Universal Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion (by Rodeo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. wyldebeast

    wyldebeast Member

    Nov 5, 2014
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    A few people asked for screen shots of the premium content. I haven't unlocked very much of it, but here are a few screen shots from the codex show the extent of it:
    Black Templars:

    Dark Angels:

    Imperial Fists:

    And a shot of that Dark Angel Plasma Gun (it's identical to a Mastercrafted Plasma Gun, but with higher damage):
  2. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    As I said I like the game but I think your criticism is valid. Personally, I worried when I saw that some people spent $100+ dollars to try to unlock everything in the game. On the short term it might put $$$$ Rodeo's pockets but in the long term I wondered if it might turn off those individuals. I think there should have been some sort of cap where you spend $30 to unlock everything or $10 to unlock a whole class of objects. I'm not that deeply interested in the Warhammer universe so it doesn't bother me if I don't unlock everything.
  3. Based Xatu

    Based Xatu Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2013
    Get a PC. Matt explained a few times why they did what they did. iOS gamers do not pay for premium games like that, you'll have a few, but not enough to match production costs most of the time.

    On steam this game is about $30 USD, on iOS it's $5 USD. They wanted to do a fully priced game, but we all know those situations never work out this platform.
  4. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    Tell that to the people who bought XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
  5. Kotovsky

    Kotovsky Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2012
    You know Xcom priced 20 bucks was hit and stayed in top groccing for a few weeks on ios? So there is market for $20 games.

    This game, Deathwatch is too simple for PC. I use PC for Total War.

    I'd prefer to pay extra 20 bucks and get good premium game on my ipad, but there i'ts not an option.
  6. RodeoMatthew

    RodeoMatthew Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    QA and Community Manager
    I don't think the market for high price indie iOS games is there as it once was.

    I also don't think you can compare us to X-Com, as much as we have been. The X-com team is over 120 people bankrolled by one of the biggest publishers in the world. We're 6 dudes making games on our lifes savings.

    Deathwatch isn't without it's flaws, I'm the first to acknowledge them, Hopefully we can learn from them.
  7. Psylance

    Psylance Active Member

    Sep 18, 2015
    #3367 Psylance, Oct 23, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2015
    Most of us here, the hardcore players of this game, love it and think that it's mind boggling that it was created by a team of six guys. Outstanding!

    But I hope you are hearing some very valid suggestions as well. People loved Warhammer Quest. You totally nailed both the gameplay and IAP side of things. With Deathwatch, people love the game, but don't like the implementation of IAP. It really damages the game and a lot of us find it sad that such an otherwise perfect game has a mechanism built in that pretty much demands grinding or heavy heavy spending (at least for the completionists among us).

    We do it because we love the units and the items you've created and we want to see all of them and try them all out. But, wow, does it get frustrating grinding away and never being able to complete the codex.

    If you're listening, I hope that you can communicate this to the other members of your company. I hope you consider these good suggestions, smart ways to improve the game going forward. Because what worries me is that I've never seen a comment from you in the forums saying, "Yes, you're right, the drop rate for higher tier units could really be improved. I'll mention that to the developers." I apologize in advance if that's not true. If you've said that and I've just missed the comment, great! If not, I would be genuinely interested in hearing why you don't agree.

    We all just want this game to be great. It's already the best thing I have on my iPad but there's no reason it can't keep getting better!
  8. Kotovsky

    Kotovsky Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2012
    It takes efforts of only one man (game designer) to balance the game right.
    So team size has nothing to do with it as we already seen in WHQuest made by the same team or balance and droprates in PC version of Deathwatch.
  9. sobriquet

    sobriquet Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2015
    Matthew has more or less stated previously they are considering ideas for revamping the IAP but they don't want to make it something unfair to people who are not buying the IAP as that would make the game pay to win. Most likely whatever they do is going to upset people. AppStore reviews are full of people who will find anything to complain about. Go read some of the reviews for "Lume". I was amazed how people describe the game as awesome but rate it 1 or 2 stars because of it's length. They all feel ripped off paying $2 for the game with it being so short. One person even compares it to a bunch of f2p games that provided hours of game play at no cost. Or check out the reviews for the Beats app. Everyone is crying about how the app sucks now because Apple Music makes them pay for the music. Really, they are upset that they can't steal music anymore. People just like to complain and it doesn't take much to set them off.
  10. GJ77

    GJ77 Member

    Oct 23, 2015
    Oh no!
    Not all of us are waiting for MP you know. I'm just waiting for the promised (SP) bug fixes. Can't you release a patch for those?
  11. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Speaking of Warhammer Quest and Steam ports, the weekly humble bundle has both Space Hulk and WQ along a few others (Talisman) for just 6$.
    I'm not sure I will play again those games on my laptop, but I'm curious to see the differences between the iOS and steam versions, and it looks like a great deal.
  12. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Are the announcement and the patch still happening this week (i.e. Today or tomorrow)?
  13. Tarquelne

    Tarquelne Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2015
    #3373 Tarquelne, Oct 24, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2015
    Oh, please today. I'd just happened to open a new bag of tenterhooks when RM mentioned there'd be an announcement, but now it's almost empty.

