways, the highest scores come from just destroying everything as fast as you can. Don't bother with trying to get hand to hand kills, your multiplier will drop by the time you wait. You're better off killing fast and getting swift kill and massacre bonus. I'll try to post a picture but they don't seem to work on the iPhone app anymore
Can't post a pic of the mission summary score: Base score 135k Time bonus 1m7seconds. Health bonus 98% Kill bonus 97% =200,000 score on chapter 9. Mission 1 - the savant.