Universal Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion (by Rodeo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. vogelmann

    vogelmann Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    Cologne, Germany
    Yeah, you're right, Brother Pitta. If both players are online at the same time it's live mp. I saw it with my own eyes when I kicked your butt! :) Well, but most time you kicked mine, when I remember correctly!

    Sorry for the misinformation, Infamous E!
  2. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    My Marines want to clean that infamy with blood.
    Your blood.

  3. vogelmann

    vogelmann Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    Cologne, Germany
    My guess: they will get plenty of that! But not without a cost! For the Emperor!
  4. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    #364 Lickzy, Jul 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
    This game frickin rocks!!!!

    Time for my soliloquy...

    For many years I was anti apple products. Won an iPod nano that I used but never had any interest in iOS gaming. Why play a game on a crumby little screen when I have a 360 and a PS3? Stupid right?

    Then I went to my brothers for dinner one day and he said "You have to play this game, I know you'll love it". The game was Warhammer Quest... and he was 100% accurate. The next day I would go out and buy an iPad mini, proceed to throw hundreds of hours into WHQ and buy all the DLC to support Rodeo Studios.

    Deathwatch Announced...

    To say I couldn't wait for Deathwatch to be released after seeing the trailer would be an understatement. Hell, even if was just to be a reskin (IT ABSOLUTELY IS NOT) with space marines and guns and chainswords, I am ALL IN. Signed up for the BETA and because of technical issues I could not participate (You're off my Christmas Card list Matthew), so on release day I went to my friend's place with the fastest WIFI, instabought and picked up some card packs to further support RODEO.

    The game is unreal, and I am loving it immensely. Unfortunately there are a few bugs that are causing some people some grieve, but the game is a few days old and I know RODEO will work to fix the issues on specific devices in the near future. The IAP system in this game is the ABSOLUTE BEST I have ever seen. I am not forced to pay any money beyond the initial game price, but if I want to take a crack at power gaming, or just supporting a great dev studio, I have the option. Everything can be unlocked as you play and if you get stuff you don't like, you can always recycle it for points to purchase new card packs and thus new items and marines.

    The game is well polished, creative, has interesting missions and so much replayability. For those of you that are bent out of shape because you're running iOS 9 and can't play the game... you can't expect a development studio to have compatibility with an OS that MAY or MAY NOT exist as it is in the future. That would be stupid on their part and if you really want to play the game, go back to an iteration of iOS 8.

    Despite all of the great selling points this game has to offer, I feel the game would benefit from the following enhancements. Some of which have already been noted, but this is my perspective so I will toss it all in here:

    1 - Game pace. The ability to speed up enemy turns would reduce overall play time and allow for quicker sessions. This doesn't impact me too much as I tend to marathon the game in the evening but I would like to play a mission start to finish on a quick break, time provided. If you choose to play ultra cautious and overwatch like crazy, then the game speed is on you.

    2 - Enemy turn panning. Perhaps its my own ignorance, but I feel as though occasionally enemies move on their turn and despite LOS, the camera does not pan over to them. I find myself scrolling around the screen to find enemies I didn't see during their turn.

    3 - LOS. I should be able to see a tyranid directly behind another tyranid. If per say it was a particularly large Alien in a corridor, then I could fathom not seeing the enemy behind him, but it most cases you should be able to see behind same size or smaller enemies

    4 - Maneuverability. In the below diagram (horribly done), A B and C are all marines and X is an empty tile. I feel that Marine B should easily be able to move 1 diagonal space to empty tile X. Visually speaking, there is enough on screen to accommodate this, however, the game would force me to use atleast 3 moves to walk around my brother marines to get to the desired location. Doesn't make sense that I can't just walk right through

    A X
    B C

    5 - Plasma Jams on Enemy turns. When in overwatch on the enemy turn, if an enemy appears and you shoot at it, you risk your gun jamming that will persist through YOUR following turn. I feel a space marine would get their "Sh1t" together and be ready for their next turn.

    6 - Item comparisons. I would like the ability to see a comparison when changing out gear from one piece to another and the impact it will have on my stats and abilities. Currently I have to switch back and forth to get a flavour for the different abilities and stats an item provides, unless I am doing something wrong.

    7 - Marine Cards - When you complete a chapter, it would be nice to get a "NEW" marine that you haven't already unlocked. This would encourage a minimum of at least 3 playthroughs to unlock all the characters. I have doubles and triples of marines that I have recycled so I can get points to get new ones. LOVE the ability to do so but would prefer to get new ones with a little more ease

    8 - XP ability costs. I have only played on Normal so I'm not sure that you get more XP on harder difficulties but I think a slight reduction in the cost of upgrades or levelling would be great, though not 100% neccessary.

    9 - Squad Size. Perhaps I haven't figured it out yet but by the looks of it, I have to use 5 marines per mission (atleast the ones I have played). For levelling purposes, I'd love to adjust my squad size so that newcomers can farm xp better.

    10 - iCloud support. Self explanatory

    And that's about that... for now. Excellent Job Matthew and Team. You have made an AMAZING experience for all of us to enjoy and I am so grateful to be able to play this game. I look forward to future updates and supporting the guys (and girls) over at RODEO.

    On behalf of all of us here on the forums (Except the naysayers, iOS 9 users, other whiners, anybody who actually works for TA, and yeah sorry guys I'm speaking for you anyways) THANK YOU for letting us all Honour our Chapters!
  5. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    #365 klink, Jul 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
    Ok, this might be a dumb question. I haven't played any of the Warhammer games yet. Is this game sort of like Xcom or is there a better comparison that you could make?
  6. The Infamous E

    The Infamous E Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    That's interesting, thanks!

