Universal Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion (by Rodeo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. RodeoMatthew

    RodeoMatthew Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    QA and Community Manager
    As I've said before, Unreal currently doesn't support it, so we can't use it.

    Very intentional. All of the T3 and T4 weapons are related to other Deathwatch chapters which didn't make it into the final game, most people will never realise but more hardcore fans did.

    It contains;

    Russian language translations
    Some fixes
  2. Fair

    Fair Member

    Aug 19, 2015
    Moscow, Russia

    Dear RodeoMatthew,
    As the PC version is coming i wonder if there is a sense to spend time on ios version. PC version will have 6 chapters although ios version have only 3.
    So the Question: will the iOS version be updated to the level of PC version content? Or PC version will have the exclusive content?
  3. ZorakZoran

    ZorakZoran Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    My question would be "will they keep the same grinding and f2p elements in the PC version, or will it be a real premium game ?" :/
  4. RodeoMatthew

    RodeoMatthew Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    QA and Community Manager
    What do you consider a ''real' premium game'?
  5. ZorakZoran

    ZorakZoran Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    #3105 ZorakZoran, Sep 18, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
    Is it a rhetorical question ? :confused:

    It's quite simple, a game you pay for, and in which you don't have any f2p elements. In your game, the balance made between the time you play and the rewards you get is really bad for anyone having a life. in a real premium game, the progression is natural, you don't have to play the same mission 215 times in order to hope unlocking tier 4 marines or equipment. Like Forza 5 and Forza 6, for example. In Forza 5, the grinding was terrible, in order to push people towards f2p elements, in Forza 6 this balance is really good.

    In Deathwatch, not only are the rewards really rare, but they're totally random, and I don't think that in a real premium game, I should have to play 2.2 during 100th of hours to be able to beat later missions, nor should I be forced to play 2.4 100th of times in order to get tier 4 rewards, mandatory to beat the harder difficulty levels.

    edit : I know some people like this, they consider that having to play 600 hours to beat the game is awesome, they have a great time/price ratio, but honestly for me, it's bad, as the grinding isn't fun, at all. I don't work in a XIXth century factory, so making the same thing without thinking during hours and hours isn't my idea of fun, YMMV.
  6. Confused.ie

    Confused.ie Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2015
    I dont agree that you need to grind to complete the game, I did very little grinding I might have ran 1.4 ten times on my first play through but I finished the game with T2 and T3 marines. I had more fun second time around but I did a bit more grinding then when i got T4 marines but still not an excessive amount, thats my two cents on it anyway :)
  7. ZorakZoran

    ZorakZoran Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    Maybe I'm just really bad at the game, but with my tier 2 marines and equipment, finishing the game in Normal wasn't possible at all, I had to grind a lot to beat the last chapter. I payed to have some packs, had some tier 3 marines (nearly 0 tier 3 equipment), grinded again a lot to unlock their abilities and give them some bonus in precision, advanced in veteran, but I stopped playing because I just had a tier 4 marine, and couldn't stand the idea of grinding again to level him.
  8. BobP

    BobP Active Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    Out of interest, who was the one 4 tier marine? I have loads of Space Wolves (10) and Blood Angels (8) and one Ultramarine and am wondering if there is some weighting going on in the tier 4s
  9. Confused.ie

    Confused.ie Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2015
    What weapons were you using? And what marines? I used two tactical one devastator and two assault the first time through. Then switched to 2 devastators one tactical and two assault on all the other playthroughs. You'll get great advice and help on this forum :)
  10. ZorakZoran

    ZorakZoran Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    #3110 ZorakZoran, Sep 18, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
    The same, one devastator, two tacticals and two assaults. For the tacticals I ended using tier 2 bolters, cause they had +15% bonus in damage, for the assaults tier 2 Powerswords and tier 2 bolter/meltagun, and for the devastator, tier 3 bolter (the only tier 3 weapon I had a the time). One equipment by marine, cause the other slots were too expensive to unlock (12k and 24k, so meaning having to grind 2.2 during maybe 6 hours, maybe even more ?).

    Now in veteran I have only tier 3 marines, 2 space wolves assault, 2 tactical blood angels, 1 tier 3 devastator blood angel, and I just unlocked the tier 4 blood angel assault, the "Sanguinary guard" I think he's called. Never had ultramarines other than tier 1.

    And so, if I want to use this tier 4 marine, unlocking his abilities, equipment, leveling him up to lvl 30 in order for him to have a big bonus in precision and nice one in critical, how long ? 20 hours ? More ?

