Universal Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion (by Rodeo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    Rodeo, instabuy player here, and i agree. This is a fantastic game but it is dragged down A LOT by its slowness. The tactics, the animation, the units, the premium, it is all FANTASTIC and congratulations to all.

    But please (for the Emperor) give the option for everything to happen at a faster speed, i can't order my space marine to move and wait 5 seconds for him to lumber around into position one square away... Please! That's the only thing, speed the game up so we can feel the tension.

    As it is now, i can't play more than one battle per day, because it feels less like an intense WH tactical battle and more like lumbersome chess. I implore you, let us play the game at a faster speed! -NOT a "hold to speed up button" but option for "faster moving units" from beginning to end)
  2. Sexy Pirate

    Sexy Pirate Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    Call centre / Parent
    Newcastle England
    I'd agree with this as the slowness is the reason I can't fit a game in here and there and have to wait until my day off. because I can't just squeeze a half an hour game into my daily life of working.
    I know it's a turn based game and I love it for that but would love to be able to actually have time to play it.
    maybe a skirmish mode/random game would be cool. so I could just dive into a small map and play for five to ten mins and be done.
    that would makes happy.
  3. luckystrikeguy

    luckystrikeguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Hoping that when multiplayer hits you can take your whole squad in with their current stats and that there is an option for maybe adjusting the stats on guns so forth. Like a fair mode.

    Would hate to earn all this awesome stuff and not be able to whoop some ass with it
  4. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    Fwiw, I think my main beef here lies with grenades. The obvious use with frags is to lob 'em into the middle of a queue / heap of nasties. Which is impossible, if you can only target the lead nasty (and, tbf, if you can only lob grenades at people, not spaces!)

    That quibble aside, I'm getting considerable enjoyment out of this atm. Good work! #
  5. RodeoMatthew

    RodeoMatthew Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    QA and Community Manager
    I'd love to be able to attack tiles, but don't forget, the splash damage isn't as strong as a direct hit.
  6. djstout

    djstout Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    Sportscaster & football (soccer) coach
    Taiwan & Japan
    Great great game! I love it and I am totally addicted! But the music (especially in the menu) is .... Well it's like if the compositor fell asleep on his keyboard and was moving his head once in a while which explains the change of note
  7. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
    Brother Pitta, how many acts are there? I've just boarded the leviathan and it really feels like something big is happening.
  8. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Are you in Act 9?
    Prepare for awesomeness.
    I was blown away.
  9. CrazedJava

    CrazedJava Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    I'm not farther along in the game because it takes forever to play 1 level.

    Overall, I am loving it. While I may not be far along the little things like accumulating wargear and better weapons and then visibly seeing them on my team is very neat. I like how the game plays overall.

    Not sure it is as important for me as another commenter here, but enemies blocking LOS is an odd design choice.

    The biggest problem with the slowness is that it makes spontaneous play sessions a challenge. While I play my iPad more than my PC these days, the whole point of most games on my iPad is I can fit a short gaming session in when I have nothing else to do but something else is coming up. No mid-mission save and extremely sluggish missions means a lot of times I am choosing not to play this even though I really enjoy it because I need to make sure I have a solid half an hour at least. That would be fine but the missions only take that long because everything is so plodding. You could double the speed of everything and I could still follow the action just fine.

    I think I love the IAP scheme. A good game gives you everything you need to succeed and maybe a little bit more. I think this game does that, but for impatient people or people who find the game a little too challenging the booster packs are for you. That's not an insult. I'm one of the impatient ones but can't do any further purchases right now but would love to just see what I get out of a 10 pack. It appears the game gives you a lot as you go along so you don't NEED to spend any further money.
  10. RodeoMatthew

    RodeoMatthew Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    QA and Community Manager
    10 including the prologue.
  11. RodeoMatthew

    RodeoMatthew Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    QA and Community Manager
    Its really interesting people are saying missions take longer than 10-15 minutes to complete. I assume because of the XP loss everyone plays quite cautiously.

