This is from the first pack I bought (with RP). HOLY CRAP!! I don't even have a marine who can use the Narthecium!! ^_^
I literally just had someone message me saying card packs are broken and they only receive the same 3 things. I might just forward them this image
On normal mode? I'm so jealous - I'm getting just crap out of the packs... Ok, not only crap, but a lot of crap. The only tier 4 item I ever got is the charmed chrono. And I have no idea what to do with this thing...
Okay, I take back my previous negative statement. I wasn't too into the whole "random loot" thing at first, preferring the more linear progression of Hunters 2's weapon shop, but I've come around. Getting super rare loot is simply awesome. When is PvP unlocked? Okay and holy cow... The fact that you can't tilt the camera REALLY needs to be in the tutorial.
Yeah, I think I'll never get a pack this good again ^_^ I mean... Until I get one with 3 tier 4 I can't wait to try the Wolf Guard. He has a ton of traits!!
I'm at work so I don't have a pic, but I scored big on a Blood Angel only Chainsword in my first pack. Funny thing is, I thought I might even be able to get some serious RP for it to save for more packs but guess how much it sells back for? 4RP, just like everything else. I'm not complaining in the slightest, I love this game. But that still made me laugh. Sell back prices - Standard Bolter - 4RP Tier 4 BA only Chainsword with like 5 perks - 4RP lol E
I know I was surprised by that too. They should at least up it a few RP. Not much, as they probably fear overly grinding and buying packs, but whatever. I actually had to stop playing for a bit. Im not sure why, but I'm running into the enemy turn bug a lot. I am basically just trying to run through Act 2 mission 1 for XP grind, but I never get to finish the level - even at a normal pace. So i doubt i would get through any other board normally anyways. Is it happening that frequently to anyone else?
Threw down a few to support the dev. Didn't find anything to good except a tier 3 space marine. Saved up 100 free currency finally and got a pack. Got this bad boy!
What's an ultra marine? Just beat chapter 2 and got this. Can't equip it to my tier 4. I thought that's what an ultra marine was hehe
My main gripe so far is why are gun accuracies so damn low? Never mind the few tier 2/3 guns I have the tier 4 sound awsome but then have absolutely terrible accuracy! Just got Medusa a plasma that never overheats but it has something like 30% accuracy....makes me think I should just spend all experience levelling up accuracy.
Use two fingers. Game changing really Ultramarine doesn't have to do with the level of your soldier. There are 3 different "legions" that your soldiers can be a part of, "Ultramarines" (blue), "Blood Angels" (red), and "Space Wolves" (yellow). It'll say what faction they are when you're looking at the soldiers stats and skills etc. You've gotta give that bad boy to one of your blue boys
It's to sorta keep you from getting an amazing weapon early on then being able to blow through the game. The best weapons have some of the worst accuracies so you need your soldiers to be pretty experienced to use them efficiently. Ingenious really
Thanks for the advice! It's a shame I don't have any ultra marines that are above tier 1. Maybe a tier 1 with that tier 4 weapon will be more suitable in my team rather than a tier 2-3 with a tier 1-2 weapon.
I kind of feel like some people are focusing too much on tier. From what I can tell a higher tier character starts out with better stats and can unlock more traits, but if you've got a Tier 1 marine levelled up they can still be more powerful than that tier 3 or 4 you just got. So if you find a Tier 4 weapon with a low accuracy it should work fine if you've been dumping into your accuracy stat. If you've left it at the base score (14%?), well..... I have been taking advantage of my regular Marines to help them level up the Veterans and Champions I unlocked. I'll keep them around simply because they still serve a purpose though I am not as focused on their XP as I am the more powerful ones, naturally. I didn't discard them either.
@RodeoMatthew Last question of the day: I got a wargear called the "oath of angels". It's description is : +25% crit chance and +50% crit damage for every alive blood angle on the team". Does this effect only last for the next attack, or for all of the current turn? Most wargear states for the turn, so I'm thinking this is for a single attack. Thanks