    You finished the game in the hardest difficulty with tier 2 and 3 marines ? You're a lot better at that game than I am, that's for sure.

    edit : it's simple, in veteran, were I am, I earn around 2k XP per mission per marine. In order to gain a level at lvl 30 I need 30kXP I think ? So 3 chapters later, my marines will gain +2% in precision or critical ? I don't know what your definition of grinding, but for me that's an aweful long time for quite nothing. Again, maybe it's just that I'm really bad at tacticals, but I was quite good at Xcom or Fallout Tactics in the days...
  11. ZorakZoran

    ZorakZoran Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    And to be clear, if I'm so critical here, it's because I love the game, when I don't like a game I delete it, i don't spend time whining on the internet. The game is really good, I love playing it, but these f2p elements and this aweful grinding are putting me off what is nearly a really, really good game.
  12. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    I would like to chime in (I had the pleasure to be able to discuss this very thing with some at Rodeo too, and they are very focused on this too, believe me).

    Deathwatch is already one of my favorite games ever, probably my GOTY this year and I already had over 80 hours of pure unadulterated enjoyment from the game.
    I did complete the game with all tier 3 and 1 tier 4 (Heroic).
    I completed Veteran with all tier 3 and maybe one tier 2..can't really remember.
    Completed normal with all tier 2 and 3.
    I almost never grinded, ever (I really hate it...I did sometimes 1-2 pass of the bridges mission when I was short of 1K for a next skill).

    I think the game REALLY shines, as always Rodeo games do, when you try hard to 'crack' a mission with what you have.
    Sometimes, imho it's just a psychological thing for some, it's easy to think...this is too hard....let me grind some hours and replay this mission...and if you do the mission will be actually easier.
    As I HATE grinding...that wasn't an option for me....so I tried and I think this is where the game is at its best (Warhammer Quest on hard was the same).
    And it's not bragging, I'm no better than anyone else.
    Try...the satisfaction will be great when you finally succeed.
    I remember some missions that were close to impossible till I changed just one equipped item, or one weapon....and then they were ultra easy (but the same config doesn't always work, so you have to adapt with what you have).
    I wasn't particularly lucky....so even if I completed the game on Heroic I have just 2 tier 4....and I used just one.

    And here it's where the grinding IS a problem for the game, imho.
    (Remember at this point I already played over 80 hours, and multiplayer is coming too, so it's not a con of the actual game itself, but more an inherent problem for people that want to see everything about the game, and imho a problem for Rodeo too, because they put so much stuff in the game it would be a pity people won't see it).

    I'm maybe the minority here (I do not think so, I do not think a lot of people will play the campaign 3 times even) but I do not see myself playing over and over the same missions again just to 'check' new marines (leveling them up) or new chapters (no matter how cool they might be) or trying to get specific marines to try new squad configurations.
    Not with the same mission and Acts at least.
    I would totally do it if there was new content (it would be really tricky to balance tough) or other methods (some already suggested some cool things, and I'm sure Rodeo is reading and planning, if not in this game, for expansions or sequels...or at least that's what I hope).
    So, while I think it's unfair to say the game REQUIRES grinding (it does not, nor iaps are required, for the matter), the grinding thing is a problem after one completed the whole game, a problem for the players who would like to experiment but hate grinding, and a problem for Rodeo who put so much things in the game already and of course want people to see them...and hopefully buy new possible things that will come.
    There are many solutions to this but they must be evaluated by Rodeo who is the only one who knows what's coming and their plans for the future (random levels, in the vein of Hunters 2 or WHQ, XP doubler/triplers after you complete heroic, merging lower tiers unused marines to 'create' new ones, transferring XPs, etc....).
  13. 8BitFlash

    8BitFlash Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2015
    I want to buy this game..but if I pay five bucks I don't want to have to pay more to buy character packs, are you kidding me. Come on what's with the F2p elemenst
  14. ZorakZoran

    ZorakZoran Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    #3114 ZorakZoran, Sep 18, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
    So, Pitta you say to me that you never grinded. Though you also tell you had new Marines during the game. And these new Marines you had, you used them, like this, with no abilities, no chance to hit with tier 3 or 4 weapons, during your game. Without grinding ever ? I'm sorry but I doubt that, using your tier 4 Marine in heroic without leveling him before ? Knowing what you can earn in a mission, and what you need to buy an ability or a level, I'm sorry but I can't believe it one second. I'm finding already hard to believe you managed to pass chapter 9 on normal without grinding before, but I'll put this on my absolute lack of strategy in the game, but telling me that you ended the game in heroic without grinding ever, seriously ?

