Seriously guys been following you since hunters 1, if anyone can do the lore and gameplay it's these guys. Btw you spelt guaranteed with with a guare..meh :/ biggie. Any chance of doing DoW3 for us
Believe me, this can't be more distant from the truth. Hunters were just 2D sprites, Deathwatch sports full 3D (awesome) models, greatly animated too and with a tons of visible different gears.
This is slightly edited cut and paste from a post of mine on NeoGAF, I discuss a bit the death system which is one of the fundament of the gameplay IMHO, and an outstanding one. (CUT) I believe that with DeathWatch Rodeo outdone themselves, as I thought they did with Warhammer Quest over Hunters 2. Deathwatch is different from both, a beast on it's own. No random (well, unlocks are random, but that's part of the fun...the game is a collector's paradise), tight campaign, you have many Marines with different skills and gears. I liked a lot Hunters 2 (fun and easy to get into) and loved WHQ (my fav boardgame in my pocket), and I think DeathWatch is better than both. I could talk A LOT about the amazing graphics, the great sounds, the immersion, the variety etc...but what I like most is the foundation of the game, the death mechanic. They managed to maintain the tension of Warhammer Quest played on hard (only way to appreciate the mechanics imho) without being so punishing (you can easily lose 10 hours of gameplay in WHQ). If your marine dies, he is not forever lost. He just lose all the unspent XPs. It works incredibly well in the game and it's really consistent with the setting. A typical situation is this: You are exploring this alien starship, trying to stop the Xenos attacking a just armed bomb. All of a sudden they come from every hole, surrounding you. Then...a Carnifex appear (think Alien, just bigger). have your little squad and all Marines have around 2K experience points. All can get a new skill at 3K (I'm just throwing numbers). So....if someone dies...he will lose those 2K points. It's particularly gutting when you are just 500XP from that HEAL skill you need so much, and your marine dies. will cuddle and protect them, but you also need to complete the mission. A lot of thinking and many hard choices to make. But if you lose the mission...ok. It stings but it's not that hard to recover. This is especially true in later chapters where, depending on your specializations, gears and unlocked marines, many skills interconnects, so even the timing is important. All of this wasn't present in Hunters, and just partially in Warhammer Quest (and only at hard, in black dungeons). (CUT)
That device list in incorrect, I have no way of changing it as I didn't start the thread. The game is iPad 4 / iPhone 5 MINIMUM.
Now I know your probably trolling, but i'll take the bait anyway. I wish someone had told our only character artist that he didn't have to create 38 unique 3D marines along with all of the beautiful Tyranid models and he could have copy and pasted them from Hunters into Deathwatch, we'd have been out last year if that was the case
Anyone know when this is supposed to be out in the US? I enjoyed Warhammer Quest for the most part and I'm dying to try this one, but people keep saying 10 am or 12 am in the US (without timezone) and so far it doesn't seem to be available.
I didn't know about that death mechanic and I do hate perma death in games where you have to work to level up characters and get gear ect but the one on here sounds fair enough. Still I'm sure I'll be pretty gutted if someone dies that's pretty close to levelling up! Can anyone give any examples on how characters differ from each other ability wise or in what they can do with weapons? Also do your best to ignore trolls, I know someone's it's hard as today apparently people just keep infuriating me with their opinions....