So I've noticed a few times over the last couple of days a little bug and I was wondering if anyone else had seen it. Occasionally, a melee enemy seems to get an extra attack. I've almost exclusively seen it happen with genestealers, but I've seen a hormogaunt do it one time as well. I've only noticed the bug when an enemy moves three units and then attacks twice. Now that I've beaten the game, I don't pay a huge amount of attention during the enemy turn, but I'd guess I noticed the bug maybe a half dozen times in total, enough to convince me it wasn't just my imagination or a miscalculation. Anyone else have any experience with a bug like this? Or is my brain just playing tricks on me?
Do you remember if you where surrounded by the genestealers? The loading screen hint says they are more effective, or something like that, if they surround you. Maybe that's it?
Originally Posted by The Infamous E: I personally stopped playing until a crafting or upgrade system is introduced. The grind is just too heavy for the limited time I have to play. It's still a great game, just burned me out once the honeymoon phase was over... E I've stopped playing because on my iPad 4, it's barely playable. I can only assume it has more to do with the Unreal engine rather than Rodeos design, but there has to be some kind optimization that could improve performance; the frame rates and load times are way too slow, especially for a turnbased game.
Hi guys, I'm new to the game, where's the best act to grind. I jus finish act 2.2. Btw is there ever an in app sale in this game? Wish to get a few to support the developer...
Maybe your marine retaliated and the alien retailiated to this? I have the impression that this can happen?
I used battle rage with my tactical and the app ignored the range of the melta and shot everything visible to the marine... Bug or by design? Does not make sense really...
Nope. Genestealers (and Hive Tyrants) gain accuracy against a target they surround (you can click on the buff when you have one selected). I've never seen this happen before. And it's definitely not the case here, as it happens when they attack ranged marines too. The sequence of events is always move-move-move-attack-attack. Most xenos only have 4 AP, and no xenos have 5. This is a known bug. Very obnoxious with Black Rage as you can one-shot your own marine from across the map if you aren't careful.
Any thoughts on the best weapon for a long fang? He is built for the tier 4 space wolf only lascannon but I wonder if a plasma weapon would work better?
I have: 6 Lone Wolves 3 Sang Guard 2 Wolf Guard 2 Sternguard 2 Sang Priests 1 Long Fang 1 Tyrannic War Vet Who must I bribe to get a Master of Relics?! I have three Doom of the Behemoths gathering dust
I hate using the triplex alpha on mine, but I do it anyways because it's so effective. I just got my first one a couple days ago. Definitely making me lean more towards ultramarines for my second play through. Or maybe just 4 BA's + MoR
Thanks very much, good to know! Two shots a round would be great and option of charged shots, just worried about jamming. Running the Tyrannic War Vet with a plasma gun and he has been sitting out half the battle
Unfortunately in terms of damage there is no real alternative to the triplex alpha, I use one on my long fang. Cool and all as the lascannon is it doesn't compare to an overcharged plasma bolt.
PixelBeep commented playthrough - 40+ videos Hi Guys, I have been doing a commented play-through of the series since July. Feel free to watcha and comment, there are some epic moments, such as a SW getting lucky and beating a Carnifex 1v1 early on with a powerfist. Happy for all the comments, likes, shares, subs, etc. you are willing to give if you like the series.
Welcome PixelBeep! Glad to see you on the forum. Your's is the only real decent lets play of this game that I've seen anywhere, and you're always good for a laugh. Thank you for taking the time and effort to put this together, and good luck in the future! (although judging by the number of times that carnifex missed your marines, I'd say you've already got plenty of luck on your side)
Cheers, truth be told, I am a sucker for Warhammer 40k Games and this one is just very very good, regardless whether portable, I would have loved it the same on PC. I think as I progress through the game and run into the more difficult sections, I tend to be less humorous and a bit more frustrated, but now that I finished the Normal run and have moved over to veteran, I can be more relaxed. Also, you should have seen me being lucky on the last mission. will try to record it later on...
I don't remember the difficulty step-ups being relaxing on my first play through... But keep up the good work! #
when the MP update comes, it could be handy to use the new Discord app and create a chat room for Deathwatch TA users. (Look at the TA news about it Not sure how it works right now. I'm looking into it.