    I must seriously suck...
  15. Kotovsky

    Kotovsky Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2012
    It's hardly possible to complete last chapter with tier1 unexperienced marines.
  16. cyllwynn

    cyllwynn Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2011
    my buying experience so far

    I have a question for RodeoMatthew that isn’t even confrontational! I can only assume there will be content packs at some point, and I don’t expect info on them to be divulged.

    But can we expect a random mission generator with random loot at any point?

    The story mission are amazing. Honestly really good. But being about to take my badasses out on random missions for experience and loot would be soo fun!!! Any info on such a feature?

    This is just my experience so far with the game.

    I bought it for myself and gifted it to my best friend on the day it launched. We are both in out late 30’s if it matters. I don’t want to get into a nonsense debate of F2P and premium games, but thought this example would at least illustrate that Rodeo found a great midpoint in our case.

    Since launch we have both play way too much.
    We are both nearing the end of Hero difficulty.
    We both have about the same number of Tier 3/4 marines. I have a few more.
    We both have about the same amount of Tier 3/4 gear.
    I spent ~$20 on packs.
    He spent $0 on packs.
    He definitely had to grind more for gear, and resources to buy packs. Probably 10-20 hours more.
    We both love the game.

    So for us it was a low cost premium game that for him allowed for more grinding and not to spend anymore money. For me, it was worth it to start with more of the marines and gear that I wanted from the beginning.

    That said. I think the card packs for real money should simply not have any Tier 1 stuff. It sucks to spend money and get a T2 stim and two crappy T1 cards. I think the game was worth $25, I just wish I had gotten a fuller lineup of marines rather than so many duplicates of T1 and T2 guys.
  17. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Well, I'm sorry you doubt it but I can't really say anything to convince you (or I even want to) but try to help if you are stuck in a particular zone with a particular config (to the best of my knowledge).
    If you read the thread you will see many others did the same....and many you see have basically all types of tier 4 marines have grinded AFTER completing the game (to fully develop late acquired marines you can really only play heroic).
    If I remember correctly, I fully developed my marines just in Act 9 of heroic.
    On normal I had just 2-3 skills per marine and just one slot at Act 9-4, having dumped all XP on accuracy to use the (eventual) higher tier weapons.
    To be honest I think I would have had an easier time if I unlocked 2 slots before even the skills (but always after accuracy)....not sure.
    When I got a new marine I really wanted to use it was him alone and I baby sit him for at least on entire Act before he could hit anything.
    And that was with normal weapons.
    Many times I didn't even enroll a new cooler marine or used for long a higher tier weapon because my marines weren't up to the par.
    As for the tier 4 one...it was in,y on heroic that it started to be useful...and I still have nightmares when he died wasting over 25K XP (two times actually).

    I was able to almost fully develop my marines because as I said I was unlucky...so basically I had the same team since mid veteran.
    I actually unlocked a new super cool tier 4 marine during heroic...but it's still there unused because it would require some serious grinding and I do not have fun doing that.

    Ill give you just one example anyway (hoping you trust me this time) that has been a,ready made several time...and I was a bit disappointed with people because IMHO it's a huge spoiler. (It's not anymore).

    If you arrive in front of the Carnifex unprepared it will tear you apart.
    And again.
    And again.

    If forum didn't exist, looking at the codex, one would surely think you have to grind a ton to have a chance...or spend a fortune to get some 'powerful magical weapon'.
    As a matter of fact it IS hard but I'm sure a lot of people found the mission a TON easier after reading that a clever use of the slowing weapon or a precise charged plasma cannon shot can do the trick.
    I died a lot when I first hit the mission, but when finally 'cracked it' using multiple plasma weapons (I didn't have a plasma cannon unfortunately) and sacrificing one marine for to block the beast (I didn't have a slowing weapon) I felt like a true hero.
    Without grinding.
    It was maybe the first time I used plasmas....because before that mission I didn't like their output and I preferred meltas and bolters.

    That is just an example of what I intended with the 'psychological thing' about grinding.

    Make of that what you want...but as someone said, I'm pretty sure you can complete the game with just tier 1 marines (the less skills to unlock will give you a ton more accuracy, critical and faster slot unlocks).
  18. Psylance

    Psylance Active Member

    Sep 18, 2015
    Long time lurker joining the discussion....

