Universal Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion (by Rodeo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. ChaosProdigy

    ChaosProdigy Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2009
    Account Manager
    #341 ChaosProdigy, Jul 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
    Hi RodeoMatthew,

    I backed up my iPhone to the computer and found the backup directory for the game, but it is a backup of the game as a 1.51GB file and I have no way to open it to find the save game file on its own. It is by default a iTunes .ipa file and I am not sure what to do now. Do I need some specific software to get into this game backup? I tried iExplorer but it didn't work. Any advice?

    Im trying to upload the entire game save to MediaFire, maybe that works since I don't know how to get at the game save itself.
  2. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    #342 Pitta, Jul 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
    I'm sure Matthew will answer but meanwhile I think that with iExplorer you can 'inspect' the backup file, see the contents and find the documents folder of Deathwatch.
    Inside there should be the saves directory (it's small).

    I didn't try tough, it's just guess if you want to try.
    Actually I do not have the time now...but you gave me an idea how to transfer my saves from iPad to iPhone (backup physically the iPad, extract the save, backup the iPhone, inject the save in the iPhone backup, restore the iPhone).
    Too bad I thought about this too late!!!!

    EDIT: you have to find the iDevice backup. It's not the .ipa file...that is the actual app downloaded from the AppStore signed with your account.
  3. ChaosProdigy

    ChaosProdigy Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2009
    Account Manager
    I played around with iExplorer and the backup file but it didn't work or I did something wrong. I'm uploading the entire game backup 1.52 GB to MediaFire, if I don't find a better work around I will just have to send them the link to the entire thing. :(
  4. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Been ages since I do not physically backup (I use iCloud) but the ipa file is the actual app.
    You need to inspect the backup...the ipa if I recall well is the actual game downloaded from the AppStore signed with your account.
    I think Rodeo already have that :)
  5. vogelmann

    vogelmann Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    Cologne, Germany

    Why don't you people just play this awesome game and stop worrying about backups, currupted save games or lost iPhones???
  6. dasaff1

    dasaff1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2010
    Great game, a little slow but still fun

    Just a tip, since I know nothing about warhammer I Renamed all my guys with the weapon type they carry

    My squad now includes

    Punchy: melee fighter
    Long range

    Made the game A LOT easier since I know what every has and how much ap their actions cost

    Good luck
  7. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    I'm surprised nobody mentioned the chatter between Marines yet.

    It's SO COOL....sometimes I mix Marines types instead of sticking with my consolidated team just to hear the variations.

    It's a wonderful top class thing IMHO, makes the Marines so real.
    I love when the Blood Angels start mocking the Ultramarines!!!
  8. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    I appreciate that we get a new card here and there but....PLEASE...i have more than enough plasma guns now:rolleyes:
  9. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    I can't wait to get this but have read a not to much on crashes and issues. I also want iCloud support and am still so disappointed that developers don't realize that many gamers have both and iPhone and iPad and iCloud saves is becoming a necessity as we like to use both devices depending on situations etc...

    I hope the crashes are addressed as I have many long flights starting next Wed and would love to play this on the flight to kill time!
  10. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Thanks for the info on the saving and iCloud isn't mainly for if I lose my device its for when o get a new one as I never use iTunes or a pc for my device.

    So I started using the lascannon now and my devastator is a bit more useful, also got my first two flamers, are flamers different to metlas? One guy has a trait for flamer and one for melta.

    I've also noticed the chatter, mine is mostly between my blood angel and ultramarine too.
  11. Sexy Pirate

    Sexy Pirate Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    Call centre / Parent
    Newcastle England
    I know this might be a bit mean to say and I really don't want to say anything bad about the studio full control but this game makes me wish that rodeo games had made space hulk :eek: as this is exactly how I would have wanted space hulk to play.
    now that I'm home and can sit down to play a few missions I'm absolutely loving this game. the way you can choose your team and replay missions, the voice acting everything is fantastic and just what I expected from the devs.
    at the minute I'm just replaying the first two missions to get a bit of xp to unlock an ability for my marines and loving every second of it.
  12. The Infamous E

    The Infamous E Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    #352 The Infamous E, Jul 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
    Does anyone know if multiplayer is going to be live or asynchronous? It's a personal preference of mine, but I can't stand asynchronous multiplayer. Live with timed turns would be awesome...

    I already own the game and am greatly enjoying it, congrats devs. Just making it clear that this is not one of those " Add x feature or my 2 friends and I won't buy your game" threads.

    I just want to know if I should be hyped for the multi, because I simply won't be interested if its asynchronous. I'll still play the crap out of single player though. I'm not a huge multiplayer gamer anyway, I'm super picky with them.

    +1 on the LOS "fix" and the iso mode transparency so sight is not blocked by map outer walls. I want to play iso mode so bad but that stops me. Also consider an "iso mode on" checkbox if the transparency ever gets added. I figure something like the transparency is no small task, but I'm crossing my fingers.

