2.1 has caused me to loose 10000k combined due to the lock up on enemy turn. Finally got to the final act last night because of my work schedule lately. Can't wait for free time tonight to play.
Question for those playing veteran... Is it still relatively easy to farm 2.1 on vet? I'm farming it now on normal and wondering if it's in my best interest to simply finish the game and farm it on vet. Currently on act VIII. Also... Level cap? Is there one?
10-12k/hour for A2M1?! I'll give it a try and see if I encounter the bug. @RodeoMatthew: In terms of improvements to this game, I have to agree with everyone else but do have a couple of my own ideas, if you want them: Obviously the bug fixes is top of the list, Speed everything up (ideally a menu option for animation speed) but mostly make the UI more responsive, Reduce loading times, It's very power hungry: This game makes my ipad air get really hot, whereas nothing else makes it noticeably warm. Stop sometimes deselecting my marine after I shoot (or is there a reason for this?), keeping the program open at the same point when my ipad come out of sleep would be lovely
@Chaos are you talking marine xp when you say 13k? I'm going for the 10 req points per 15 mins on A1m2, how does 2.1 compare for earning req points? (For cards)
We're working on a quality of life patch which will come before the multiplayer patch and any other additional content. Our first priority is this pesky hang, which we've fixed on site and its going into test now. Adding features such as a speed up or altering anything which requires fundamental changes to how the game logic works is risky due to the mid game replay system. We can't risk breaking everyones saves. We'll find a way but its unlikely that these changes will come within the next few weeks. When you say the UI is unresponsive is it that your presses aren't being registered, or that its taking a long time to switch between menus?
@ James just to be clear, for 1.2 I'm getting between 1k and 1200 xp per marine for 15mins play. Not the 10-12k. That map doesn't make anywhere near the xp but with selling the reward card it's 10 req points per 15mins which is what I'm after. Anyone know a higher req points/time map?
@AppWhore I was referring to ChaosProdigy's post. I did consider the high-RP strategy, but decided I'd rather spend money than time: EDIT - removed the (wrong) maths as I realised there's a much simpler way to express this: $3 = 2 pack of cards = 200 RP So, the time-value for RP grinding is $3 x (RP gain per hour / 200).
It actually ALWAYS gives me the power axe. I played it 5 or 6 times. Always the axe. I think my RNG seed is different than yours
My game seems broken on what I believe is chapter 4-1 (first mission with genestealer.) Both pools neutralized, entire team near the endzone, drops to desktop on enemy move, I believe when enemies enter squads overwatch los (Crash log sent.) Even after Hard restart of ipad4 (8.1), game boots directly to crash point and repeats same crash bug. Do I have to reinstall to play this game again?
@AppWhore: please reread my post as I've completely changed it as my maths were all wrong: I used the RP-value of a pack, whereas I should have used the RP-cost.
You can quit mission before it crashes, but you'll lose all unspent XP on all squad members. And then your not guaranteed that restarting the mission from scratch will work past the bug. Or you can wait 'till they fix the issue. They are testing the patch right now, but I don't know if patching the game will eat you out of the bug from the point where your save is.
I didn't see any difference in speed between 2.1 and 2.4 but 2.4 is a lot easier to set-up firing paths for overwatch.
Hey, Were you doing anything out of the ordinary when it crashed? Had you used abilities? What were the enemies doing? Was it during a transition? Can you give me all the info of what you were doing? Don't uninstall the game, you'll lose everything and hopefully we can avoid that Thanks,
What we need a wiki page for this! I think I'm one of the earliest to reach heroic. Still I'm so confused on what builds I should use.
I'd be against giving up everything about the game 1 week after its been released. You guys, the community can surely pool all your experiences together.