I'm irritated. Enjoyed the first 2 missions, got to the 3rd mission (I think, the one where you have to secure the generator so the tech priests can get off the planet) and the game froze on "enemy turn", left the phone for 15 minutes, came back exact same screen, can't click anything, closed the app, hard closed it, reopened it and exactly the same screen. I've had to delete and reinstall, 2 missions in is irritating, if this was 20 or 30 in I'd be ******* furious!
The exp penalty for losing a mission is ridiculous. Experience is experience, how is it suddenly lost? Perhaps it would make sense if only the exp from that current mission was lost, but all unspent experience forgotten in an instant? It's not logical. I'm sure the intent is to establish risk-reward for banking exp, but it's over the top and adds nothing to the experience but frustration.
I like it personally it adds some tension. But I think it should be optional and maybe just gain less exp? Id rather not loose a tier 4 marine altogether.
It adds nothing to YOUR experience but frustration. I'd find losing my soldier like in x-com much more...not frustrating but sad—acceptable though. If you die and are brought back, yeah it makes sense that you might lose your short term memory, so to speak, experiences you haven't solidified with levels up. Maybe what your are after is a more casual setting? @rodeo, are you guys working on the lock screen/memory management issue? As in, if you lock the screen in play and wake it up you have to completely reload the app (iPad Air, ios 8.2) And yes, speeding up would be great! I also agree with line of sight and grenade targeting issues. Not being able to shoot through an occupied space but at least be able to see.
Someone else mentioned it: obstacles often blocks the sight when using iso view.Making them transparent in this case (like other games do) is the key here!
It's also not particularly logical that after getting eviscerated by a slathering alien killing machine you come back to life to carry on....
Unfortunately if you are on iOS 8.3 or 8.4 I don't think you can. I know I tried everything to copy my save from iPad to iPhone (which is updated to 8.4). If the app doesn't support iTunes sharing (and Deathwatch doesn't, unfortunately) you can't see the content of the documents folder (where the saves are). If you do manage to access, please tell me. I think the only ways are being jail broken or Rodeo patch the game with iTunes sharing access. (Or iCloud, so via iCloud Drive I'll have always access even from Mac, not to mention it would sync progresses). As far as I know since 8.3 Apple blocks access from iExplorer / iFunbox or similar programs if iTunes sharing isn't enabled (if it is you just need iTunes to see the saves....many games do that).
For me I don't feel it's too slow my games take s while because I play cautious, one thing I keep wondering and am pretty unsure though is can you somehow save the game mid game somehow? Nearly the weekend so will get to play loads now, looking forward to seeing what I get.
It's ridicolous that 99% of all games don't use the documents folder for easy file sharing via iTunes.But Why??? My only guess they are afraid that people start to modify the game data (cheating etc) by make it accessable more easy?But wouldn't this people have a jailbroken device anyway? Like so often,the "honest"customer is screwed...but then the devs should at least deliver iCloud support.I can't even make a backup via iTunes because my iPad is always almost full and currently i don't have the space to backup my 115Gb,lol @ste86uk Just leave the game wherever you are,your progress is saved automatically.
It saves locally but if your phone gets lost, or the app data gets corrupted since it is not saved on icloud you can lose all your progress. I'm really hoping they come up with a proper iCloud save before many of us get too far into the game. It would be devastating to lose all that work put in.
Oh don't get me wrong! I would like iCloud save too!!! But he asked how to save mid game, and the game automatically does it. If I lost my iPhone frankly I would more preoccupied to get it back than a game save, no matter how awesome