I would say I'm 25-30 hours in, and I'm in the last 2 missions (on normal). Unlocked about half of the items (I must have all, of course). The campaign is really fantastic, varied and super tense. The last chapter is GLORIOUS, I won't post any screenshot because it would be spoilerific but it is amazeballs. And freaking hard. One thing worth mentioning is that you can replay any completed mission as much as you want. And you will.
The emporer has denied your device from using this app. Please contact your local astropath for more information Have a nice day
Honour schmonour! The only reason I bought this is because it is an awesome game. Loyalist scums all over the screen...
Your so evil! Stuck with it purchased but unable to download until after work. They really should get some free wifi at work.... So how do easy, normal and hard work? Is there a choice on each mission and you get a star for easy, normal and hard or do you choose at the start of the game and that's all you can do until you complete? I hope it's the first option because the second would mean you start all over again I imagine but just on a harder setting.
Actually, hammer, what I'm saying is that the pan / zoom (that I hadn't seen up until those screens) are the aspects that differentiate the game enough from Hunters' perspective to make it interesting to me. Maybe a little more reading comprehension BEFORE you try to get smart would save you a little embarrassment. NOT well said. Not well said at all.
I was going to say awesome, then I saw those evil words to the lower left bottom... Honor your chapter brother Pitta.
Bought this morning before going to work. It was the only way I could honour my chapter. (My backlog is crazy massive, but couldn't help it, this looks and sounds great).
Anyone want to tackle Ayjona's excellent questions? Couldn't agree more. Deathwatch looks great, but I'd like to hear what sets the gameplay apart from WHQ.
I loved the Hunters games, so I'm very very happy to have something similar. Always said I'd pay for a Hunters 2 campaign extension, I'll take this instead. I'm glad that each Rodeo game is bigger and mor epic than the last. My only complaint with the early ones was that they were too short (in terms of campaign length, level caps etc). I like how in their games you can generally get stuck right into the action instead of having to spend ages talking to some scientist or building an underground garage or whatever it is I was meant to be doing in XCOM.
Okay have a couple of really stupid questions if anyone could give me a hand 1. How do I switch marines in and out of my mission squad? 2. How do I leave an in progress mission? THANK YOU
Warhammer, This War of Mine, and Legions of Steel all in the same week! A Legendary week of iOS gaming!
Unashamed Rodeo Games Fanboy. Have loved, and played to death, all 3 of their games to date. So far only played first two intro levels. Unreal Engine 4 makes such a huge difference and the 3Dish view is brilliant. Zooming in shows how brilliant the figure models detail is. Have loaded it onto my iPhone 6 as well but doesn't seem to be iCloud supported. So iPhone version is making me start from the beginning. Maybe will come as an update. Also a bit too dark in some of the menus. Especially red text on black. Probably better at night but in the bright daylight it's a little hard to see. Really minor complaint though. Going to waste some serious hours with this one. Best TBS from RG, again.