  7. jaugusto

    jaugusto New Member

    Jul 17, 2015

    I'm stuck at level 4 with the "enemy turn" waiting bug... I have a iPhone 5, in case the info is usefull.

    Now What I want to know is if i uninstall the game do I lose the 2 packs That I bought?

  8. CrazedJava

    CrazedJava Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    That is not a dumb question!

    The only thing it shares with X-Com is that it is essentially another turn-based squad level strategy game.

    Well, it's more of a fire team than a squad but so was the last X-Com.

    The mechanics are slightly different, even overwatch, and it is designed to be a top-down view but can do isometric like X-Com.

    It plays very differently.

    If you like WH40K and turn-based tactical games, I think this is a winner. If neither of those things appeal to you there is nothing about the game that would make me enter the genre. (Sorry, Rodeo, speaking truth here)

    Let's see, so far I am $8 in ($5 purchase plus $3 IAP) and getting my money's worth.
  9. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008

    I can confirm that at Veteran not only you gain significantly more XPs but I think the chance of getting higher tier stuff is much bigger too (I unlocked 3 consecutive tier 4 weapons, while before I generally unlocked basic stuff with occasional tier 2 and 3 rarely some tier 4).

    Don't be impatient...just enjoy the game.
    And people should remeber that higher tier marines have more possibilities to grow, but aren't necessary better (certainly not better then the tier 1 but maybe level 15 Marine that you are about to replace).
  10. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    This would be a good chance to take a page from Space Hulk and have automatic unjamming if there is an action point remaining.
  11. brando

    brando Member

    May 8, 2012
    Is the game completely unplayable on a 3rd generation iPad?
  12. ashmike3

    ashmike3 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2014
    Liking this a lot. I play with just a slight ISO view. The pacing works for me, savoring this one. Really like the art style. Money well spent, a bargain even.
  13. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    How do you change the view?
  14. sugimulm

    sugimulm Well-Known Member

    I believe pull two fingers down to change view.
  15. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    You have to drag two fingers across the screen. It is a bit clunky though, and sometimes takes several attempts to work correctly.
  16. ashmike3

    ashmike3 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2014
    Put thumbs as if there were virtual joysticks, then pull down slowly.
  17. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
    I wish there could be replay videos then I would study you both. Maybe the tech priests from sector Rodeo would make this happen
  18. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
    Wish I had knew that sooner. I've used up all the retribution points from previous acts before the last mission. Glorious battle it was. "We are the nightmares of our enemies"!

    I'm gonna stop playing for the weekend. Find a nice beach a enjoy the satisfaction, savor the moment when my tier 3 blood angel crushed the last tyrant's skull with his iron fist.
  19. Tuzzo

    Tuzzo Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2009
    Tech assistance
    So, i just completed a couple of tutorial missions, so I'm sure my toughts about the game are far from being deep, but anyway here's my 2 cents.

    It's great that Internet and forums nowadays give the opportunity for gamers to reach the developers and share their ideas about how the game should be like, but seriously guys: this isn't a Q&A session!
    Every single game someone makes will not satisfy every single gamer on this earth.
    There will always be some design choices made by developers that we gamers should try to cope with, even those choices we would have done differently.
    There are pages and pages of "game is too slow, speed it up!", "isometric view is broken b/c no transparency", "if I fail/quit the mission, I lose ALL unspent XP, that's a bummer, you should change this!"
    Many many years ago, playing by the games' rules was part of the challenge of mastering a game. What's the point in asking to change something in the game mechanics just because that's not the way someone would like to play? Learn to play the game as it is! The game was designed to block LOS. You can't see what's behind a unit. Bear this in mind when you plan your moves, don't ask the developers to rethink about it. That's nonsense to me!!
    Would you tell Chrysler to put a throttle control like an aircraft in their cars instead of a pedal because you are used to flight sims and prefer that way of controlling speed? No, you go to driving lessons and learn how to use the accelerator pedal.
    The ISO view isn't very viable to play because the game is meant to be played in top-down view. Camera tilting is there to look around when planning moves and to look closely to the awesome units.
    The game is slow because it's not a Korean grinder that want us to play the same mission over and over again in 5 minutes runs just to unlock everything. I think it's a design choice that goes well with the atmosphere of the game. Space Marines' suits are bulky and heavy, you are in a remote space sector fighting a full scale invasion from the Tyranids. You should feel the fear at every corner, you should be afraid to be overrun by hordes of Tyranids if you don't plan carefully your moves. And this relates to the loss of all XP. You don't lose you marine but you'll lose all unspent XP. This should provide more tension to each move, and make you plan even more carefully what to do.
    I think it's a game we should take our time and enjoy playing, instead of rushing, and the pacing fits this idea.

    I think that we can't tell if every design choice made by the developers is good or bad. They are choices. Each of us would have made different small choices and would have ended up with a different game.
    This is how Rodeo made this game; we just need to learn how the mechanics work and play it according to these mechanics. That's the challenge in a game!!
    And it's not that these mechanics are broken: they simply differ from what we may expect to be, but they're far from illogical or broken.
  20. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    That's sensible. At any rate, plasma weapons are currently not worth it...if you averaged the damage you can do with other weapons I'm sure plasma would come out below, especially when it craps out on your first AP! I had a few too many times of a marine be a sitting duck for a turn because of it. No more. Selling all of them!

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