I was wondering the same thing overwatch doesn't work properly for me, since Matthew left it seems like no one else at Rodeo watches this thread, which is a pity.
+50% crit is the cap you can get from levels. That does not include the bonus from your weapons (which shows up on your unit summary)
Rodeo plz Dear rodeo games I still can't get frostbite after opening like900packs I'm devastated, could u guys plz include the bolster in a mission? Pretty plz with cherry on top
Imho it is: i finished the game after the latest patch on Heroic. Just every now and then a little "bonusfrustration" , but nothing gamebreaking if you ask me
The legendary narthecium has 124base damage plus 250% critical bonus how the heck did the damage mounted up to400? I one swing killed a homaguant I promised I have no other buffs like rites of the warrior etc.
I don't know the details, but I'd guess a normal critical is double damage. So 250% on 248..? I'm confident there are some cleverer types than me on here who will spell it out for you!
Thank you for the early adopter card packs!!! Is there any way to transfer progress to another device?
Hello, all! Decided to join because this seems to be the go-to spot for Tyranid Invasion talk. I have a few questions for everyone... The first is: how tenable are the Blood Angels on Heroic? How would you build this team? Right now, on veteran, I have the three T4 Blood Angels, and a T3 Tactical plus T3 Devastator. The Devastator is only really useful for charged plasma work, so I'm thinking of replacing him with a second T4 Assault. It seems to me like maybe if I can get my hands on a couple more Medusa pistols (I only have one now), and use the purity seal which divides up damage, the first half of Heroic is doable. Anyone else try something this stupid? Do Medusas drop on missions, or are those pack only? Didn't see it on the loot table posted earlier. Lastly, I wanted to ask about the overwatch bug... before the patch, the best way to grind (for me) was on A2.M1. You could kill all the spawns on overwatch, and your actual turn was just putting everybody back on overwatch. Post-patch, marines will only shoot at the first spawn they see, and then stop, regardless of how many APs remaining. I know it's a long-shot someone would know this, but was this intentional, or just another way the overwatch bug is manifesting? I emailed Rodeo a couple weeks ago, but never got a reply. Thanks to everyone who's posted so far. I've gotten much useful info!
Team builds are a hard one to advise on because it very much depends on how you play. That being said there is a significant step up in terms of enemy HP which means you need to be bringing marines that pack a punch. For my first play through (Ultramarines) that meant 2 devastators with the t4 plasma cannon with a t4 assault who could stand toe to toe with an enemy, pin it in position and allow the Devs to kill it where needed. Played an awful lot since then and you can roll through with lots of different combos if you've got the wargear. Medusas are great (got to love the 5x Lone Wolf, t4 powerfist + Medusa team). First play through I personally wouldn't want to be doing it without a couple of punchy devastators who can dish out some powerful plasma overload shots. First company relics, anything that boosts AP etc. Make sure 1 or 2 marines have the invincibility wargear oath of immortality. Very useful for holding up a rampaging Carnifex or Hive Tyrant or for allowing flanking of a tyrant guard! Good luck!