  13. Cilo

    Cilo Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Los Angeles
    #353 Cilo, Jul 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
    I finally had a chance to clear the prologue and have to add to the discussion here:

    Pros -
    1. Unit/Gear design is amazing. I really love all the detail, especially when rotating units to notice minor differences.
    2. Sound on battle actions are pretty nice, very distinctive.
    3. Map graphical details did surprise me as the official trailer made every map look like it all shared one single color palette. The water and lightning fx are awesome.
    4 Map design is not as claustrophobic as Warhammer Quest which is a good thing. My biggest issue with WQ is that I always felt like I wasn't in a dungeon but stuck in someone's basement.

    Cons -
    1. LOS is broken and annoying which has already been mentioned.
    2. Game engine was built to play in topdown view, Iso is broken. There's no reason to add in Isometric view if you are not going to go the extra step and make environments transparent. Yes we can argue that this has a new 3D engine, but when you can't utilize that 3D engine to play the game because it fights against you at every opportunity then that argument is pretty much mute.
    3. As mentioned by a lot of people here - the overall speed of the game is too slow, and it isn't just enemy turns it's the entire game. Loading times, unit/enemy movements and actions, even the splash animation for turns and victories are painfully slow. I'm playing on an iPhone 6 Plus with iOS 8.4 so I would expect this would be more than enough to speed things up.

    Also what's going on with the beta testing on some of these iOS games? Some of the simplest design issues are so easy to spot yet they don't get addressed in beta testing? Are people just so happy to get a test copy of the game they don't care to be critical of what would make the overall experience better for everyone?
  14. vogelmann

    vogelmann Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    Cologne, Germany
    @Infamous E
    The multiplayer is asynchronous! Sorry to disappoint you.
  15. CrazedJava

    CrazedJava Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    Can someone confirm for me that there is a level cap at 10? Just wondering if I need to stop levelling and start unlocking wargear.

    For the question of flamers vs. meltas

    Haven't seen a flamer in this game yet but if it is similar to lore, and everything has been so far, flamers are good area of effect weapons and insta-damage and meltas are powerful but VERY short-range weapons.

    I have a Multi-Melta on my Devastator, pretty much a one-shot kill of anything, but only 3 range. Still, in tight quarters it makes a Devastator a Harbinger of Melty Doom

    Pro-tip on Wargear guys. Extra basic gear you don't need, sell. Example, I have 3 Assault Marines, I drew a Master-crafted bolt pistol. No matter how I choose to equip my guys as long as I have that Mastercrafted bolt pistol I will NEVER need to equip all three with basic bolt pistols. Bolt pistol sold. Same thing happened with a heavy bolter and a chainsword. It just clutters up your inventory. I tend to hang onto things just in case, but even for me there is no point in owning more of the basic weapon types than I have people to use them.
  16. vogelmann

    vogelmann Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    Cologne, Germany
    #356 vogelmann, Jul 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
    Nope! No level cap at 10. RodeoMatthew said that he has a level 107 guy. So it seems you can go on and on. But wargear slots are very cool, too! So mix it up!
  17. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Just unlocked a level 2 apothecary, now the hard decision on who to replace to give him a go.
  18. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Not sure if I'm allowed to say so and I don't want to do any harm...but I think you will be pleased anyway.

    Multy is (or was in the beta) fully async BUT it switches to live if both are online.
    I mean...if I take my turn and my opponent is online, I see live his moves (or hear or just see enemy moving)...then when he has done it is my turn again.
    So if all a players are online, it's live.
    I played it so and had a blast.

    Actually it worked really well.
  19. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    It's live be if both are online.
    Actually I thought I played part of a game live with you :)
  20. Tizz986

    Tizz986 Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 20, 2009
    Loving the game so far!

    My initial negative feedback:

    1. All-in for the speed up button, mostly for the enemy turn.
    2. It feels awkward that an open diagonal tile is not a passage. In an open field, your guy just steps diagonally, but you can't move between one of your men and the corner of a wall when the diagonal space is empty.
    3. iCloud save is key. I won't even download the game to my other devices until it's the same save. I would be so frustrated if I got something I really wanted on my iPhone when my primary game is on my iPad. Additionally, as someone who is not a developer, I would be interested to know the reasoning behind leaving iCloud saves out initially. Is it time consuming to implement or something? Just curious.
    4. What's with the pixels when you use a fire based weapon? Everything else is so clean and sharp, but it gets all pixelated when you shoot fire.
    5. +1 for the whole game having to reload being an issue. I don't know if that's my iPad Mini 2 or what.

    Initial Positive Feedback:
    1. Game looks super awesome (other than the fire I mentioned above)
    2. As someone who loved Hunters, this is a great step up. Feels much more mature as a product and I am excited to see how they continue to expand the game.
    3. Already excited about multiplayer being async, I have always played games for a lot longer when I can make a move and come back to it in a little bit. (Get a couple moves in between meetings etc)

    1. A "Next" button when looking at my marines. Just feels like an extra step to have to back out a step then click on the next one.
    2. Someone mentioned changing it to where your guys just lose the current mission XP for death. I like this idea. Allows me to decide to sacrifice someone for the team without wasting hours worth of saving up on that one guy.

    1. Is there any value in keeping lower level Marines? Or if I have better ones then just go ahead and sell off the level 1 guys?
    2. Do their names matter at all or are they just randomly generated? Like are there any "Named" marines that are better than the others?

    Love the game so far and will be in it for the long haul. GL on bug squashing!

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