    I do find it impressive that DW was created with such a small team. Many the decisions made make a lot more sense now, too, with time being at such a premium.

    DW vs X-Com:

    Pricing - Rodeo's mistake was not having a game with a legendary history in computer gaming, a huge publisher, and a concurrent hit PC title.

    Complexity - A very personal take here, but X-Com's greater complexity and bigger scale is exactly why I'm completely disinterested in the iPad version. As much as I'd like to be able to mod DW, X-Com is the sort of game I'm not going to enjoy without the ability to fiddle with it, or apply mods like "Long War."

    Oh. And I can play the PC version of X-Com, with the Long War mod, on my iPad via Teamviewer. (This did *not* work with DW for some reason. Controls were "wonky.")
  14. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
    IMHO, IAPs and RNGs are not flaws, just features not to everyone's like. Don't worry about them too much. As long as they bring revenue to the developer team then they make sense economically. Gamers will continue to complain and suggest "fixes", still they love you, for you guys have done a incredible job with Deathwatch. Keep delivering enjoyable gaming experience and people will pay.
  15. vect

    vect Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Thanks a ton! You rock!
  16. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    So I guess not.

  17. Psylance

    Psylance Active Member

    Sep 18, 2015
    Let me understand, you're saying to the developer that the people that buy you're game are always going to complain and they'll buy your game anyway, so you might as well just ignore them. Is that really the point you're making?

    I work in development and if the day ever came that I took this attitude, it would be just a matter of time before I was out of business. There is no better source of insight into what could be improved in an app or a game than the feedback you get from your users. This is Usability 101.

    I think the feedback on this forum is a valuable source of insight into the average player's feelings about the game. But the average player isn't going to take the time to come to a forum and spell it out. They will just abandon the game when they get frustrated and move on to something else.

    Listening to the advice here is a way to refine the game and make it a better user experience. This is a great way to ensure that the game continues to sell and make the developers the money they deserve.
  18. SfBay-63

    SfBay-63 New Member

    Oct 26, 2015
    PC vs. iOS version

    Been lurking for quite some time ...think I've read all 300 some odd pages on this thread. I've been playing the PC version now since release day and have almost completed veteran level on PC. I was one of those crazy people who spent hundreds on in-apps. My iOS codex is complete except for the elusive frostbite Bolter. Imagine my surprise when it dropped for me today after level 1-4!!!! Now my Wolf Guard is really fun to have on the team and mows through everything on veteran level.

    Ok, so a few differences to note on PC. I've been able to accumulate most of the new 13 enhanced chapter marines. I have been able to accumulate 3 tier4s, several iter3s, and most of the tier 2s and 1s. The bump you get on experience really helps the games pace. 120exp on normal for a lowly termagant. The veteran dark angel is awesome with his plasma and has "advanced plasma handling ability" so no overheating!! Will be great when I get the tier 4 plasma for him to use. The PC graphics are great with all setting on Epic. The lighting changes, shadowing, etc. really enhance the game! Oh and did I mention the frostbite!!! :eek:

    I've been trying to see if the loot drops are consistent between the two versions. Lots of talk about random generation but given the loot spreadsheet, it seems still consistent except for the added enhanced version PC loot..and just wanted to thank everyone for maintaining the loot spreadsheet. It's super awesome and haves me hundreds of hours in farming items I wanted ...or wanted more of.

    I'm sure lots of folks are playing both versions now but would be glad to try and answer any questions people have about the differences. Is it worth owning both version.....150% yes. Rodeo rocks given that their team is only 6 people. Such an amazingly wonderful game on both platforms. A few other differences I did not mention because they were referred to earlier.
  19. Fair

    Fair Member

    Aug 19, 2015
    Moscow, Russia
    RodeoMatthew, do you need help with Russian language in the game?
    I have seen Russian in the PC version and there are a lot of mistakes (it looks quite ugly).

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