No worries, no harm done!!! But that's my experience with the game (and many friends I have, I must add). It's funny because to me Act 9 (on all difficulty settings) wasn't particularly hard. First time Carnifex was really hard for me but 8-4 on every difficulty is IMHO the hardest mission of the whole game. I died there countless times. I think I started using tier 4 weapons only in heroic, despite having unlocked them early in the game...because they aren't really better if your accuracy isn't up to the task. As for levels, I do not think ANY of my marines is over level 20, and it's AFTER I beat heroic. EDIT: I was wrong, just checked. Actually the team I completed the game with (and the one I basically play the whole game since veteran) is level 21-28-29-31-27 so they are all above level 20. But I played a bit after I completed the game (and I still do) every now and then so I do not know how much I gained after completion. For reference the Tyrannic War Veteran I unlocked and never used before completing the game is level 11 (so I guess I played quite a bit anyway).
Just to give another players perspective on the whole grinding thing: I did about 4 hours of grinding during my playthrough of this game, and that was because of mission 4-4. I believe that it was quite an intense difficulty spike that I was not ready for. This was most likely caused by a couple of instances of the game hanging during enemy turns meant I was probably slightly underleveled the first time I attempted it. I probably could have played it a few times til I got the right set of circumstances to be victorious, but I had no way of knowing that I wouldn't see another enemy that challenging for several chapters, so I decided to grind the bridge mission to unlock some skills to get me through more easily. However, I do believe that if I could have beaten 4-4, I could have finished the normal mode campaign without grinding at all. I never had to resort to grinding for levels when I replaced members of my team, but I only ever did that about 7 times in total from beginning to the end of heroic, and only ever one member at a time. I did go back and grind out a few key pieces of wargear (power fist, a few sagas of the ironwolf, etc.), but I'd estimate that probably took no more than 20 missions or so to get the parts I felt I needed/really wanted. Now I've started playing the game again with a new set of marines from the beginning. While I realize that I will have access to whatever wargear I want, I'll likely be starting with tier 2 weapons at the beginning just for accuracy sake (the only thing that pisses me off more than marines that miss are marines that die and waste my time and their exp!). I intend to play through from normal 1-1 through heroic 9-4 with the same 5 marines and zero grinding. I'll be reporting on my progress periodically as it occurs. I have the same feeling about Act 9. By the time I got to those missions, I could easily deal with a Hive Tyrant or Carnifex of that difficulty level. 8-4 was always one of the most difficult missions, along with all of heroic act 3 (1500 hp pyrovores and 4500 hp warriors by the handful! Remember, the normal carnifex only had 4000 hp >.<), 4-4, and 5-4 with its swarms of genestealers.
I didn't find grinding necessary either. I take a team through the campaign together. For Vet I use only Tier 2+ marines that have already done Normal. For Heroic, 3-4s that have finished Vet. In the future I can see myself skipping the T1 marines - just start with T2+ on normal, then play them through Vet, too. Though the occasional all-T1 trip through Vet could be interesting. Potential IAP: If new chapters are offered as IAP I'm sure I'd buy them, though perhaps not immediately. Additional maps, campaigns, or a random mission generator: Instabuy.
Great news for the additional chapters. I just hope the new heroes/stuff will not be added to the global pool of cards, but to a dedicated set. I'd hat to have to only get 1/3 chance to get one of the new cards, when my codex is already pretty furnished.
Do those fixes include a fix for the game crashing when you are deleting items from the Inventory? This occurs to me whenever I have a lot of items in there for example if I've just opened a bunch of packs. An overhaul of the inventory interface all round would be great, especially making it easy to delete multiple items would be great. Or a delete all tier 1 option. At the moment it can be incredibly clunky and annoying!
Any tips for completing Act II, Part 1? It's the one where one of the marines crash lands and you need to keep him alive for 10 turns. The guy keeps getting slaughtered before I can get anywhere near him. Thank you.
On which difficulty ? Just move him toward the bridge while your other guys advance and then regroup. That one was easy enough
Usually just keep moving the solo guy towards the group and have the group fight their way towards him slowly and safely. Gotta be patient, as the solo guy has plenty of time for the other 4 to fight their way to him.
I was wondering if they could eliminate all the wargear that comes with marines from the Inventory screen. Set things up so that the only time such items are displayed are when they're in a marine's hands, or on the wargear selection screen in the armory. You couldn't sell them off anymore, but I'd rather have them not cluttering up the Inventory screen.
This mission will also finish as soon as all five marines reach the endzone, thus it can be completed by turn 5/6
Anyone here find grenades useful ? Aside from concussion and chrono grenade, I think the rest are pretty terrible. They don't nearly do enough damage plus you lost xp if enemies get killed by grenade.
I have not found much use for grenades on my first run through i used frag grenades sometimes as my marines could not hit the broad side of a barn at times but not much use for them since at all.
On Normal difficulty I found super krak grenades quite useful to kill large enemies. On Veteran difficulty they are definetely less useful, but still allows to kill 1 enemy without using AP, can be critical sometimes.
Finally beat Heroic My all IV one Ultramarines sent the bastards back to where they came from. I must have played close to a 100 hours in total. No IAPs because the odds of getting something good is ridiculously low. I have opened about 120 packs and gotten 10 rank IV space marines and just 5 rank IV War gears. I really wish you could craft cards from requisition points, say 200 RP's for a rank IV card. As it is now, it's just bad. The RNG should take the cards you already own into account so you don't get dupes. I would gladly pay to unlock the rank IV's of each chapter but just for the slim chance to get one in a pack, no way! Anyway, really enjoyed the game, I enjoyed the non crit Carnifex but he still fell to an overcharged plasma shot from my Doom of the Behemoth.
Sadly, there's no "delete all" as much as I pushed for it, it requires a pretty big code rewrite. We had a pretty weird Multiplayer bug which would let users control other users units, this was fixed on friday so the patch just needs merging with the languages and achievements and then we're good to go. Should be this week / next week (hopefully) Grenades might might a rebalance, because once you get to the higher difficulties, Stun grenades are pretty much the only option. This is something we'll revisit
It is not true imho. Grenades are totaly useless because they can be used only once per map. It is better to have +15% damage on all shots or 5% heal on all marines per turn. I have not used them at all.
OHHH SOOO much destruction occurred. I was saving up XP for some reason so I could spend it all at once, had 30,000-60,000 XP on each character. I started a mission, and need to do something so I quit, I thought I would just lose any XP I got during that mission...SO NOW I HAVE ZERO XP, lost all my acquired XP that was unspent. Raging.