What guns and marines is best to use in late game...act 8 on normal. I'm stuck. I use a missile launcher, lascannon, infernus, melta gun, and flames. I have grenades with almost everyone, a stimpack.
A lot depends on the marines you're using. But in speaking generally, I'd call that a rather inflexible loadout. You're constantly going to be faced with situations where the AP required to maneuver for a shot leaves you without the APs to shoot. The 3 AP cost of most missle launchers and lascannons makes them tricky. Especially if the marine assigned the weapon doesn't have an AP-enhancing ability like Adrenaline, Preparation, or Charge. Heavy Bolter are dependable and allow more maneuvering. The overheating on a plasma cannon can be a bitch, but most of the time I'd rather have one than a lascannon or a missle launcher. Especially when fighting the very high HP Tyranids. The damage is good on infernus pistols and melta guns, but that short range is much like an AP-tax. I like the tier 3 and 4 weapons with the extra point of range. Unless you've got those, I'd say each sub-optimal ... especially if your team lacks flexibility elsewhere. You'd likely be better off with a bolter or plasma gun. Re: Overheating - You might want to stick with no more than one non-pistol plasma weapon. Having 2 overheat on the same turn sucks. And note that on Normal the high damage of the melta-types is often overkill. I think flamers are good weapons, but I'd want others in the group to have some good range. Flexible range.
Well my missile launcher is tier 4..so I made switches to try to beat, heart of monsters...or something like that, it's in act 8. Switched the missile launcher for a tier 2 heavy bolter,mswitched melta for plasma cannon tier 2, switched infernus for a tier 2 bolter pistol(not sure if smart?),....trying to grind to see if I can get better marines, I have all tier 3 marines. Also trying to unlock all abilities.
According to the last Rodeo Games interview, the game has been totally rebalanced and got rid of micro transactions for the the PC version (out 20 October). http://www.motdmedia.com/latest-news_articles/warhammer-40000-deathwatch-interview-creative-director-ben-murch I wonder if the cards are still there...I wouldn't mind the same on iOS too. Very curious about this, expecially because on PC they will have 6 chapters and I wonder how they balance it.
No clue, and TBH I don't care. I would have bought it at 30 on iOS too, and probably I'll double dip. But the price is not important to me...I'm very curious about this 'new balance' and if marines are still random. I love the game but I wouldn't mind a more linear approach to marines.
A quote from the named interview: "We've totally taken out all the micro-transactions and rebalanced the rewards / loot. Now, you just pay for the title, and that's it!" WTF? Why can't we get that on iOS? I would like to pay just for the title, too. I don't mind if it's 20 Euros or maybe more. This is super disappointing to read... It's like the iOS-players are only second class customers and the PC-guys get the real deal.
I hear that. I've spent well over what a game on Steam cost on this game and now they just hand the stuff I paid for to new players on a different system. Here's to hoping we see something similar come to the iOS version otherwise I'm not sure how I will feel about giving Rodeo any more of my money.
A quick search came up with the average price of 63 cents for games on the app store. The perceived "fair" price-point for iOS games is nuts. Real gamers don't mind paying more, but we're a minority. I'd be very surprised if the devs thought the current purchace/IAP set-up ideal - it's a response to the nature of the iOS market.
Yeah, that's really a shame. And it is frustrating to learn, that it was a conscious decision to release the game on iOS in that form - with the micro transactions and that balancing and the rng-madness. And all that just because the is no confidence in the "real" gamers on iOS that are willing to pay a premium price for a premium game. Very, very frustrating!
Yeah I understood!!! TBH I do not know what the rebalance of the PC version means and I certainly didn't want to start a 'war' posting the interview. As I said I'm just really curious, expecially how they balanced things with 6 chapters. With the actual balance and the RP system (I'm not considering the iaps/micro transactions...personally I do not care if they are there as I do not feel anyone paying has any advantage in the game as many posts clarified but if someone wants to throw money at Rodeo is ok for me) I think that from a player point of view it's a bit difficult to choose a 'path'...to form a preferred squad. As it is now I see the game more as 'cope and adapt with what you are given'. I probably would have preferred a more linear and direct approach, but that didn't prevent me to have so much fun and consider the game stellar anyway. I wonder how (and if) the PC version will address this, having 3 more chapters won't really help in that so I'm really curious. I'm not even ruling out the possibility that 'game mode' could come to iOS too. I'm not so sure like others seem to imply Rodeo balanced the game for iaps...on the contrary. Sometime I feel they are there just because some people in the team played too much Hearstone during development. And I bet some people at Rodeo were astonished just as myself seeing how much some people spent on packs. Anyway...we will know I'm a month!!!
Oh wow, that is disappointing. I understand we know nothing yet, but I highly doubt the iOS version will change, since that would be a huge middle finger to people who bought their iaps. I do understand the devs reasoning, I do enjoy this game, and I don't want to point blame at anyone. Still, it's hard on us who use their ipad as their main gaming device, since most of us don't mind paying a fair price for a good gaming experience.
If this turn out to be true then I swear I will never drop a buck on any "premium" game that have RNG packs buying elements ever again. If I wanna get frustrated by my lame packs I will play Hearthstone. I remember Rodeo once ask a TA member on the forum what he consider a premium game and now they pull this. I guess IOS games are not considered "premium" enough and us iOS gamers are just plebeians. Despite this I will see how they balance and price the PC version.
So it looks like you're running 2 Devastators, 2 tactical and 1 assault. This is also the team I used for my first play through from about halfway through normal all the way to the end of heroic. I had better ultramarines than anything else to start and found that Plasma cannons were the way to go for the devastators. (I had tier 4, but tier 2 is still perfectly fine for normal). For the tacticals a lot of people like the flamer and some of them are great, although I always used good bolters or meltaguns (sometimes a plasma gun as well, but I found having too many potential overheats was too risky). For the assault, again I usually went plasma pistol or bolt pistol. Also look at your wargear choices. Stun grenades are very useful for killing larger enemies where you need a free turn. Try pairing stim packs with a plasma cannon overload shot for massive damage. Most of all, take it slow and steady. No mileage in rushing through levels until you're more comfortable with your team. Good luck!
The final mission seems way hard....trying to kill broodlord, carnifex, hive guard, etc.....all while moving forward and not getting blown up. Can't seem to beat it.
Ultramarine Plasma Devastaors made the final mission easy, but before that, I sometimes moved just ahead of the death squares and lured some of the big baddies into them. Just make sure the enemy ends the turn in the death zone, while your guys don't. I've also had luck with power fist assaults with oath of immortality and some way to boost crit like litany of hate.
Hello All, Sorry for not being more active, I've been off for a little break. Just a quick update on where the multiplayer patch is. Since the release of iOS 9, Game Center is a bit, broken. We're currently waiting on Apple to provide a fix before we can move ahead with the release. Hopefully they shouldn't be too long and we can get it out the door ASAP after that!
Anyone else getting super annoyed at their phone not registering the first number on their passcode when trying to unlock their phones? Cause I sure hate it.