Is kill or die a viable strategy on heroic difficulty? My Sternguard has the Oath of Angels and Rite of Unceasing Services Ceals, plus the Warrior of Baal ability. I maintains his HP below half with the Reckless skill. So now he could take down a Broodlord in a single turn by himself on veteran. But I fear that 280 HP would be not be enough on Heroic. Any suggestions, please?
Stuck on IV - Carnifex I'm stuck on the Carnifex. Attached is my troop break down and weapons. Playing on Normal. 2 x Devastators Lvl8 ( 220 health 16% accuracy ) - Heavy Bolters ( I've tried Mastercrafted Missile Launchers and Multi Meltas without results ) 2x Blood Angel Veteran - Bolter Honour of Duty Gun / Melta Gun Mastercrafted Tactical UltraMarine - Melta Gun Mastercrafted I have grenades equipped on all four. Attached is a screenshot of the troops and my typical arrangement. I'm using grenades at him as he comes twords me and overwatch on the devastators. I've tried the run around and snipe approach without luck. It seems as if I have to use his size to my advantage but I can't come up with a position or troop composition that exacts enough damage to make that approach work. Any strategy tips or different approaches? Should I go replay earlier acts to gain more XP and items/troops?
U got anything that can Hunkerdown? How about a unit that uses Grav Gun To stun/lower boss energy? Those are my tips. Always a great idea to go back and grind some exp, scroll down a few replies for my act 2 mission 1 spot i grind exp at.*I'm not saying it's best place for exp/hour but it's the best i know of. - anyone got better, let us know I spent $400 on this game happily because Rodeo deserves it (and I'm an impatient bastard haha), but I've played this game so much last few days and think about it all the time even started dreaming about it! That's how i know a game is amazing, because it took me over in every way! /cheers @Rodeo
No - nothing with hunkerdown yet nor any Grav Guns yet. I guess I'll have to go replay earlier acts to try to get those. I agree the game is amazing. I played a ton of the table top 40k over the years and I gave it up about 8 years ago when work+family - not complaining here - ate up my free time. Just stuck on this darn beast and would love to move on. I've had very little issues with the other levels so it's frustrating to get totally stuck on a current level.
Yeah, it shouldn't be hard to do, but they couldn't make it before. The device simply didn't exist when they submitted the game to Apple.
To all of you stuck in an infinite "enemy movement" loop. Stop playing and do a backup of your device with iTunes. Then go find the backup data in you computer and get the game save data (Deathwatch saves every turn). Then contact [email protected] explaining your issue and attach the save file. If you're having trouble locating the exact file, send an email to Rodeo, they should be able to give you step by step instructions to retrieve it. Obviously you won't be able to continue playing the game before they get back to you with a solution, but at the moment the only possible solution is quitting the mission, meaning ALL you marines will lose ALL unspent XP; depending on how far have you got in the game, waiting could be your best bet.
Good news is, XP loss is that much an issue as the game progresses. My squad must have been wiped out three times by now. Don't even want to think about the abilities I could have purchased. Some Tyrannids just have crazy abilities.
Perhaps you could try some assault marines with dodge abilities. They would die in the mission but could buy the rest of the team precious time. Killing Xenos isn't a walk in the park. Just can't expect everyone to come back, right? Also try plasma weapons, I had two Tier 2 plasma rifles in the first playthrough and used overload a lot. It was just try and die, sort of.
man, as someone who is most definitely not a big fan of warhammer, strategy or boards games this is excellent stuff. Couldn't really get into Warhammer Quest with it's wizards and that kind of thing but I'm properly enjoying this (and I tend to agree with virtually all of Tuzzo's posts here). My only two gripes are that it chews up battery and when I go to do something else it reboots the app and starts a few steps behind. I'm going to try and stick with this now. Half way through Act 4 but I have a feeling it could keep me busy 'til Christmas. good work.