    I have to agree with all those who have said this is among the best games they have ever played. I think it's absolutely outstanding and I have had more hours of enjoyment playing it than almost any other game I've played over the last few years. That being said, I also have to agree with those that feel the game demands grinding and in this respect it is really like a F2P game.

    I cannot imagine anyone beating the final mission without a certain amount of grinding to 'level up' their units to use the more powerful but less accurate weapons. I don't believe it's possible and I'd be in awe of anyone who was willing to do a video capture of their run through of that level with a bunch of Tier 2 units that haven't been leveled up through a decent amount of grinding.

    In regard to the business model that Rodeo will go with, while it would be wonderfully idealistic to keep the best interest of the player in mind and give them a 'pay once unlock all the content' IAP option, that's just not how business works. They have salaries to pay, overhead and other expenses to cover and at the end of the day, regardless of how much they love what they are doing, they want to make a profit. The current hybrid premium/F2P model makes them vastly more than a one time payment model ever would. Just look at at the number of people on this forum that have bought $40 (or $400!!!) worth of packs. When was the last time you spent $40 on a one time purchase of a mobile app? Never. Because there are none that cost that much. (Though Square Enix's games come close. :p )

    So, I understand why they use this business model, and I don't have a problem with it. It's a great game and the developers deserve to be rewarded for it. However, I think there are still a number of things that could be done within this hybrid business model that would reduce player frustration without reducing profits. They already have a algorithm that supplies better items in Veteran and Heroic for completing a mission. Tweaking it just a little would go a LONG way to satisfying those of us that want to complete the codex. It's incredibly frustrating to get Tier 1 units and items in your packs when going through Heroic. They are all completely useless at that point.

    It would be a relatively simple thing to tweak the algorithm to look at what a player has already unlocked and give a slightly higher weighting to those items that he doesn't have yet. In fact, after the player has gone through the game once and are playing through it for a second or third time, maybe it's time to reward them with a Tier 2 or higher unit with each end of mission pack. This would be a big incentive to encourage people who have played once to try it again. Yes, crafting could do the same thing if Rodeo introduced it. But I think you are taking a big step closer to F2P by doing that. You still have the grinding. And it would be a LOT more work from a coding perspective since it would need a whole new front end UI component and back end mechanics. Tweaking the algorithm, on the other hand, doesn't require anything else to be changed in the game.
  19. Psylance

    Psylance Active Member

    Sep 18, 2015
    By the way, for those of you asking for iCloud support, there is an alternative - more of a hack really - to allow you to play on multiple devices. Since Unity doesn't support iCloud saving, it's not something Rodeo can add. But, if you don't regularly switch back and forth between your devices, you can transfer the game contents through iTunes.

    I do this if I know I am going to be taking my phone with me somewhere and I won't have my iPad. Then, when I return, I can transfer my progress from my iPhone back to my iPad.

    You attach the device with the most current version of the game to your computer, and under Apps in iTunes you can select Deathwatch and save the folder that appears on the right to your computer. Then attach the device you want to move it to, delete the DeathwatchGame folder on that device and drag in the one you just saved from your other device. The game continues from exactly where you left off. (It's also good for keeping a backup of your game.)

    This might have been obvious to everyone, but I'm pointing it out just in case someone wasn't aware that this was possible.
  20. ZorakZoran

    ZorakZoran Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    Ok, ok, I'm sorry if I sounded unpolite (not polite, I don't know the word), but honestly the carnifex wasn't such a problem for me, I had a strong devastator with a plasma cannon, an assault with stun grenades, but arriving in 9.1, they wiped me so hard... Maybe I didn't place correctly, maybe I didn't use good equipment, maybe I shouldn't have unlocked abilities, rather accuracy, maybe I'm just bad at this game, but I was wiped out of existence maybe ten times. Then I payed for packs, grinded for hours, came back, and beat the damn chapter, but with what I had at the time I just couldn't see a way to get past the damn level. 9.4 was also real hard, but after a lot of attempts I managed to beat it. For me, it seems absolutely impossible to beat the chapter before grinding, or without having huge luck with what you get as equipment, weapons and Marines.

    And when I saw that each tier 3 and 4 weapons have so low accuracy, the amount of levels needed to compensate are just huge... When you lose 30% accuracy with a weapon, it means 15 levels to gain to compensate, and going from level 10 to 25, in veteran, I don't know if you can do it during the entire campaign... But it seems you're not the only one managing to deal with that, so I apologize and will put it on the fact that I don't know how to play.

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