Thank you everyone I know the game is old and this thread is basically dead but hey ho. I wanted to express my enormous thanks: Firstly to Rodeo for making this outstanding game. I doubt they'll see this but thanks anyway. It's an incredible achievement. Secondly to all the contributors to this thread who have helped me get the most out of the game. I first got it when it came out but I'm not great at the strategic aspects of RPG games and I soon gave up. Then, two years later, I picked it up again and started reading this thread to get better. I picked up enough tips that I could build a set of marines awesome enough to compensate for my deficiencies I'm halfway through Veteran now but going slowly to farm the quality wargear and maybe complete the codex. So an especially big thanks to the guys who put together the loot spreadsheet. You've increased my enjoyment no end. Thanks all
Yes, 3 White Skull Marines. Please, devs, if you read this, make available Steam Workshop! It will help to the fame of this nice game! Thanks!
Crashing... I got an iPhone 8 and now the game wont load. It crashes on startup every time. Was it not 64 bit compatible? The App Store says it still works, and its still for sale. I really want to play this again...
Rodeo has gone belly up . I am also wanting to play on my X it's not working anymore on iOS 11 and above
Just checked on my iPad Air 2 on ios 11 and it plays ok. Actually not played it for some time (this, hunters 2 and warhammer have never been off the iPad) and loving getting back into it. Not finished it on the hardest setting yet.
As far as I know it works under iOS 11. It doesnt work on new devices, iPhone 8 and up. It doesnt work on my iPhone X but work on iPad Air.
So just out of curiosity, does anyone know what happens to IAP purchase revenue when the owners are no longer in business? The cash just get dumped into a Swiss bank account somewhere?
As long as they are paying yhe annual apple fee, the items are avsilable for sale. Therefore apple deposit the money to a sellers account. Rodeo may have sold the game to someone else or have an agreement on sharing leftover funds.
Someone somewhere is still maintaining the Rodeo portfolio since just before iOS11 was released several of their apps (like warhammer quest) were updated to 64 bit so someone must still be collecting the IAP's - doubt there will be any further add ons or support tho
Damn. I was sitting here trying to decide if I were going to buy warhammer quest and deathwatch, but if they've closed down, I think I'll pass. I googled it and it appears this happened last year even. February 2016 according to I thought that was weird as warhammer quest 2 was released this year, but now that I look I see the creative director from rodeo opened up this new studio after rodeo closed down.
Even if the company has gone away, those are both still fantastic games and well worth the purchase and time.
So this game hasn’t worked on my Xs Max for years (or a year or whatever). And before I get anyone’s hopes up, it still doesn’t work. but interestingly I just searched the game in the AppStore and it showed there as an update which reads “This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate”. But it doesn’t show up as a new update revision within the app page itself unfortunately. anyway, I tried the update, all like nearly 2GB of it, but unfortunately the game still crashes.
Also works fine on iPad Mini 4 with iPad OS 13.6.1 But this does use the Unreal Engine. If Epic and Apple do not settle their dispute this game may be headed to the dustbin.