    I'm all running in guns blazing, chain sword swinging. Know no fear
  12. Mattosai

    Mattosai Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    #312 Mattosai, Jul 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
    That would be a great thing ! i strongly agree that the game feels too slow overall.
    This , along with fixing the ennemy IA 'stuck' bug if you can point out what is doing this :) (dunno seems there is an infinite loop in certain cases, like the IA dunno what to do ?)

    How do you quit a mission on IA turn btw ? ppl says the left the mission and lose xp, in my case the whole game was stuck when the bug happened (except the IA moving message in bottom left of the screen)
  13. ZorakZoran

    ZorakZoran Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    #313 ZorakZoran, Jul 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
    So as I can't play on my ios9 iPhone, I played last night on my iPad. Prologue, and the first mission. All in all, seems like a great game, but I have several problems :
    - First, it's slooowwww... At least in Warhammer quest you could accelerate ennemy turn...
    - Second, no iCloud, so if one day the game works on ios9, I won't be able to continue my campaign during the day. I don't know why it's still not mandatory, maybe it's a pain to put in the game, as many universal games are still sold without it...
    - Third, line of sight and fire. Ennemies completly blocking los is weird, and friends blocking line of fire is for me "exaggerated", I know they're big bulky marines in armor, but I did prefer the system as it was in Warhammer Quest.
    - Fourth, damn this consumes battery... I know it's Unreal Engine 4, but I think I've never seen my iPad's battery disapearing so fast.
    - Fifth, "shallowness". I'd really like it to be deep as Fallout Tactics or Xcom, I know that with time the gameplay will strengthen a bit, but I already know it won't be as demanding. It's a design choice, but I complain nonetheless. :)
    - Sixth, the third dimension poses problems, as obstacles don't get transparency when they're in the middle of the camera.
    Hope it doesn't sound too harsh, game seems nice as it is, and I can't wait to continue playing tonight.
  14. saansilt

    saansilt 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Mar 23, 2013

  15. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    I do not get the slow thing.
    It's a turn based game.
    I feel it's faster than Warhammer Quest and not different than, let's say, XCOM or Banner Saga.
    It's just that here there are a lot more monsters and it's player phase/monster phase.
    I like when I see them coming out...add the tension.

    Generally it takes 20-30 mins for me to complete a single mission (I do use OW a lot and explore cautiously).
    True for almost anything but some particular missions that took me even 1 hour.
    I spend a lot of time taking screenshots too or adjusting the camera before watching enemy turn for added awesomeness.

    Oh...and the game DOES save mid game...or every turn for the matter.
    If you exit or are interrupted....you are where you was when you restart the game.

    I played some missions back and forth on iPhone already.
  16. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Thanks for your dedication and support and the great game! Hope your devs offer you a few beers or something to compensate for your extra work due to this nasty bug...

    Also +1 for changing LOS rules...
  17. Sexy Pirate

    Sexy Pirate Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    Call centre / Parent
    Newcastle England
    for me I'm playing really slow practically over watch every turn because the losing not just the xp you gather during the mission but all unspent xp is a big deal and makes me play really slow, because losing all that xp id been saving up to buy an ability would drive me nuts.
  18. returnity

    returnity Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2013
    Now that the honeymoon with the game is over I think that one of the biggest problem with this game is the lack of crafting. We can't buy a specific weapon, we don't get loot in missions but what we get from cards is something based completely on luck, and in my case it's mostly junk.

    Crafting in Hunters 2 was excellent, and I hope that it can be implemented in the future for this game, too. Requisition points could be used for crafting IMHO. Just let me build my über weapon! Techmarines anyone? The Forge Master demands it :)
  19. Deity X

    Deity X Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2009
    Is there an optimal way to level up stats on a marine?
  20. ChaosProdigy

    ChaosProdigy Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2009
    Account Manager
    Anyone know how I can use iTunes or iExplorer to find the Deathwatch save game file? I've never done something like this so I have no idea.

    I am supposed to send it to Rodeo Games because of my crash issue. I tried to google the answer and was pointed in direction of iExplorer, but there is no Deathwatch game under apps and under documents I cant find any game folders that may have a save game file. I am at a loss as to how to get that save game file.

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