You spent 400$ on this game so far? o.o it's a great game but imagine if it wasn't in the mobile market. It'd be a great game and you could play / enjoy it and earn your epic troops. Instead you have to drop half a grand to get the best characters. I'm not hating, it's just crazy. The scenario on console / PC would be a year from now you'd look back and say how much fun you had playing this game, and how great it was. Although in this situation you might look back and say how great it was, but you spent 400$ on obtaining characters that could never be earned because they locked that content out and gave you a slot machine - like mechanic to get you to keep paying. This game does not nickel and dime. No timers or paywalls, but... It still has a slot machine / digital content for $ trap. Meaning if you like the game enough your brain is going to release chemicals that temps you on spending. If your prone to addiction you won't stop, spending hundreds upon hundreds. It is a great game though. I just hope these slot machine IAPS die soon. It's unfortunate that it's 5$ and they still don't allow you to buy the characters you want. If they're going to put these pay mechanics into a premium game they should at least allow us to obtain the characters we want instead of giving us a slot machine.
really looking forward to iCloud hopefully soon as I'm avoiding picking up any iap until I can use the same save on both my iPad and phone. right now I'm playing seperate games on both devices, and mainly just replaying the first chapter for fun as I don't get that much time to play but still loving it. I love the unlocking something at the end of the mission and the marine models look so very cool.
I have an addictive personality and a gaming budget, I try not to think too much about it but you make some good points. I do wish they had some type of crafting system that allows us to upgrade or combine into the items we want. They can make it difficult to do so but at least we wouldn't be so reliant on RNG.
The first few missions on heroic would be fine, and you earn more requisition points and better loot on veteran and heroic so you'll easily gear up
I've gotten the beast down to below 700 HP but of course lost all the brothers in battle while doing so. Still looking for the winning combo.
I too prefer Warhammer 40k setting to the fantasy Warhammer, though I love other fantasy settings The battery-eating is bothering me a little too; it took about 45% of my iPhone 5s battery playing the last tutorial mission and the first 2 of chapter 1 O_O Ok, I took my time and didn't rush through them guns blazing, but still can't believe 3 missions ate half my battery. I'm afraid unreal engine 4 is too power hungry :/ The game should save after each turn, so if you close the app in the middle of your turn, next time you launch the game, it should bring you back to the beginning of that turn. I think that's what's happened to me today. I have to say that even just the phone auto-locking is sufficient to require a restart of the game, which is a bit boring. The phone is still running the game. I didn't switch with another app, it just locked and shut the screen off, so it shouldn't free the game from memory. It usually happens with online-only games, where even locking the device would mean disconnecting from server so a restart to sync back the game to the server is necessary. But this game is running offline afaik, so I don't know why the restart even if nothing else is using RAM. It's not that bad, you only have 5 marines to move; I can see ways to "cheat" a little here, though: you can move all around careless, remembering enemy placement, close app before ending your turn and reload, so you can plan your moves having knowledge of enemy units positions :/ It would be great (and cheat-blocking) if the game could save after each move. I don't see a problem in single player campaign, but multiplayer being asymmetrical, you could use the above trick to know where your opponent is and if he/she has units in overwatch, close, relaunch and move to avoid them.
I am getting thoroughly sick of this bug that freezes on the Enemy Turn. Losing the xp for the current mission and having to do it is annoying, but the fact you lose ALL unspent XP really rubs salt in the wound, especially when said mission was one turn away from a perfect victory.... In fact I am genuinely mad at this, it's a good job I've spent money on the game as if I hadn't I reckon I'd have rage deleted by now, no matter if I'm liking it or not. It's actually the worst bug I've encountered for a while in iOS games.
I second this... It may be the worst bug/crash ever... there doesn't seem to be a fix except deleting the game or an update...
We're investigating this issue and looking to resolve it as quickly as we can. Its a difficult issue to reproduce and not one of the 70 beta testers noted this issue over the last 2 weeks of beta testing, and I personally have never experienced it either. We're not hiding and pretending it doesn't exist, but its impossible to fix something if you don't know what actually causes it, so a fair amount of investigation is needed. All we ask for is patience, we're a small team working round the clock, no one's infallible.