What if there was a team building screen where you could line up different marines into teams that you could deploy? It could work like a playlist of sorts. All the marines stay on the main page but would also show up on this screen in a team. That way you can assign marines to multiple teams. I also think this would help to keep track of all your marines. I have a lot of them. I think it would be cool to have multiple teams to choose from and not have to assemble a new team every time I'm in the mood for something different.
Yeah but then Matthew said it was coming out "this week, regardless of the state of GC". That was I think about 10 days ago?
Here's the post: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?p=3709155#post3709155 That was... three weeks ago today, if I'm reading it right. Edit: sorry, 11 days ago. Stupid US date format, grumble grumble...
Last I heard there was progress towards getting multiplayer in, we did some tests with iOS9.1 and things were looking promising However, I haven't been in the office for a couple of weeks now and I'm unsure as to when i'll return but I'll try and find out whats going on.
@Matthew And what about that mysterious announcement you mentioned some time ago? We never heard something about that since then.
Finally! Got Master of Relics! Shame I've finished the game on all 3 levels He finally dropped after another session of act 2/4, still need the Ultramarine assault & Medusa (& a smattering of others..). Act 2/4 always crashes after two plays on my iPad Air, any similar issues out there? Also the inventory is driving me crazy, shooting up to the top or bottom randomly. And always resetting the Space Marine inventory to the top after I finish looking at a particular marine. Apart from that, love it. When we getting Terminators??
Wait...you for sure don't mean he dropped as the reward for a A2/4 run?! You mean you picked him up with the RP points you got from running it a bunch of times, right? As for the problems you're experiencing, I'm experiencing the inventory bug as well on an iPad Air 2 but not the crashes after two runs of the level.
On the iPhone, the inventory will sometime jump to the bottom/top of you run your right thumb along the edge of the screen to scroll, as it has a tiny little scroll bar there. Kind of annoying, but I think I've trained myself to avoid it for the most part now Out of curiosity, does the scroll bar show up on the iPad version as well?