Thanks for the response! That's the rub with the Blood Angels. They don't pack a punch. Using them in heroic will definitely be playing on "extra hard mode". Along the lines of your 5 Lone Wolf team, the punchiest Blood Angel seems to me to be the Sanguinary Guard T4 Assault. If I can get the Medusas, and Emperor's Maws Chainsowrds, and grind them up 20 levels higher than I would need to with a Lone Wolf, I'd be playing with a similar power level.
For me, it inhibits xp grinding, which in turn makes it much more difficult to finish the harder levels. Anyone have a suggestion for a map which still works fine (without a million clicks) for xp grinding with the present overwatch bug?
I'm still using A2.M1, and am still on veteran. I can manage to kill only three gaunts in overwatch. The other 6 I do manually. The three on the left I use a Knight Breaker on, which has the fastest animation cycle, and can, with the right marine, reliably one-shot gaunts on veteran.
So, here's my breakdown of Blood Angel Tactical Marine options. If I did my math right... The T3 with Wrath of Damocles does 328 damage per AP max (close in), but that jumps to a whopping 740 if the target is below 50% health. He heals 5% per kill. The T4 with Firescream maxes at 400 damage per AP, and gets me the -10/+40 team buff. He heals 10% per kill. That's a tough choice.
Don't hold your breath for a response from Rodeo. Their digital content champion (RodeoMattew) has left. We've not seen any evidence to suggest anyone from Rodeo is monitoring this thread anymore, which is a real shame. He was doing the Emperor's work...
Not sure this one can be farmed.. I've not found it on a mission, just in a 3 pack of cards. Finally got Litany of Endurance IV... Also only found in cards not missions. Just need that damn IV Ultramarine Assault and I'm done. From the lack of action on social media looks like the devs have lost interest in this game? I hope not as the really obvious next steps would be cool... I.e. Just copy the old game Chaos Gate!
Well, I've assembled my Blood Angel team. 2 T4 Tacticals with Firescreams 1 T3 Tactical with Wrath of Damocles 1 T4 Sanguinary Priest 1 T4 Assault with Emperor's Maw In reserve I have another T4 Assault I have a T3 Devastator, but only a T2 plasma cannon. If I need punch, I take both assaults and drop a T4 Tactical. The T3 Tactical stays because he's a frigging death machine (Evaluate Target, and +50% damage if target is below 50% health... doubled with a Wrath of Damocles). Standard Wargear is Weapon buff First Company Relic Oath of Angels (+125% crit, +250% crit damage) Unlike what you do with most teams, since Blood Angels are meant to be beaten on, I'm going to boost health at some point. For the other Space Marine chapters, the obvious strategy is to not waste any levels on health and pack a bunch of Devastators. I could be wrong here, but I think that's not the right plan with the Blood Angels. It seems to me you have to play them a little differently.
U should definitely choose murloc's gift for the champion higher damage and covering fire (just kidding looks how cool murloc is !mrghhh......)
I trying to remember: how do you transfer a saved game from one device to another without iCloud? I have s new iPad and would like to move this over to get the extra 1.6 GB open on my iPhone.
Hey, I just arrived in heroic after cruising through veteran and by the mean look of the small gaunts I realise there's a challenge right there. My team is 3 devastators (2 T4 wolves) with plasma canon and 2 tacticals (1 T4 ultra), one bolter and one melta. I know my team would be wiped on survival maps, can you give me any tips, tactics, what equipment i should be grinding maybe ? Thanks !
Really depends on your playstyle i guess, but im*humble*o 3 devastators is just to much/many. Personally, i was very happy with my T4 Lone Wolf+ either T4 powerfist (both farmable, even "only" in veteran, see link) In the end my team consisted of 2 Tacticals (1 T3, 1 T4, both with T4 bolters), 2 Assaults (2 T4s, both with T4 powerfists, and a Medusa and a Ursa's Word) and 1 Devastator (T4, normally with T3 plasmagun, but occasionally with the T4 Laser, since i couldn't wield the T4 plasma :-( ) Gear you really want: - Oath(s) of immortality (Painsuppressants, atleast T3, will do in a pinch), if you have guys with hunker down, even better! - Auspex (at least T3) - First company relic(s), against all the biggies - T4 adrenaline boost (optional, but quite handy indeed) - Lotsa stun/minus4 AP grenades, defo needed against the biggies --> note: watch out you dont stun your own guys with the "+x chance to adjacent"! I stunned myself WAY to often :-s All this is assuming all Marines can carry 3 times ofc. My assaults took the point, dished the *heavy* damage and if needed painsuppressed/oath of immortality-ed, and my T's and D offered supporting/suppressing fire. But like i said: totally depends on your playstyle. I'm pretty sure someone here could come up with a great team/plan to wield a 5 Devastatorteam and kick some Xenos-ass with it... Also pretty sure 5 T4 assaults with Ursa's Words and/or Medusa's + assortment of meleeweapons could kick some serious butt
I decided to grind on A2.M1 without spawn camping. I lose out on two gaunts per turn, but get to do most of my killing on overwatch. On a normal round I have to kill only two by hand. Cuts down immensely on the amount of tapping. It makes for a long enemy turn. Obviously, you can speed this up with the fast-forward button. I actually don't mind the long turn. I do chores when I'm grinding, too little time between turns makes the chores difficult. Oh... I'm finally on Heroic. Only 130 xp for a gaunt? Boooo!
General thoughts on carrying two assaults vs. one assault and one healer-type? (Assault light?). I'm still on Normal. Thanks!