Universal Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion (by Rodeo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. Ortanius

    Ortanius New Member

    Sep 3, 2015
    @Carabak I'm not sure how or why, but your suggestion worked. I headed right and went up that hallway and had my assault marine use "charge" to bee line toward the objective. I ended up aggro'ing a hive guard on the way but for whatever reason, it didn't lock up. I'm on to the next act and pleased to be able to move on. Prior to starting the "mind of the beast" level on this playthrough, I spent all my exp in anticipation of having to abort, so I didn't end up losing anything this time. Thank you for your assistance!
  2. Carabak

    Carabak Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    Thanks ortanius. It's worth using tricks like this and the others to get through this game. It really is pretty amazing!
  3. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Try a party of 5 Lone Wolfs. Levelled up with Medusa Plasma Pistols, Frostskull's Strength and Saga of the Ironwolf... You basically break the game.
  4. vect

    vect Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    I'm glad you past the bug! It will occasionally happen with hive guards on other levels to, but most people can usually get by with the exit app + pinching trick. If all else fails, your best bet is to email your save file to [email protected] and they'll unstick the save and send it back to you. Rodeo is usually pretty good about it getting it back quickly :)

    Also, welcome to the forum :D
  5. Stigweard

    Stigweard New Member

    Sep 4, 2015
    Mapping Wargear Drops

    Heya folks,

    After finishing all levels a few weeks back I was messing around the other day just farming for credits to get new cards. I noticed that each mission has specific wargear that drops ... it would seem one item from each tier. With a potential 120 items to map it is a pretty huge job so I am wondering if anyone else wants to jump in and collaborate.

    Here is what I have found so far:

    Act I Part 2 - Infection

    IV Bolt Pistol - Urus' Word
    III Wargear - Impedance Field

    Act I Part 3 - Labyrinth

    IV Grav Gun - Death Pride
    III Plasma Gun - Guillimans Fury

    Act I Part 3 - Wound

    IV Infernus Pistol - Dante's Flame
    III Powerfist - Hand of Angels

    Act II Part 1 - Regroup

    III Bolter - Knight Breaker
    II Bolt Pistol - Mastercrafted

    Act 3 Part 1 - Breakthrough

    IV Plasma Gun - Pyre Talon
    III Hand Flamer - Heretic's Due

    Act VI - Part 3 Execute

    IV Axe of Cath - Power Axe
    III Grav Gun - Lunar Noctis
    III Wargear - Blood Drop
  6. vect

    vect Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    #2987 vect, Sep 4, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
    Good luck finding 5x medusa though. Also, by the time you get there, xenos crushers are better better damage than frostskulls. But that's just me nit-picking because I still don't have a single medusa yet :( not that I don't enjoy pistol sniping with ursa's word, but I'd like to try a weapon with 500% crit damage lol
  7. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    I prefer the 20% chance to gain an AP when you move than the added damage with Xenos Crusher but that's just me.
  8. BobP

    BobP Active Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    I prefer frost skull for move bonus and it seems to deal more damage with criticals
  9. RodeoMatthew

    RodeoMatthew Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    QA and Community Manager
    We haven't forgotten about the guys who signed up for multiplayer, we're currently chasing an issue and once we've fixed it, we'll release it out to the beta guys.

    It shouldn't be much longer now, probably sometime early next week.
  10. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    yeah,well...and how much money was needed to get to this point?Most other player will never reach this ;)
  11. The Grey Knight

    The Grey Knight Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2014
    I had seven lone wolves without spending anything but farm time, the pack loop saw to it for me.
  12. Phoenix24

    Phoenix24 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 7, 2012
    Lancashire, England
    I think that Lone Wolves are easier to obtain than Medusa. I have only one of these pistols and it makes my Lone Wolf much more effective than my second LW
  13. vect

    vect Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    #2994 vect, Sep 4, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
    The lone wolf has this built in to his kit. Are you sure the two bonuses stack? I'm just curious cause I haven't tried it yet.

    Xenos crusher definitely cried harder. It has higher base damage and 300% crit damage vs frostskulls 200%. Plus it has the bonus damage for a turn after you take damage. The frostskull does have 5% more crit chance (which gives a full 100% for a maxed out lone wolf, xenos users only end up 95% crit chance) and the highest accuracy bonus of any tier 4 weapon in the game. However, since you'll be leveling your accuracy for your pistol anyways, that becomes a moot point at higher marine levels (but it takes a ton of grinding to get to that point lol)

    No problem mat. We appreciate that you're Helping us help you help us! Gotta squash those pesky bugs!

    You are correct sir.

    There are a total of 47 marines in the game, 9 of which are tier 4s. There are 86 unique weapons, 26 of which are tier 4 and 65 pieces of wargear, 16 of which are tier 4. Assuming that every tier 4 has an equal chance to proc in a pack after patch 1.2, that means you have a 1 in 9 chance to get a lone wolf from any pack that profs a t4 marine where as you only have a 1 in 42 chance to get a medusa per t4 weapon/wargear proc. Assuming that any one of the three cards in a pack has an equal chance of being t4, you'll have double the chance of getting a t4 weapon or wargear in a pack as you would a t4 marine. Now I'm sure rodeo won't give us what the exact % chance for a card to be a t4 is, but let's assume it's around 5%.

    Using these numbers (some of which are assumed/invented, but for the purposes of this demonstration, should give us a fair enough idea), on average we would have to open 420 packs to get a medusa whereas a single lone wolf only requires 180 packs to find. That means most people will have either 11 or 12 lone wolves by the time they found their 5th medusa. Another way to look at it: it would take almost 8900 runs of a heroic mission to earn that many packs if you sold all the post mission rewards and unwanted cards from the packs. At 3 minutes a run, it'd take you 18.5 days of grinding to get that 5th medusa. Or you could spend $2000 to just buy your way through. At only $4.5 per hour saved, that's not a bad price :)

    In other words, holy epic grind batman!

    Also, im obviously bored at work today :-/
  14. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Definitely stacks and procs twice. 40% chance to gain An AP when you move or 20% chance to gain 2 AP on a move (I realize my math may be wrong. Point Dexters need not chime in).

    As for Medusa Pistols... I have 8... Ish. Maybe more. I deleted surplus lone wolves so I only have 5.
  15. vect

    vect Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Ah, interesting. I've been using the fenrisian frost axe on my only lone wolf for a while just to beef him up to be my frontliner, but his stats are starting to get high enough to think about switching. With the axe + ursa's word, I have garauntees hits and crits at lvl 36, which is fun!

    Wish I could get a medusa though. Just gotta keep on grinding away :)
  16. Dark Lars

    Dark Lars New Member

    Sep 5, 2015
    Hi guys,
    Amazing game, I'm about to finish it on Heroic and still quite hooked after several weeks. Can't wait to see the "cool stuff".
    Anyway, I just wanted to share with Rodeo guys what I've found that seems a bug. I've just obtained a Level 3 SW tactical champion (the guy with the helmet on wolf's shape). Well, I assumed that he should have 2 abilities and 5 traits, as any other of the champions that I have, but he only has 2 abilities and 3 traits, as if he were a Level 2 Veteran instead of a Level 3 Champion. Is this a bug? If so, are you planning to fix it on an update? Thanks and forgive any mistakes, I'm not a native speaker.

    Attached Files:

  17. BobP

    BobP Active Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    I agree, this can't be intended. Since drawing this guy I have drawn two Wolf Guard so no biggie for me but hope they so fix it!
  18. RodeoMatthew

    RodeoMatthew Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    QA and Community Manager
    I did address this previously. He's missing some abilities because they had to be removed from the game at the 11th hour, they really broke the balancing throughout.

    We should be replacing them AFAIK.
  19. Fair

    Fair Member

    Aug 19, 2015
    Moscow, Russia
    #3000 Fair, Sep 7, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
    Dear RodeoMatthew
    Your post is strange because i think that Lone Wolf is More unbalanced unit than this champion.
    If you compare Lone Wolf with any other melee marine - you'll see that Lone Wolf is definitely uncontested unit. 100% crit with an axe... and i have run the whole heroic with 2 Lone wolfs with out any problem. 9-4 heroic was just a free run... 2 Lone Wolfs made solo 20k damage on the last boss and killed him with his 2 guards in 1 turn.

    Also: could you please provide the info how this damage can exist?


    This damage is made by this marine:


    With this weapon:


    According to my calculations this dammage mathematically cannot exist. I think there is something hidden like armor table or something.

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